Chapter 15

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The next day, Akina was in the backyard meditating. U.A had given everyone the day off to let the restless students relax a bit. Even though it was only Class 1-A who was attacked, the whole school had been shaken up by the bold actions made by the League of Villains.

Thinking back to the villain attack, Akina remembered the Nomu, and how her Roar didn't even seem to effect it. Sure, it wan't the first time that her roar didn't work, but the way the creature just shrugged it off like the spell was just a pesky bug.

"If I'm going to be staying in this world for a while, I need to get stronger. I don't want what happened with that Nomu to happen again." Akina muttered to herself as she stood up and brushed off her skirt. "If I had been stronger, Mr. Aizawa and All Might wouldn't of struggled so much. I'm a Fairy Tail wizard for Mavis' sake."

With that, Akina made a silent void to herself. I'll get stronger so I can protect my classmates. My family.


"Hello everyone!" Mina shouted as the two entered the classroom the next day. The day off had passed by and the next one had soon arrived, meaning everyone had to go back to school.

"Welcome back Mina, Hayashi!" Hagakure shouted, the sleeve of her uniform signaling that she was waving her hand in the air energetically.

"Thanks Hagakure." Akina said, walking up to the girl as Mina went to her desk to try to take a quick nap before class started.

All around her students were talking about the events that happened at the USJ, about how All Might fought against the Nomu, and how they would of been dead meat if the pros hadn't arrived. The chatter was only interrupted by Iida rushing to the front of the classroom and telling everyone to get into their seats, and by that time Akina had been sitting at her desk for a while— it helped that it was right behind Hagakure's.

After seeing the shape Mr. Aizawa was in, I wonder if he's going to be teaching homeroom today. Akina wondered to herself, looking towards the door and sniffing the air, hoping to maybe get the scent of any teacher close to their room, and just as she caught a whiff of the familiar coffee and eye drop scent, the door opened to reveal a bandaged up Aizawa.

"Morning class." He greeted, his voice slightly muffled by the bandages around his face.

"Mr. Aizawa what are you doing here?" Everyone shouted, taken aback by their teachers appearance.

"Woah, what a pro." Kaminari said.

"Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're okay!" Iida shouted.

If that's okay than Gray and Natsu must be getting along. Akina thought to herself.

"My well being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." Aizawa said, now standing in the front of the classroom.

"What does he mean by that? Have there been more villain spottings?" Akina asked herself.

"The U.A Sports Festival is about to start." Aizawa said.

That only brought Akina to more confusion, and she reached forwards, getting Hagkure's attention. "I'm sorry. But what's the Sports Festival?" She asked.

"No way, you don't know what the Sports Festival is?" Hagakure asked, "It's where every U.A student gets to compete against each other in different Sport games. There's even a one on one battle to decide the overall victor! It's really intense, and most hero agencies use it to scout out sidekicks, or future pros."

"Oh!" Akina said in realization. "So it's kind of like the Grand Magic Games."

"The what?"

Waving her hand, Akina gave Hagakure a soft smile. "Ah nothing! Just comparing it to something else that's similar."

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