Chapter 41

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This chapter is gonna have feels, btw.
Also it's the last chapter excludingabounuschapter. Sorry for no warnings beforehand. ^^;


"What? You're leaving?" Mina asked, watching as Akina packed up some stuff from the bedroom she had been sleeping in when she stayed with Mina.

"Yeah. I wish I didn't have to, but I have to go back home to my family. To my world." Akina said, holding a rolled poster of All Might in her arms.

"But... you're my sister." Mina said, her eyes starting to water.

"And you're mine. But Mina, I really can't stay here. I have a guild waiting for my return. Well, that and Erza will kill me if I don't go back." She added, I also don't want to face a punishment from Aizawa after the stunt I pulled with the other a few nights ago.

"But we just got the dorms! It was going to be a huge party with the whole class!" Mina said, hiccuping as she wiped the tears from her face.

"Mi. I'm sorry." Akina said, feeling tears threaten to fall as well. "Maybe I can learn the teleporting spell and I can visit once in a while." She placed the poster into a duffel bag, turning to Mina and grabbing her hands. "Scratch that maybe. I promise I'll learn the spell and come visit you, and all of class 1-A. Even when you're all heroes I'll visit you guys!"

By now, tears were flowing down Mina's cheeks. "Good. But you can't leave without saying goodbye to the others, okay?" She said, "We're supposed to meet at the dorms so we can all move in."

"I would never leave without saying goodbye to them." Akina said.


As her and Mina walked towards the school, Akina felt her nerves getting stronger with each step she took.

When they turned the corner, Akina saw that her class was already gathered there and she took a deep breath.

"Ashido, Hayashi! You two were allowed to live in the dorms as well?" Kirishima asked, walking up to the two with a grin on his face.

"Mina was. I on the other hand..." Akina said, scratching the back of her head, trying to figure out how to break the news to her friends without it being too devastating.

"What? Are you not allowed to? Don't you and Mina live in the same house?" Kirishima asked.

"We do— or I guess did. But since I found my family, they want me to go back home, to my world. Sorry to be such a downer, but I knew I had to tell you guys before I just disappeared. B-But I'll be able to visit! If I can learn the teleporting spell I can visit any time I want!"

There was silence between Akina and the class, before Iida broke it.

"I'm sad to see you go, as I assume we all are. But if you ever come and visit, know that you will never be turned away."

"Unless you visit after curfew. Then you definitely will." Aizawa said blandly.

"We're gonna miss you Aki!" Uraraka exclaimed, a shaky smile on her face as her eyes welled up with tears.

"Yeah! You'd better not be lying about the visiting part!" Hagakure exclaimed, the sleeves of her shirt showing that she was thrashing her fists in the air.

"Akina." A voice said, and Akina turned around, seeing Erza standing there with the other three. "It's time to head home."

Akina looked at her and nodded, before turning back to the classmates that had quickly made themselves a place in her heart in the past few months she had known them. "Remember to celebrate, even after intense battles, alright?" She said, a magic circle appearing under them and their bodies starting to glow and dissolve into orbs, just like when she was first teleported away from the guild into this world. She waved goodby, her hand dissolving as well. The last sight she saw in the world before everything turned white was the teary eyes smiling friends she had made.

And just like that, she was back in Fairy Tail.

Looking at the guild hall, Akina was met with silence and everyone staring at her, before the hall erupted into cheers.

"Aki!" A voice shouted, and Akina looked to see a blur of brown rushing towards her as a familiar Exceed nuzzled into her chest, tears streaming down her face.

"Choco. I'm back." She said, patting the feline on the head. Looking up at the cheering hall, the tears that had been threatening to fall finally slid down her cheeks. "Everyone. I'm home."


And it's done! Of course, I may or may not be planning a bonus chapter but shhhh, you didn't hear that from me.


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