Don't Ever Forget

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(Sorry i haven't updated in awhile, online school in this social distancing thing has kept me busy all day for most of the week. Once this Coronavirus thing calms down and i get back to a normal schedule, i should be able to update more often.)
(Just a warning, towards the end, this chapter does get a little intense, but you have to understand one thing: Frankie felt trapped after Thanos killed half the world and didn't grow at all as a person. She was stuck for 5 years but kept aging. She never learned to let go of old feelings, and those feeling came back when everyone else did in Endgame, even though they (you probably know who i'm talking about) came back 5 years younger. She's not a pedophile, she just still feels 16 and her life was stolen from her numerous times.)
"Hold still," Happy says, bringing up the needle with thread tied to it to stitch up a huge cut on Peter's back, just below his neck. We noticed it when we saw the back of the orange shirt soaked in blood.
Peter flinches as Happy pokes the needle into his skin again to make another stitch. He still has blood on the side of his face.
"I thought you had super strength," Happy says, staying focused on the needle and thread.
"It still hurts," Peter argues.
"Are you sure you don't want me to--" i start to say.
Peter cuts me off. "I'm sure!" He helf-shouts.
"Relax, just a few more." Happy pokes the needle through again "There we g--"
"Gah!" Peter yells and slams a fist in the table.
"Don't tell me to relax!" Peter shouts, and leaps up from his chair. "Don't tell me to relax, Happy! How can I relax when I've messed up so bad? I trusted Beck, right? I thought he was my friend so I gave him the only thing that Mr. Stark left behind for me and now he's going to kill my friends and half of Europe, so please do not tell me to relax!"
He collapses into a different chair by me.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't shout." He runs a hand through his hair and leans over, his elbow on his knee holding him up. He sits back up a few seconds later and takes a deep, shaking breath. "I just really miss him."
"I miss him, too," Happy replies.
"Everywhere i go...i see his face. And the whole world is asking who's going to be the next Iron Man and..." His voice shakes, like he's about to cry. "I don't know if that's me, Happy. I'm not Iron Man."
By now, you've probably figured out that seeing the people i care about and love in pain causes me to be in pain. So when Peter stafts crying, so do i. But not as much as him. My eyes water, but that's it. The energy in the room is making me feel heavy, like i'll sink right into the floor.
"You're not Iron Man. You're never going to be Iron Man. Nobody can live up to Tony. Not even Tony. Tony was my best friend. And he was a mess. He second-guessed everything he did, he was all over the place. The one thing he did that he didn't second-guess was picking you. I don't think Tony would've done what he did... if he didn't know that you were going to be here after he was gone."
"And the only reason he did it," I say, even though he's pretending not to hear me. "Was because of you. He wasn't going to help us with time travel, and he was being really stubborn. But a single picture of you changed his mind. I may have helped some, but it was the hope of bringing you back that brought everyone back. Everyone who got Snapped away." He looks at me. "Trillions of people are alive because of you."
"I...i didn't know that." Peter says. His eyes are red and puffy, but no tears have spilled over as far as i can tell.
"Your friends are in trouble," Happy continues. "You two are alone. Your tech is missing. What are you gonna do about it, Peter?"
Peter sniffs and stands up. "I'm gonna kick his ass."
"No, I mean right now. Specifically, what are we gonna do? Because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last fifteen minutes."
"Right, um... I can't call my friends because he's tracking their phones... uh, do you still have that phone you had in the town?"
"Yeah, but i don't know the password." I say, taking it out of my pocket.
"Happy, give me your phone."
"My-- my cell phone?" He asks.
Happy hands Peter his cell phone and Peter asks for the password.
"Password," Happy replies.
"No, what is your password?"
"Password. The word. Spell it out, password."
"You're the head of security and your password is 'password'?"
"Yeah, I don't feel good about it either."
Peter quickly types in Password and taps on a few things before sound comes through the phone.
"Ello, governor! Cup of tea for you?" An annoyingly familiar voice says through the phone in a bad british accent. "I'mma be in London soon."
"They're in London," Peter announces, turning the phone to us and pointing at Flash's face. Ew.
Happy stands up and starts to move to the front of the plane.
"I need a suit!" Peter shouts, and Happy turns around with a small grin.
"Suit?" He turns back around and presses a button on the ceiling between the cockpit and seated area.
The back part of the ship opens up like an old iPhone taking a picture, and behind it is a seperate room. It's dark but i can see things moving around in there.
Happy walks back up to us with a faint smile, and Peter smiles back towards him. He makes his way back there as the room lights up, revealing a bunch of scienc-y stuff. I get up and follow Peter in there to see what it is.
There's a giant cylinder on the wall and the whole room is made of grey metal. All kinds of contraptions pop out of the walls and on of them comes from the ceiling, flooding the room with daylight from outside. Peter puts his hand on the surface and a blue holographic grid surrounds it. His hand comes back and and he says ", bring up everything you have on Spider-Man."
About 5 different little holograms of different Spider-Man suits pop up, all different sizes. One of them is the SHIELD suit, another the Iron Spider suit, and another of his normal blue and red suit. The other two are ones i've never seen before.
He starts messing with things and talking to the computer (or whatever that is). I soon figure out that it's some sort of suit builder. I have no idea how it works, but it's probably best if i stay out of it. I don't have the best track record with technology (2 broken phones, 1 destroyed laptop and counting...)
He looks like he knows what he's doing, so i back up into the seated area and watch from afar. He ends uo sticking his arm in a blue hologram of what seems to be the web shooter from the Iron Spider suit and turns around to mess with it on the other side of the room, but catches Happy and I staring at him.
"Whatm" he asks.
