Chapter 19

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So that I'm not wasting a lot of time writing them out, I will not be describing all of the battles in detail, only the important ones (Midoriya vs. Shinsou, Bakugo vs. Uraraka, Midoriya vs. Todoroki. Bakugo vs. Todoroki will not be described in too much detail though) And even then they'll just be shot summaries. The only matches that will be very in detail will be ones Akina is participating in.


During the recreational games, Akina was sitting in the trees just outside the stadium, munching on some of the leaves. She wanted to be at full power during the tournaments.

As she was sitting in a tree a familiar scent hit her nose and she looked down towards the ground, seeing a crouching Todoroki who seemed lost in thought. Shifting her body Akina swung upside down, hooking her legs around the tree branch she was on to made sure she wouldn't fall to the ground. At the noise the duel haired boy looking up and meeting her gaze. Akina just hung there, munching on leaves.

"What are you doing?" Todoroki asked.

"Eating school property." Akina said casually, putting another leaf in her mouth.

"You're eating... leaves?"

Akina nodded, "It's what gives me my power. If I eat anything that grows naturally in nature it gives me more strength."

"Why are you telling me this, I might have to use it against you in the tournament." He said, looking up at her blandly.

Akina flipped herself around and landed on the ground, crouching in front of the boy. "Well, you can't take away something I've eaten. Besides, I already have enough magi- energy stored up." Straightening up, Akina looked down at him with a wide smile on his face. "Along with that we both have to make sure we get far enough into the tournament to fight against each other."

Todoroki was quiet, and Akina turned around and started to walk away, stopping when she heard her name called.

"Hayashi. Why are you acting like you already know everything about being a hero?"

Akina looked over her shoulder, a carefree grin on her face. "Because I speak from experience." She said vaguely before continuing to walk away, leaving Todoroki to stare after her with a harsh look.


The recreational games had ended and Akina had moved to where he class would be sitting while the tournaments were going on. The stage had just been created thanks to Cementoss, and Present Mic was announcing the first two competitors. Midoriya and the teen from General Studies, Shinsou.

Right after Present Mic announced how somebody could win, either by pushing them out of bounds, immobilizing them, or even just having them say that they give up, the battle between the two started.

Shinsou was talking to Midoriya down at the stage, but with the distance as well as the chatter around her, she wasn't able to hear exactly what they were saying. Though it was obvious that Shinsou was trying to provoke Midoriya, by the dark look on his face and the mixture of determination, surprise, and anger on Midoriya's face.

In the end, Shinsou succeeded in provoking Midoriya, because Akina watched as he ran towards the purple haired teen, starting to shout out. Though the next thing that happened didn't proceeded as expected; Midoriya had stopped in his tracks.

"I went through the trouble of warning him too!" Ojiro exclaimed, placing his hands on his head.

"What do you mean by that?" Akina asked, turning in her seat to look at the tailed teen.

"That Shinsou guy. He has some sort of Mind Control quirk. Activated when someone responds." Ojiro explained.

Akina looked from Ojiro to the stage. "If it's Mind Control... then maybe..." Standing up and leaning on the railing, she gritted her teeth. "Midoriya! Snap out of it!" She shouted, feeling the eyes of both students and heroes on her. Nothing happened, except that Midoriya had started to walk out of the platform's boundaries. Tightening her grip, she took a deep breath. Sure, she didn't know too much about the green haired boy, but he was still part of her family, and this was a competition.

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