Chapter 27

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The next day Akina was sitting in her homeroom class, hearing the bell go off to signal the end of the period.

"All right. That's all for class today there's only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right?" Aizawa said, looking up at the class.

Glancing at Mina, Akina noticed the panicked expression on the girl's face. Of course she hasn't studied. She barely even does her homework. She thought with a sigh.

"Don't forget to train either. The written exam is only one portion, you all still have the practical to worry about. Good luck." And with that, the tired man walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Almost immediately, people in the class started to freak out- the most obvious ones being Mina and Kaminari.

"With the sports festival and internship, I didn't have enough time to read the textbook."

"It's true that we haven't had very much free time recently." Tokoyami agreed.

"I guess so. But how hard can cramming be?" Akina stated, remembering that she placed 13th in the midterms only because she studied extremely hard for about a week straight. Looking at Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki, she appreciated the encouraging words from the group.

"Hey, don't worry about it you two, I can catch you up to speed on the really important topics if you want." Momo offered.

"You're the best, Yaomomo!" Mina and Kaminari exclaimed.

"I'm afraid I won't be any help when it comes to the practical, though." Momo stated.

Akina watched a few other students go up to Momo asking for help, and as the ponytailed girl started mumbling about tea and great halls something occurred to Akina. "Hey, hey! I can help with practical training tottering!" Akina piped up, an excited look on her face. "I might not be good with written exams— so I hope I can join the study group, but I do know my way around a fight!" She gave them a smile.

Momo looked at her, her expression becoming more excited if that was even possible. "That would be great! This means I should call mother and have her rent a training ground for us! Oh, this is going to be amazing!" Momo shouted, an excited smile on her face. With that, everyone moved to head to grab food for their lunch.

After lunch, Akina overheard Shoji telling Mina and Kaminari that the practical would be robots, just like the entrance exam, and they both exclaimed that they would both be able to go to the training camp.

Right... the traning camp. Akina thought. It had been mentioned before, and she was personally excited for it herself. Going to a camp to train quirks sounded like an interesting idea— and at the same time kind of scary. Knowing U.A and Aizawa, it might be intense. But that wasn't what bothered her, every time she thought about it, she got a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. She really hoped her gut feeling was off, because she really wanted to be able to just relax and train her magic during the summer. Well, we'll see what happens I guess.


The weekend soon arrived and Akina was standing in front of a large gate alongside Mina, Ojiro, Sero, and Kaminari, looking up at the property with an in awe expression.

After the gates opened, Akina followed everyone else into the forestry area which Akina assumed was just Momo's front yard.

"Akina, don't you dare think of eating any of these trees." Mina said, looking at her friend with a serious look,

Puffing up her cheeks, Akina pouted, "Aww, but they smells so good!"

The study group went better than Akina planned it would, and she ended up finishing it understanding most of the material, but the studying wasn't over yet, everyone still had to train with for the practical— where it was Akina's time to shine.

The way to the training field wasn't far, and once they got there, Akina turned around towards her classmates, a toothy grin on her face. "Time to get you all into shape, you fledglings! You should be lucky, because I'm going to be holding back on you all!"


"You're brutal, Akina." Mina breathed out, they had just barely gotten halfway through the training and already her classmates were starting to get tired.

"You said you'd be going easy on us!" Sero complained.

"This is going easy on you. Normally where we're at now would only the warm up for normally. To be honest, I haven't done any intense training recently. Maybe that's why my fighting skills have slacked." As she was speaking, her classmates were looking at her in disbelief.

This would just be the warm up? They all thought.

Noticing that they had stopped working training, Akina gave them a smile, "I didn't tell you to stop, did I? She asked, her voice sweet yet her classmates seemed to get terrified from the expression that the young mage might of gotten from Erza.

"Yes ma'am!" They all shouted, moving to continue onto their traning.

"I hope I'm not being too hard on them." Akina muttered to herself, unaware that the normal training she goes through is so intense that only a few mages were able to get through all of it— thankfully she made it shorter even if she was unaware of the fact. "Well, they'll at least be ready for the exams now!"

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