Chapter 6

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A couple weeks later, Akina was reading peacefully in her room when her door was suddenly kicked open.

"If this is because you just shaved and want me to feel your leg again, you can leave." Akina said, peeking over the book and looking at Mina who was in the doorway.

"No, it's not that— the letters arrived!" She shouted, holding the two white envelopes in her hands.

"Holy shit!" Akina said, jumping up from the bed and grabbed the letter addressed to her, not missing a second and running over her desk, ripping the letter open on the way. Once it was open, a metal disc fell onto her desk and a hologram appeared.

"Young Hayashi!" A voice said, and Akina looked to see All Might smiling down at her— she had to admit it was a slight shock to see the number one hero looking down at her. "It's a pleasure as a new staff member at U.A to tell you that you have been accepted into U.A's 1-A hero course! While your written test scores were average, you managed to pass the practical exam with an outstanding 62 points, leaving you in second place overall!" A leaderboard appeared and Akina spotted her name in between someone names Bakugo Katsuki- who scored 77 villain points and 0 hero points, and Kirishima Ejiro who scored 39 villian points and 35 Hero points.

"No way! Kiri was there? I didn't see him." Akina said.

"You now him?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, he's in my class. You know, the kid with the black hair and scar over his eye? Kirishima?"

"Oh! Kirishima! Right." Mina said, slapping her forehead.

Letting out a small laugh, Akina looked back towards the hologram, and they continued to listen to what was left of the acceptance letter.

The leaderboard disappeared to reveal All Might with an even wider smile "I'd like to personally welcome you to this Hero Academia."

After it shut off, Akina and Mina exchanged a look, and Mina immediately ripped open her own letter, receiving a similar message from All Might that Akina had received. She had gotten into class 1-A of the hero course as well. After the disc shut off again they exchanged another look, this time excitement shining in both of their eyes.

"We did it!" Mina shouted happily. "We both got in!"

Akina nodded. "Yeah we did!" She raised her hand into the air with her pointer finger and her thumb up as Mina was jumping around excitedly. She might not be with her guild, but she was still victorious.


That night, Akina found herself leaning out of her window and letting the fresh air wash over her. The feeling of excitement and victory was still there, but those feelings were being overwhelmed with loneliness. Sure she had Mina, and her parents, even a few friends she had made in school. But a victory like the one she had earlier that day would end with a loud celebration of booze, fights, and fun all night. Just being taken out to eat at a restaurant wasn't satisfying enough for her.

Propping her head up against her hand, Akina closed her eyes, letting her mind drift.

"You did great, Akina!" Lucy's voice echoed.

"We're proud of you." Erza said.

"I knew you would do well! You're a member of FairyTail after all!" Natsu stated proudly.

"Aye!" Happy's voice agreed.

"I'm so proud of you, punk." Gray said.

"You were amazing! Good going, Aki!" Choco cheered.

Opened her eyes, Akina noticed that her cheeks felt wet. Bringing her fingers up to her face, she realized that tears were streaming down her face. "I guess I still miss them." She muttered, then took in a shaky breath. "Well, I can't help it can I? But I can make it better." Placing a smile on her face, she straightened up and looked out the window with determination shining though his eyes.

"I might not be with my guild mates right now, but I'll show this world the way of FairyTail! Those villains won't know what's coming!"

Little did she know, the first master was watching her from a nearby tree, a pleased smile on her face. "Don't ever loose your FairyTail pride. We'll find a way to get you back home."

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