Chapter 20

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The next, and final battle in the first set of brackets was Uraraka against Bakugo. And if she had to be honest with herself, Akina didn't know who she personally wanted to win. Uraraka was kind to people and worked hard to improve herself. Not to mention she was determined to win the festival and most likely wanted to prove herself. Bakugo— while strong— still strives to improve as well, even if he didn't show it often. And while he was a jerk about, he said he was going to win in the entrance ceremony.

Excited chatter filled the stadium as Present Mic announced the start of the match. It wasn't long before Uraraka had started to run swiftly towards Bakugo, who feinted an attack with his left hand and instead scooped his right hand and set off an explosion right in Uraraka's face, sending the brunette back.

"No mercy..." Akina muttered to herself.

Bakugo sooon set off another explosion, but once the smoke cleared, Akina's eyes widened as she saw that Bakugo had his hand over Uraraka's P.E uniform jacket, and was emerging from the smoke, most likely planning on attacking Bakugo from behind. Though just before she was able to touch him to make him float, Bakugo reacted quickly and set off an explosion that caused her to fly back a bit. Explosion after explosion, try after try, the battle seemed like it was never going to end.

But a certain scent from above caught Akina by surprise, looking up, she noticed that large rocks and debris was floating just above the stage.

"Listen here kid, if you really want to be a hero, then you should stop acting like a bully! You should just send her out now!" A hero from the stands shouted, and Akina listened as more people from the stands started to agree with him, booing Bakugo for supposedly 'toying' with Uraraka.

After a speech from Aizawa about how Bakugo knew how strong Uraraka was, and how he was keeping her at bay as he planned t come out on top, the crowd was silent, staring at the battle with shock.

"Honestly, there must of been at least some pros who noticed." Akina said.

"What do you mean, Aki?" Mina asked from beside her.

Akina pointed upwards, where the floating debris was, waiting to be released from Uraraka's anti-gravity. "She's a smart girl, keeping low to the ground so she could float any debris that was created by Bakugo's explosions. And then attacked over and over again, keeping Bakugo's eyes focused on her." As she finished her explanation, Akina watched as Uraraka placed her fingertips together and sent the rocks falling towards Bakugo at breakneck speeds.

It would of been a win for Uraraka, except that a giant explosion was sent directly upwards, the debris was blown away— as well as shockwave that blew up into the stands.

"It was a good plan, I'll give her that." Akina said with a sigh. "But Bakugo's sheer strength was too overwhelming for her."

The battle ended not too long after that by Uraraka collapsing on the ground unable to continue which lead to the second set of brackets, starting with the battle of Midoriya against Todoroki.

The battle sent multiple cold chills up the stands as Todoroki sent lines of ice towards him and Midoriya broke them again and again. That seemed to be Todoroki's main movement as Midoriya broke each of his fingers to counter the attacks.

Behind her, Bakugo was explaining how everyone has a limit to their quirks, and that you can't overuse it or you'll get serious injuries or drawbacks, listening to the conversation, Akina bit her bottom lip. But magic is different, as long as there's a tiny bit of ether, or magic, in the air, we can keep using and using our magic. Of course, if we don't have enough magic energy we run the risk of passing out— and sometimes death. Hm... now that I think about it, quirks and magic aren't so different from each other... kind of. A sudden blast of wind from the stage broke Akina out of her thoughts and she looked back down towards the battle field, noticing that Todoroki was now moving slower than normal, Akina assumed it was due to him overusing the ice part of his quirk, that and Midoriya's whole arm seemed to be broken.

Midoriya started shouting about how Todoroki's quirk was his own and not his father's and Akina immediately guessed that Todoroki had some issues with his father. Well, not like that's unusual with people I know. One of my dads disappeared— or kinda got absorbed into me? I don't really know what happened with that. And my other dad was a freaking asshole who just wanted to be the richest man no matter what he had to do, even if it meant enslaving children. And the one that disappeared was the better dad. She let out a small chuckle of amusement before turning her attention back towards the match, Todoroki's left side was now encompassed in burning flames, a smile now on his face.

The match soon ended with Midoriya having been blown off the stadium and Todoroki being the one to pass onto the next round.

The next match ended quickly, Iida pushing Ibara out of bounds before the girl could do any moves herself, Iida moving onto the next round while the Sports Festival quickly moved onto the next match, Akina against Mina.

"Hey, no hard feelings after this, alright?" Akina asked, "I'd hate for this fight to ruin our friendship over something so trivial— well that and we're going to the same place after this."

Mina looked at the fiery haired girl, a bright smile on her face. "There's no way a battle like this would change my feelings towards you Aki!"


"Battle Start!" Present Mic shouted, and Akina darted forwards, being cautious of the balls of Acid Mina was throwing in her direction.

"Nature Dragon: Bursting Blossom!" She shouted, a magic circle appearing at her hand and little pellets of flowers shooting themselves towards the ground right in front of Mina, creating an effective smokescreen.

She didn't waste any time to summon a vine and manipulate it so it wrapped itself around Mina's waist.

Though as Akina expected, Mina melted through the vine and go herself free as the smoke cleared, causing Akina to receive some acid on her arm.

Jumping back and wincing, Akina glanced at the stinging skin and saw that it had reddened where the acid had landed. It wasn't enough to burn through her skin, but it sure did hurt like hell. Jumping up to avoid another barrage of attacks, Akina sliced her uninsured arm through the air. "Nature Dragon: Wing attack!" She shouted, the beams heading straight towards Mina. The beams were able to make contact with Mina; not doing as much damage because Akina limited the magic output but it did cause he to fly back, landing just before the boundary line.

"This battle is an intense one folks! As of now, both opponents have landed an attack on each other!" Present Mic shouted.

She's fast. Akina thought. I might have a chance if I roar, but I'm saving that for a stronger opponent like Bakugo, besides, I don't want to show off all my trump cards this early when I might be against Bakugo and Todoroki. Jumping to the side as Mina slid past her, just missing her ya a few hairs, a plan came to Akina's mind.

"Look here folks, it seems like this is now a battle of cat and mouse! Ashido seems to be the one chasing Hayashi around the stage!"

"Come back here, Akina! You can't run forever!" Mina shouted from behind Akina.

"Oh, can't I?" Akina asked, stopping suddenly and getting into a battle stance, waiting for Mina to catch up to her.

A smile appeared on Mina's face, and just as she was about to touch her, Akina's body moved to the side, and the made pushed Mina's back lightly and causing her to loose her center of balance and fall forwards, a loud grunt coming from the pinkette's mouth. She was about to get up before Midnight started to speak.

"Ashido is out of bounds! Hayashi continues onto the next round!"

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