"Nothing," Happy says, and i notice he's smiling to himself. I'm curious, so i take a peek...and i see Tony doing something extremely similar in his own lab where he made his Iron Man suits. It makes me smile a little bit, too.
"You take care of the suit, i'll take care of the music." Happy turns back around and presses a button next to the one he pressed to open up the suit-builfing room. The plane is filled with a familiar guitar riff.
"Oh, i love Led Zepplin!" Peter shouts over the speakers.
"exCUSE ME?!" I screech.
"What?" Peter asks, staring at me like i just scared the shit out of him.
"Led. Zepplin? No. Oh no, hon. That there is AC/DC's Back In Black, not Led Zepplin. This is the most disappointed i've ever been in you."
"So this tops me giving Beck EDITH, which is the reason you could get killed?"
"Yes, i'm more disappointed in you for this than that."
"She needs to sort out her priorities," Peter says, imitating Ron from the first Harry Potter movie. I'm not gonna lie, he has an amazing british accent. Where the hell did that come from?
"Stop joking around and finish your suit."
"Yes ma'am."
"Don't ever call me 'ma'am' again."
"Yes sir." He laughs.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, i swear--"
Awhile later, i look out the window and see huge cliffs with bright green grass on the tops of them. We've been flying over ocean most of this time, so we must be getting close to the UK.
That stroopwafle is starting to wear off. My stomch growls and a dizzy spell comes on, making the room sway.
Peter taps his fingers impatiently on the metal of the suit making contraption and Happy comes up to us from the front.
"Fury's got the coded message," he announces. "Your friends are at the tower bridge. I'm gonna go scoop 'em up, okay? We're close."
"We're close," Peter repeats. He may have stopped tapping his fingers but his leg is bouncing up and doen now. I don't blame him, i'm nervous, too. There's a pit in my stomach, and not just from being hungry again. My stomach turns over and i feel nauseous. I wrap my arms around my waist and squeeze. I stop when the wound on my arm burns.
"How's the suit coming?" Happy asks
"Almost done," Peter answers, checking it.
"Wait, wait," Peter reaches into his pocket. "Before you go...if something happens to me, could you please give this to MJ?" He holds up the necklace he told me about. I'd never actually seen it, but it's so pretty. That butter feeling invades my head again and i try to push it out.
I'm not jealous i think i'm not jealous, i'm not jealous, i'm not jealous!
Oh, who am i kidding? Of course i am! I envy MJ. If Peter hadn't have gotten Snapped away we'd probably be together, to be honest.
But of course i had to be a dramatic dumb-ass and stay away. If i was there, it never would have happened and things would have been as close to normal as a person like me could get. Is it so wrong to want something i could have had, but was stolen from me?
Yes, it is. It's wrong because i love Harley. I love Harley, i love Harley, i love Harley...
I love Peter.
And i hate myself for it.
"Don't say that," i say. "You're going to make it back and you'll give it to her yourself!" I didn't mean to yell.
" okay?" Peter asks, handing the necklace to Happy.
"Just dandy," i say.
"What's wrong?"
"You know very well what's wrong."
"I thought you said you'd try to stop it from happening."
"I said i'd try, not that i was 100% sure it wouldn't happen."
Tears spring to my eyes.
"God, and i am so SICK of crying!" I press my palms to my eyes and lean over. My eyes immedeatly puff up and whatever make-up i still had on is gone by now with all the fucking tears.
"You're going to be fine," Happy assures me.
"I'm going to die," my voice cracks with every word. I'm going to die like i should have when i was little and Strucker's experiments left me nearly dead everytime. Like i should have 6 1/4 years ago when the Avengers should have killed me like i wanted them to, like i should have 6 years ago when Thanos snapped half the world out of existence, like i should have 5 years ago when i tried to kill myself, like i should have 8 months ago when i should have drowned to death.
"No, you're not," Peter pulls my ahnds away from my face. Don't do that to me.
"You don't know that!"
"And you don't know that you're going to die!"
"Hey, you two calm down!" Happy yells over us. "You're going to be fine," he points at Peter, "You're going to be fine," he points at me. "Your friends are going to be fine, we're all going to be fine! But if you two don't pull yourselves together, we won't."
"You're right," i nod, and the room spins again. I groan quietly, and Peter notices.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"The stuff we ate in the Netherlands is wearing off," i mumble so only Oeter can hear me. "I'll be fine."
"Happy, do you have anything to eat on here?" Peter asks as Hapoy makes his way back to the cockpit. I put my head in my hands and breathe. My stomach flips again.
"No, i don't think so," Happy says. "Why?"
"Frankie's not doing too well. She hadn't eaten for 2 days before this and we only had a little bit in the Netherlands."
"Nothing i can do, sorry!" Happy calls back after he makes it to the cockpit.
"Just hold on. This will be over soon and--"
"Peter," i cut him off. "I..." I have to say something, but i don't know what to say.
I settle on "I'm scared."
"I know," he says. "Me too."
I stand up from the chair and instantly regret it. The room sways and my legs buckle underneath me. Peter swiftly catches me and brings me back up.
I wrap my arms around him and press my head into his shoulder. He hugs me back, and let's me lean into him, even though he's hurt much worse than i am right now, but i don't know if i'd be able to stand in this moving plane with all the dizziness, anyway. He heals quick, though, and it doesn't seem to bother him.
I close my eyes and a tear slips onto my face. My throat clenches and i'm trying to keep from crying. But my arm throbs intensely and my head is pounding from the low blood sugar and trying to hold back tears and other things.
"I love you," i whisper. "Whatever happens, i love you. Don't ever forget that."
"I won't," he replies quietly. "I love you, too."
We don't let go of each other for a while.

In Loving Memory [A Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanfiction] *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now