Chapter 16

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The two weeks leading up to the Sports Festival quickly passed by, leaving Akina to do some last minute training near the Stadium.

In a one handed handstand, Akina found herself watching the crowd browse the stands that were set up. Pushing herself off the ground and landing on her feet, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. If she was being honest with herself, she was more excited than nervous for the upcoming events, she just hoped she didn't go overboard.


"Hey! Make some noise my rabid sports fans!" Present Mic shouted, causing the crowd that had now gathered in the stadium to start cheering. "This year we're bringing you some of the hottest performances in Sports Festival History guaranteed! I've only got one question before we start this show— are you ready?"

As Present Mic was getting the crowd excited, Akina and the rest of her class were walking through the tunnel onto the field, each of them having a mixture of nervousness, excitement and determination on their faces.

"First onto the field is a group that's no stranger to the spotlight! Known for withstanding a villain attack, these dazzling students showed off their skills! The hero class 1-A!"

As Akina walked towards the middle of the feild with the rest of the class, she took note of the other classes that entered the field as Present Mic announced them. Hero course 1-B, general course classes C, D, and E, Support classes F, G, and, H. Finally the last course was the business course classes I, J, and K.

Each of the courses held interesting students that held their own unique smells to Akina, and she couldn't wait to see what type of challenge that they would bring.

"Now the introductory speech!" Someone shouted, and Akina was dragged out of her analysis of the other courses to see the hero on the podium— the R-rated hero Midnight.

"Someone should talk to Miss Mightnight about what she's wearing." Kirishima muttered from beside Akina.

"Is that really appropriate apparel for a high school game?" Tokoyami asked.

"Hm, it's not too bad. I've honestly seen worse at the other games I used to participate in." Akina said, glancing at the boys who looked slightly shocked at that news, and a Mineta who looked a bit jealous.

God, if they ever saw some of Erza's armor, or even Cana's regular attire. Akina thought to herself, letting out a small sigh.

"Silence everyone!" Midnight shouted, causing everyone that was chattering in the stands and among the classes to quit down. "And for the student pledge, we have Bakugo Katsuki!"

"He's the first year rep?" Midoriya asked.

"Makes sense, he did get first on the entrance exams." Akina stated. "Let's just hope he doesn't make the other classes hate us more than they already do." Looking at the blond who was now standing at the microphone, Akina hoped that he would be at least a slight bit respectful.

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." He said, and everyone around Akina seemed to freeze in shock. The red head just scratched the back of her head.

"I guess that was to be expected. He is an arrogant asshole after all." She muttered to herself with a shrug as the other courses started to boo him. "But he made the other courses hate us even more. So... good on him I guess."

After Bakugo left the stage, Midnight started to announce what the first event of the festival was going to be.

"Without further ado, it's time we get started! The first game is where it's all at! This is where you start feeling the pain. The first game of the Festival!" A screen appeared behind her and a blur of events went by until it settled on one, the words Obstacle Race shown boldly.

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