Chapter 9

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The next day, Akina was peacefully sitting in the classroom having just finished lunch.

So next we have Hero basic training. I wonder how that'll be. Akina thought, tapping her fingers on her desk. She hoped it would be something fun and in the field instead of the type of class work they had been doing all day.

"Here I am! Coming through the door like a normal person!" Someone shouted entering through the doorway and strutting towards the front of the room.

That was anything but normal. Akina thought, watching All Might.

"Welcome to the most important class of U.A High! Think of it as Hero 101! Here you will learn the basics of being a pro! And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it!" All Might pulled out a card that read Battle in bold red letters.

Fight training? Oh, this will be fun! Akina thought, a small smile on her face.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is," he pointed towards the wall where compartments were sliding out of them, "Looking good! These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started."

The class cheered with excitement, and Akina had to admit, she was excited as well to get into the costume she designed.

"Get yourselves suited up, and head to training ground beta!"

"Yes sir!" Everyone shouted.

In the changing room, Akina started to change out of her uniform into her hero costume. She had decided to make it similar to what she would usually of worn when going on jobs— except flashing it up a bit. It consisted of mainly two different parts. A white underdress with a puffy skirt like bottom with a green corset top and leaf-like skirt cover laying on the sides of her skirt peacefully. Though of course, a costume isn't a costume without some accessories, with her costume she had a belt with her guild mark in the middle in a shiny gold, as well as a leaf hair pin that pinned back her bangs on the right side of her head.

"Hey Akina, is that a tattoo?" Someone asked, and Akina looked to her side to see a floating pair of gloves, one pointing towards her guild mark on her shoulder.

"I guess it is, in a way." Akina answered, gently placing a few fingers over it with a smile on her face. "It's not really a tattoo, it's more of... my families crest."

"Woah! That's so cool! Is your family some type of big shot or something?" Hagakure asked, the floating gloves punching the air.

Thinking for a second, Akina nodded. "You could say that." Though it's not really for a good reason. We're kind of known as the guild with the most destructive power... keyword destructive. "Anyways, that's a interesting costume... are you, uh, wearing anything other than—?"

"Nope!" She interrupted and with that, the pair of gloves and shoes disappeared through the doorway.

"Aki! Looking good!" Mina exclaimed, and Akina turned around to see her standing proudly in her hero costume.

"You too Mina." Akina said, "Your costume looks just how you wanted it."

"Yours too! Now, I don't want to waste any more time! Battle Training is waiting for us!"

The two of them hurried out of the changing room, running down the hallway and soon arriving where some of the class was already waiting in front of Training ground beta.

It wasn't too long until everyone had gathered, excitement buzzing in the air.

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware, from now on... you are heroes!" All Might exclaimed after looking everyone over. "That's great, everyone! You all look so cool! Now, shall we begin, you newbies?"

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