Chapter 34

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In front of them there was a creature at least double her size. It was a white color, four eyes implanted in the exposing brain of it. It's figure was similar to the one at the USJ, except for the fact that this one had six arms.

"What the crap is that?" Natsu asked.

"Whatever it is, I don't like it." Lucy whimpered.

Akina's body was tense as the creature stared at the group, murder the only thing showing in it's otherwise empty eyes. "A Nomu."

"Whatever it is, it's in our way." Erza stated. She lifted up her sword and lunged forwards.

"Erza! Wait!" Akina shouted, watching as the older mage brought her sword down onto the monster, only to jump back— the blade having done nothing against the creature.

"What is this thing?" Erza asked, jumping back to the group.

"Like I said earlier, it's called a Nomu. They're equipped with quirks that are able to withstand the number 1 hero in this world, All Might— I'll explain everything later. For now, let's deal with this ten foot monster— and that means we need to drag it into an open area." The area they were in would of made it too confining to fight, that and Akina didn't want to flatten the forest.

Jumping away, the Nomu suddenly perked up, and started chasing her, "It seems like it senses movement, so everyone, we need to keep moving to lure this thing!"

"Right!" Everyone said, and they all moved, mostly in the same direction so they didn't get split up again. It wasn't long before they made it into the clearing that Akina noticed Tokoyami, Bakugo, Shoji, and Todoroki— as well as Midoriya who was being carried by Shoji.

"Shit." Akina muttered.

"Hey, Leaf girl!" Bakugo shouted. Apparently he had just taken down another villain who seemed to be all wrapped up and restrained. "Who the fuck are those people? Are those villains, are you a villain?"

"I don't need your pestering, Hedgehog!" Akina shouted back, just as the Nomu exploded from the trees and into the clearing as he let out a deafening roar.

"Is that another Nomu?" Todoroki asked.

"Yes. And I suggest you all get somewhere safe." Akina said.

"What? No way am I running from that thing!" Bakugo shouted, explosions coming out from his hand. "I can handle it!"

"I'm not talking about the Nomu, I'm talking about my guild mates!" Akina exclaimed, huffing when she realized that none of them were going to move. Taking a breath, she turned around and nodded at her friends. "All right, we attack this thing together!"

"Ice-make: Ice Cannon!" Gray casted, a rocket launcher of ice appeared in his hands.

"Open Gate of the Bull: Taurus!" Lucy casted, her key glowing and a familiar spirit appearing.

"Time for a rodeo!" The muscle-bodied cow man shouted, holding his axe in front of him.

Erza's body glowed and she requiped into her Heaven's Wheel Armor, swords surrounding her person.

Glancing at Natsu, both him and Akina placed their hands to their mouths. "Nature/ Fire Dragon: Roar!" They shouted, a stream of leaves and a stream of fire rushing out of their mouths. Those attacks as well as the others from Gray, Erza, and Lucy were sent to a Nomu, combining into a white beam of light and blasting through, causing the earth to shake a little. Once the beam died down, the Nomu was no where in sight, along with two of the mountain tops that were in front of them and rows upon rows of trees.

"I think we might of gone a little overboard." Lucy muttered.

Natsu looked at Lucy with a wide grin on his face. "No way! That dude seemed to want to murder us! he totally deserved it!"vNatsu exclaimed.

"For once I agree with Natsu." Gray said.

"It was what we had to do." Erza proclaimed, as noble as ever.

"Am I seeing things?" Shoji asked, and Akina turned around to see her classmates, a mixture of horror and pure shock apparent on their faces— it almost seemed as if they were ghosts with how white they were.

"If those are quirks, I wonder what they could exactly be. I haven't seen anything this strong except for All Might, but even then All Might had trouble taking down a Nomu." Midoriya muttered.

"Hm, you're talking quite a lot. And what's this about quirks? Is it like magic?" Natsu asked, walking up Midoriya, causing the freckled boy to stop and look at Natsu with wide eyes.

At that, Bakugo snorted. "There's no such thing as magic, dumbass." He said.

At that Natsu's head turned inhumanly fast to stare at the blond, a fire burning in his eyes— quite literally. "No such thing as magic? Then how could I do this?" Natsu asked, pulling up his fists and showing that they were on fire."

"It's a quirk, duh." Bakugo grunted, rolling his eyes. "Are you really an idiot?"

Gray snickered at that. "Look Natsu, someone finally sees you for who you really are."

Natsu looked at Gray, running up to the ice wizard and butting head with him. "What'd you just say, Ice boy?" He asked.

"What? With that enhanced hearing you still can't hear me, Flame head?" Gray retorted.

"Guys, let's not fight right now." Akina said quietly, already feeling the glare from Erza just behind her.

"You two! Now is not the time to fight!" The said mage shouted, making Akina— along with her classmates tense up.

"Yes Ma'am!" They exclaimed, now saluting the wizard.

"Hayashi, who are these people? "Todoroki asked, finally speaking up in the group.

"These people are my family. And they're going to help us pummel these villains to the ground."

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