Chapter 21

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A smile appeared on Mina's face, and just as she was about to touch her, Akina's body moved to the side, pushing Mina's back lightly and causing her to loose her center of balance and fall forwards, a loud grunt coming from the pinkette's mouth. She was about to get up before Midnight started to speak.

"Ashido is out of bounds! Hayashi continues onto the next round!"

The next two matches consisted of Kirishima against Bakugo- being won by Bakugo's overwhelming power, and that battle ended the third set of matches, and the fourth started with Iida against Todoroki, Todoroki winning by cornering Iida and freezing the exhaust pipes so Iida couldn't dodge the oncoming ice attacks.

It wasn't long before the second, and final, match of the fourth set was about to start, this one being Akina against the one and only Bakugo Katsuki.

The said Dragon Slayer was sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the ice that Todoroki had summoned to be melted off of the stage. After seeing how intense Bakugo could be, Akina was slightly nervous for the oncoming match. Sure, she had fought Dark Wizards who were ten times as scary and strong as Bakugo, as well as sparred with Natsu, but Bakugo held a type of intimidating aura to him.

"If Choco were here she'd probably tell me not to worry so much." Akina muttered, letting out a small chuckle. "Damn. I really miss her." Running a hand through her hair, she sighed, hearing Present Mic make the announcement that the next match would be starting soon. Getting up from her seat, Akina walked out of the waiting room and down the tunnel that lead towards the main stage that was now ice free, though still a little chilly.

"And there we go folks! The ice has been melted and the next match is starting!" Present Mic announced, cueing that it was time for Akina and Bakugo to start walking towards the stage.

"He's proven his explosive strength countless times before, and is well on his way to becoming top dog, Class 1-A Bakugo Katsuki! Versus; she's shown her battle strategy as well as her power, but is that all she's made of? From Class 1-A as well, Hayashi Akina!"

The crowd was going wild as the two were walking to the main stage, and Akina used her enhanced hearing to listen to the chatter that was going on behind her.

"Oh, poor girl. She doesn't stand a chance against that boy's explosions. Her vines will be all burnt up before they even get to him."

"It will be interesting to see how she handles against someone who has such a strong advantage."

What a shame, they underestimate me, don't they? Akina thought, a smile appearing on her face.

Once the two were on the platform, their eyes met.

"I'm not going to go easy on you just because your quirk is at a disadvantage." Bakugo grunted.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Akina responded, narrowing her eyes slightly. "And don't be too torn up once I pummel your ass to the ground."

Bakugo scoffed, an amused expression on his face. "I won't be. Because that won't happen."

"We'll see."

"Let the last battle of the fourth match, begin!"

An explosion was immediately set off, creating a cloud of smoke that encompassed the both of them. Lifting her nose in the air, Akina sniffed the air, trying to catch Bakugo's scent through all the smoke. Turning around on her heel, she found herself face to face with the blond. Flicking her hand, a vine wrapped around her own waist and she was thrown Ishtar out of the smoke cloud, sliding to a stop just before the boundary line.

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