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This is my first crossover book, so hopefully it turns out well! Please enjoy, everyone!


"Natsu! Behind you!" a bright red haired girl shouted after punching a demon-dog like creature halfway across the guild hall they were in.

Turning around, Natsu sent a flaming fist in the direction of an oncoming wizard, knocking him out with ease. "Thanks Akina!"

All around her, Wizards were fightning. A guild called Blessed Oath— the fourth strongest guild in Fiore— decided to ambush the guild just as everyone was starting to leave, leading to an intense battle between the two guilds.

"What is the meaning of this, Master Yohago?" Master Makarov asked, staring down angrily at a young looking woman at the doorway.

"FairyTail has been at the top for far too long, Makarov. It's time for another guild to take the title of number one." She said, her voice seeping with malice.

"That's what this is about? My guild will not go down that easily. You will regret this petty decision." Makarov seethed and the fighting continued, seeming to get more brutal.

Akina felt her back press up against someone else's, and looking down over her shoulder, she spotted Wendy, who was only a few inches shorter than her. Making eye contact with the younger girl, the two of them nodded.

"Nature Dragon/Sky Dragon: Roar!" They shouted at the same time, a stream of air blasting out of Wendy's mouth and a stream of leaves blasted out of Akina's mouth. After knocking away a couple wizards, the two of them worked together to fight off a crowd of wizards hoping to overwhelm them with sheer numbers.

By the time they had beaten the crowd around them, Akina could feel blood trailing down her arm from an open cut on her shoulder, as well as a a stream of blood down her forehead.

"These guys are tough." Wendy said from behind her.

"Yeah. But it looks like their numbers are dwindling, they choose the wrong guild to overthrow."

"We did it everyone!" Natsu shouted victoriously as the last wizard from Blessed Oath turned tail and retreated.

After a small silence, everyone started cheering.

"We did it! I knew we would win!" Lucy shouted, a bright smile on her face despite the apparent exhaustion from her over summoning spirits.

As everyone was starting to celebrate their victory, a strange scent hit her nose. Turning around suddenly, she found herself face to face with a cloaked man.

"You might have made my guild retreat and loose our pride, Faries, but don't think you won't be loosing something today as well." He said, his voice getting the attention of everyone.

Before anyone could make a move, he placed a hand on Akina's shoulder and a strange tingling feeling came over her. Looking down at her hands, she noticed that she had started glowing, her fingered starting to dissolve into orbs of bright light, dissolving into the air.

"What are you doing to her?" Erza shouted, pressing a sword to the man's neck.

"Sorry, it's nothing personal— well it is. But don't expect to be seeing this little girl ever again."

Akina looked over her shoulder and at the stunned guild, giving them a smile, she tried to reassure them."I'm going to be all right." After that, her vision turned white, and she immediately felt the sensation of falling.

Maybe because I am falling! Shit shit shit! She thought with a panic, wind rushing past her body as the ground kept on getting closer to her. All right, calm down Aki. It's just a little fall, you can survive this. Reaching her hand in front of her, she summoned a vine, forcing it to grow and catch her just before she collided with the ground.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Akina hugged the vine as it lowered her to the ground. "That was stressful." She muttered, kneeling down and slumping her shoulders as the vine retreated into the ground. Looking around, Akina realized she had no clue where she was, and since she had no clue where she was, she had no clue how to get back home.

"Before anything, I need to find out where in Earthland I am."

A Heroes Nature (Fairyatail x BnHA crossover)Where stories live. Discover now