Chapter 8

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After some complaints from the class and a short lecture about fairness from Aizawa, the tests had started.

— Test 1: 50-meter dash —

Akina watched as Tenya and the frog girl, who Akina knew as Tsuyu, went first. Iida completing it in 3.04 seconds, as proclaimed by the robot, and Tsuyu finishing in 5.58 seconds.

"Well, he's definitely in his element. But speed won't help him in every test." Aizawa muttered to himself, but thanks to her enhanced hearing, Akina was able to hear him clear as day.

After them was Uraraka and the tailman— Ojiro. Ojiro finished in 3.34 seconds, while Uraraka finished in 7.15 seconds.

Then the French-lookin boy with a belt, Aoyama, and Mina were up. Aoyama propelling himself backwards by a brilliant blue beam and Mina sliding on her acid. They both finished almost at the same time, Mina crossing the line a couple milliseconds before Aoyama.

Next was Bakugo and a freckled boy, who Akina heard was Midoriya. Looking at the two, it was obvious that there was tension between the two. Almost like the rivalry between Gray and Natsu— except deadlier, and more one sided. Bakugo propelled himself with explosions conforming from his hands while Midoriya just ran, not seeming to be using any quirk.

Now that I think of it... he doesn't smell anything unique, just like a normal human. Akina thought with her nose twitching, watching as he crossed the finish line at 7.02 seconds.

"My power has more uses than any one else in this school." Bakugo said, looking at his smoking hands.

Are you sure about that? That ego might be the end of you one day. Akina thought.

"Next, Akina and Kaminari." Aizawa said, and Akina walked up to the starting line, next to Kaminari.

"Hey, what do you say after school we go get something to eat." Kaminari said, making an attempt at flirting.

Used to some of the members of Blue Pegasus flirting with her— as well as Loke's attempts, Kaminari's attempts at trying to pick her up was almost like he was talking to a piece of cardboard.

Just giving him a small smile, Akina shook her head, and listened for the starting signal. The second the shot fired, Akina darted forward. She just had to remember the Master's punishment to whoever lost the 24 hour endurance race and that gave her just the boost she needed.

"4.21 seconds!" The robot exclaimed once she passed the finish line, placing her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

"6.02 seconds!" The robot exclaimed two seconds later.

"Damn, you're fast!" Kaminari said, out of breath.

"Well, I've had practice." Akina answered simply, looking at the lightning-scented boy.

— Test 2: Grip Strength —

Casting a spell much like Elfmen's beast arm spells, Akina watched as her arm turned to a monster-like one made of wood. Grabbing hold of the grip tester, she squeezed the handle, watching as the number went up to 289.45 k. Releasing her tight grip, she dispelled the spell and her hand turned back to normal.

"Hm, I'm getting stronger." She muttered to herself.

— Test 3: Standing Long Jump —

Aoyama propelled himself with his navel laser, Katsuki going through the air by explosions, Midoriya didn't even make it to where the little robot was stationed. Standing up at the platform, Akina summoned a vine and wrapped it around her waist, letting it catapult herself across the sandpit and landing just at the edge of it.

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