Chapter 22

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As Akina was sitting in the office she peacefully munched on leaves to restore her magic power. While fruit would of been better, she had found that the trees around U.A were really sweet, unlike some of the other leaves she had tasted in this world.

Some people had visited her as they were cleaning up the stadium for the next match— it had gotten pretty torn up from Akina and Bakugo's battle— and made sure she was alright. After assuring that she was perfectly fine as well as Recovery Girl ushering everyone away, they all went back to where they were sitting to see the next match.

Watching the monitor that was mounted on the wall, Akina watched at Todoroki and Bakugo fought, it was an intense fight, almost as intense as the fight she had with Bakugo. Though as she watched his movements, Akina noticed that Bakugo seemed to be making an attempt at drawing something out of Todoroki.

His fire, probably. Bakugo did seem pissed that I had ended up holding back some of my power. So maybe he wants to win when everyone is

With each large explosion from Bakugo, the stadium seemed to shake, and sometimes the room she was in would get warmer. One final blast made the recovery room almost unbearable to be in, and it wasn't long until the smoke cleared from the cameras and showed Todoroki passed and Bakugo shouting with a pissed expression.

"Todoroki is out of bounds!" Midnight announced, her voice loud and clear, "Which means, the winner of U.A's first year Sports Festival is from Class 1-A: Bakugo Katsuki!"

Above her, Akina heard loud cheers from the crowd as it was announced, and she hopped out of the bed. "Well, there'll be a ceremony happening soon. And I'd better be there to claim third place."

While she knew that was a big deal here, Akina was disappointed that she wasn't able to make it further, promising herself on Mavis' name that she would train hard enough until the point where she would be able to defeat All Might himself.

"Hey, you're that nature girl, right?" A voice said, and Akina perked up, her eyes making contact with a beady eyed man that was on fire.

"That's me." She said, a warm smile on her face. This is Endevor, Todoroki's dad. And if I'm getting anything from Todoroki's refusal to use his fire... then there must be some issues between them.

Endevor just grunted before walking past her, leaving her standing in the middle of the hallway. Just by that small interaction, he reminded her of her biological father, the cold exterior as well as the strong appearance the similarities were almost uncanny. She wouldn't be surprised if he also only cared about the strength and type of power someone had.

"Bastard." Akina muttered, continuing towards the field, not lingering on the short, yet strange conversation she just had with the number two hero.


It wasn't long before Akina was on a podium just below the field, Cementoss not too far away waiting for his cue to raise them up into the stadium, as well as a growling and pissed Bakugo on the first place podium.

"All of the first-year events for this year's U.A. sports festival have been completed. And now, we will begin the award ceremony!" Midnight announced.

Fireworks started to go off, and Akina yelped in surprise at the first few ones, not expecting the sudden loud noises. "They could of warned us." She groaned, covering her ears as she felt the podium she was on rise up, and the cheering crowd got louder.

The look of surprise on her classmates faces when they saw Bakugo almost made her burst out into laughter. His restraints did make him look like he was a villain, but the way he was struggling reminded her of all time times Erza had to restrain Natsu by swords, or sometimes holding him against the wall with a table.

"In addition to Hayashi, Iida also won third place, but he left early for family reasons. Thank you for understanding." Midnight announced. "Now, onto the awards! The presentation of the medals will, of course, be by this man—"

A figure appeared on the top of the stadium, and Akina immediately recognized it as All Might. He jumped down and landed right in front of the crowd of students on the field, not too far off from Midnight.

"—Our very own hero, All Might!" Midnight said, presenting the medals to the number one hero. "Now then, All Might, please present the medals, starting with third place."

All Might nodded and grabbed the copper medal, walking to to Akina. "Young Hayashi, congratulations. You surprised all of us with the sheer strength and power you possess." He said.

"Aw, thanks." Akina said, scratching the back of her head.

"I encourage you to get stronger and learn to stretch your power beyond your limits."

"Right." Akina said as they pulled away, a look of determination on her face.

She watched as All Might presented the second place medal to Todoroki, sharing words of wisdom with the teen and gave him a hug as well. Then came Bakugo. Akina had to force herself not to laugh as Bakugo started angrily shouting once the mouth guard that was keeping him quiet was removed, she struggled even more so when All Might struggled with trying to give him the medal, soon deciding on letting Bakugo hold it in his mouth between his clenched teeth.

After presenting all the medals, All Might turned to the students watching and the crowd, a proud smile on his face. "Well, they were the winners this time, but listen here! Anyone here could have ended up on these podiums. It's just as you saw— competing! Improving each other! And climbing even further! The next generation of heroes is definitely sprouting!" He pointed his index finger up to the sky, "So, I have just one more thing to say! Everyone, please say it with me! Ready, go—"

As the crowd shouted out 'Plus Ultra', All Might thanked everyone for their hard work, which made Akina finally loose it. Laughing out loud, she wrapped her arms around her stomach as her eyes watered. It was a couple minutes before she calmed down from her laughing fit, and even then she let out a few chuckles here and there as she remembered the event.

That evening, Akina found herself sitting in the classroom with her classmates, receiving compliments from some of them.

"You're really strong Aki! I couldn't believe when you attacked him with that Roar attack! That's an awesome name for it by the way!" Hagakure exclaimed, jumping around in excitement. "Even after your arm was burnt to a crisp you still fought!"

"Ah, really? That was nothing, really." Akina said, feeling her cheeks slightly warm up.

"Alright everyone. I know you're excited, but settle down. I have an announcement." Aizawa said as he walked into the room, looking more tired than usual. Once everyone was quietly in their seats, he continued. "Good work. There will be no school tomorrow or the day after. I'm sure the pro heroes who watched the sports festival will want to recruit you, but we'll consolidate everything and announce it when you get back. So rest well, and look forward to that."

"Yes sir!" The class said.

And once they were dismissed, the Sports Festival arc closed, brining Akina to look forwards the the next arc of her, and her classmate's story.

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