Chapter 25

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Kamui stood at the entrance from the building to the rooftop. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes as if in thought. "You might only be an intern, and this might only be your first day, but I'm going to trust you on this." And with that, he moved to open the door. What neither of them were prepared for was the sight that waiting for them within the building.
* * *

When they got to the stairway, the scent of blood was almost overpowering. It swirled around Akina like a thick mist, and the mage knew that even Kamui was staring to notice the stench as well. Though other than the scent of blood, Akina noticed that the building was eerily quiet— something that an apartment building shouldn't be.

"Something's definitely wrong here." Kamui said, his tone lowered and serious.

Akina just nodded, alert for any signs of movement or footsteps around them. As they entered the first hallway, all she could do was let out a shocked gasp. Blood was splattered all along the walls, and the smell of death seemed to be moving from everywhere. As they walked down the hallway, some of the doors were left open, leaving corpses laying limply out in the open.

Sure battles and death is something I'm used to, seeing this many dead people... I don't know what to feel. Akina thought. She didn't linger on the thought any longer, since Kamui had stopped suddenly. The two of them were at the end of the hallway, now standing on an overhang that was looking over into the lobby area— which seemed to have words and phrases on the walls smeared in blood. But that wasn't the only thing, in the lobby a group of people were sitting and chatting. They seemed almost like ordinary citizens, except for the amount of fear and malice coming off of them.

"We need backup." Kamui said, his horrified voice barely loud enough to be considered a whisper.

It wasn't long before Akina was standing with Kamui, accompanied by the only hero who was close by and available to team up with them— a down to earth hero with a quirk that gives her certain demon-like qualities, and finally, a hero that went by the name of Snatch, and from what Akina knew, his quirk allowed him to turn his upper body into sand and then manipulate it however he wishes. Along with Snatch, there were some cops discreetly around the building, not wanting to alert the villains into knowing that they were onto them.

"Now, what you're going to see inside is a bloodbath. Mentally prepare yourself before you go in. I've already thought up of a plan. We're going to storm them up front, Snatch and I will take care of most of the fightning, Dryad, you will be in charge of making sure not of the villains get out. Hide near the entrance and make sure not to be seen. We don't want you dying on your first day of internships."

"Yes sir." Akina said, even though she was slightly bitter in the fact that she couldn't fight anyone unless she wanted to get in trouble, and after experiencing the Magic Council more than once, she didn't want to know what the law enforcement system was like— one of the main reasons she hadn't jumped into any random battle her and Mina happened to walk by.

"All right, let's beat these guys down." Snatch said, a grin on his face.


"Pizza!" Kamui said after knocking on the door.

"Aw sweet! Our pizza! Just leave it there, we'll come over!" Someone from inside said.

How idiotic do you have to order pizza after you murdered a whole apartment complex of civilians? Akina thought to herself, though she had to admit she was surprised Kamui's pizzaman plan worked. Maybe he'd use it again sometime— hopefully in a situation not as dire as this one though.

The door was cracked open "Listen man, just leave the pizza there- and wait... I don't smell any pizza. And you're not a delivery man. Oh Shi-!" The person tried to close the door, but Kamui stuck a branch between it. Throwing open the door, Kamui and Snatch ran inside, Akina slipping in afterwards, sticking to the shadows or behind decorative potted plants.

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