Chapter 30

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It was soon the day where everyone would be heading to the summer training camp. And Akina was standing with her classmates listening as Aizawa was giving them a small speech about how the camp would be a time for everyone to improve their quirks greatly. Afterwards, everyone split into different groups, excited chatter drifting through the air.

She let out a laugh as Mina, Kaminari, and Uraraka jumped around repeating Training Camp over and over, goofy grins on their faces. Though it wasn't long before the scent of an unpleasant person reached her nose. Turning around, Akina spotted Monoma standing a few feet away from Class 1-A, going on a tangent.

"What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes? Does that mean you had people who failed the finals? What? Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? Even though you're supposed to be way better than Class B? How can that be?"

Akina was just about to punch the boy in the face when someone else from his class, Kendo as Akina knew, and hit him on the back of his neck, causing the blond to pass out.

"Sorry!" She apologized before dragging the boy into the bus.

"Not just girls from class A, but girls from Class B will also be there! It'll be like a buffet we can pick and choose from!" Mineta exclaimed.

"Don't be a freak." Akina stated, hitting the smaller boy in the back of his head with a vine before turning and walking towards the bus that was for their class. "Hey, Kiri. I have a question." She started, looking at the red haired boy with a pleading smile on her face.

"I'm not knocking you out." Kirishima stated plainly.

"Please! I heard this bus ride is going to at least an hour and a half! If you were a good friend you wouldn't let me suffer through something like that fo this long!" Akina pleaded.

"I'm not doing it Aki. Sorry, but you'll have to suffer. Fight it like a man!"

Why do I feel like Elfman is lecturing me? Akina asked herself, trudging onto the bus right behind Kirishima.

Once the bus was moving, Akina groaned, feeling the motion sickness coming over her almost immediately. She knew Aizawa was informing them of something but it took most of her focus to keep from vomiting up her breakfast.

Throughout the bus ride, Kirishima and Mina had to stop Akina from trying to jump out the window at least ten different times, until they has Sero tape her to the seat, making her unable to move.

"I'm always so surprised by how weak you get on buses, Hayashi." Hagakure stated. "When you fight you're always so strong, and yet here you're just... a mess— no offense."

"None taken." Akina muttered, wishing for the bus to stop moving. Once it finally did for a pit stop, Akina jumped out of the vehicle and let out a relived sigh. "Thank Mavis." She muttered, stretching out her muscles.

"There's no point in stopping without a reason." Aizawa announced, getting the attention of the class.

Nearby, the doors of a nearby car burst open and Akina looked towards them, the scent of earth and a scent similar to Warren's hit her nose— as well as the feint scent of water.

"Hey, Eraser!" One of the people in the car said, getting out of the vehicle.

"Long time no see." Aizawa said, bowing in greeting.

The two people who came out of the car smiled before performing what Akina thought as their catchphrase.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" The brunette exclaimed.

"Stingingly cute and cat-like!" The blonde continued.

"Wild, Wild, Pussycats!" The two finished together.

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