Chapter 3

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Two months had passed since Akina had been transported to this world, and currently she was working out on a beach at the crack of dawn. Thankfully it was not too far from where she was living. The U.A entrance exam was in a few days, and she had found herself wanting to go the the famous Hero School more as the month passed.

Mina had decided to do some training with some other kids— since the two of them had sparred enough times that it was getting too easy to beat each other. Akina didn't have a problem with that, it gave her time and space to practice on her magic without interruption since nobody really went to the beach as early as she was there.

Sitting cross legged, Akina was taking deep breaths. Mediation was a training method used to deepen a user's understanding of their magic, and for her, it was a way for her to get in tune with the nature around her. Opening her eyes suddenly, she hopped up into the air from where she was sitting and a jade green magic circle appeared at her hand.

"Nature Dragon: Bursting Blossom!" She shouted, pink pellet-like blossoms shot out of her hand, causing small bursts of explosions upon impact with the sand. Rolling once she made contact with the ground, Akina jumped up, an excited grin on her face. "Damn good for the first try!" She said to herself. She had learned the spell from a scroll that her father left, which unsealed itself just before the battle against Blessed Oath, Bursting Blossom was the only spell she had remembered from it out of the four spells that were written down.

After thinking for a bit, she decided to practice with a few other of her spells so that she didn't get rusty. When fightning with Mina, she would normally hold back in fear of injuring her friend, but now Akina was free to cast her spells as strongly, and as much as she wanted, as long as she didn't use too much of her power.

After testing out her Dragon Roar, Wings, Claw, as well as a few more tries on the Bursting Blossom, Akina was feeling a bit drained of Magic energy. Plopping down on a bench nearby, she took a couple breaths and heard her stomach growl. "Ah man, I'm so hungry I could eat a dragon. Thank Mavis I packed some food." Pulling out a small box, she opened it up and revealed some cut up fresh fruit. Like Natsu and Wendy who eat their respective elements for power, Akina did so as well. Anything that came from nature restored her abilities— dirt, fruit, grass, leaves, veggies— anything that has been grown in nature.

Munching on the food, Akina let her thoughts wonder as she watched the sun start to rise over the ocean. She thought about the past month. She had learned most of the customs where she was, and her and Mina had grown close enough to be called sisters, she had made some friends at the school she went to, her life was normal to any average person— of course striving to get into a school of heroes was normal in this world.

"Keep running, my boy!" A voice shouted, and Akina looked towards the source of the sound, seeing two figures a bit of way away. She watched with a bored gaze as the two ran past her— studying the two, a boy with unruly green hair and a man who had as much body mass as a skeleton. As they passed by, she had finished her food and decided to continue her practice.

That night, Mina and Akina were scarfing down their food after both returning to the house.

"You two are working hard to get in U.A, aren't you?" Mr. Ashido asked.

"You bet!" Mina exclaimed. "I beat almost all my friends in hand to hand combat! Not to mention I can now slide on my acid!"

"I'm so proud of you, dear." Mrs. Ashido said, then she turned her attention towards Akina, who was already on her third bowl of food. "How is your progress going?"

"I mastered a new sp- move today. I shoot tiny flowers towards a target and pummel them with them!" She described. "I think with more work it could really be a strong move!"

Mrs. Ashido looked at the two girls with pride in her gaze. "I'm so proud of you two! No matter what, even if you don't get into U.A, I'll still love you both just as much as I do now, if not more."

"Aw, mom, that's so cheesy!" Mina said, fake gagging while Akina giggled.

"I think it's sweet." She said. No matter what, Mrs. Ashido reminded her a lot of Mira Jane. The two of them had similar personalities and they both cared very much for the people in their lives.

Being with the Ashido's felt almost like home to Akina— except for the fact that tables weren't being thrown every other hour.

"Well, no matter what, I wish both of you the best of luck."

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