Chapter 32

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Events might be a bit out of order according to the anime, but everything remains.... mostly.... the same.


Akina turned to watch Pixie-bob get thrown back, and the mage gritted her teeth. "I don't believe it. More villains. Things just got a bit more interesting."


As the newcomers walked into the clearing everyone was in, Akina managed to get a good look at them. One was a man that seemed double her size, holding some sort of cement pillar, and one guy looked like a humanoid turtle, his attire similar to that of the Hero Killer's.

"How are you this evening U.A. High School?" The turtle man asked, standing in front of the passed out Pixie-bob. "We are the Vanguard Action squad of the League of Villains!"

"Why are they here?" Ojiro asked.

"Shall I crush this girl's head? What d'you think?" The man holding the pillar asked. "Well, what do you think?"

"Like I'd let you, you—" Tiger started, starting to make a move before the turtle man held his arms out, as if he holding two people away from each other.

"Wait up, Big Sis Mag! Don't be hasty. You too, Tiger, Calm down. It all depends on whether having power over like and death follows Stain's tenets or not."

Oh great... don't tell me he's a Stain fanatic. Akina thought.

"So, you follow Stain's ideology?" Iida asked.

"That's right! I'm— oh yea, you, with the glasses! You were the one who brought about the end of Stain at Hosu City. I apologize for the late introduction." He pulled what looked like a bunch of swords held together by belts out from the strap that was wrapped around his back. "I'm Spinner, the one who will spin his dream into reality!"

Did he really just make that pun? Akina thought, an unamused expression on her face.

"I don't care, but you bastards... The woman lying there, Pixie-Bob, has started worrying about getting married recently. She was doing her best to find happiness as a woman, despite her age. You can't damage that woman's face." Tiger said, his voice seeping with anger. "And then just stand there laughing thoughtlessly about it!"

Mandalay commanded everyone to start running, and to not fight anyone who might come in their path— which disappointed Akina. Sure, these guys might be scary, but there's no way that they'd be worse than any dark guild wizards she had faced.

As she ran through the forest, Akina looked around to make sure no villains were getting close by, and luckily she wasn't able to smell any. The group kept running through the forest in the direction of the camp.

It wasn't long before a voice sounded in Akina's head— Mandalay was using her telepath ability to apparently communicate with all of the students. First, she gave everyone permission to fight back if they encounter any villains, and second, she mentioned that the villains seemed to be after 'Kacchan' or Bakugo.

"So we can fight now? Awesome!" Akina exclaimed, a wide grin on her face. Unaware that other people had stopped, Akina ran into the back of Iida,who seemed to now be in a fighting stance.

"What is it?" Akina asked, looking past the teen to see an all to familiar person standing in front of them.

"Don't you try to get closer evil-doer!" Iida shouted. "We have permission to fight and it's five against one! Do your worst!"

The person looked insulted at Iida's words. "Excuse me? Do I look like a dark wizard to you? I don't think so!" She said, placing her hands on her hips, a familiar pink symbol on her hand. "I should be the one asking who you are."

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