Chapter 17

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To sort out any confusion that might happen, Akina is taking Ibara's place as fourth, and Ibara will be fifth. This means that Juzo will not be in the Festival, she will also be replacing Sero on Bakugo's team.

"42 of you have qualified to move onto the next round. You'd all better prepare yourselves for the next test!" Midnight announced, once again in front of the spinning wheel.

It didn't take long before it stopped, the bold words 'Cavalry Battle' showing clearly on the screen.

"Those of you at the top will suffer the most. Of course that's something you'll hear over and over again at U.A. Show us what Plus Ultra means!" She pointed her whip towards Midoriya, a smile plain on her face. "Midoriya Izuku placed first in the qualifier. He'll be worth ten million!"

All of a sudden everyone's looks turned malicious, Akina just looked at the boy with a smile. So in other words. You get his points, and you're a sure win. She thought, her eyes narrowing as she started to think of a plan.

"First Years!" Midnight shouted, getting the glaring student's attention off of Midoriya and back onto her. "These are the rules to abide by. The game itself will last fifteen minutes, individual point values will be added together to reach your teams total. Everybody will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up, so the more you steal, the harder it will be to manage. And even if your headband gets stolen, you can keep playing until times up!"

Around her, Akina listened to the chatter from the other students. Most of them already strategizing.

"This is going to be rough, and you can use your quirks as much as you like, but, there are still rules. Make a team fall on purpose and I will slap you with a red card, you will be disqualified!"

With those words, a fifteen minute timer appeared on the screen, signaling that the countdown to make teams was starting.

Placing a hand to her chin in thought, Akina looked around at her options, discreetly sniffing the air and trying to figure out their quirks. Watching everyone team up, Akina noticed Ibara talking with some other class 1-B students. Thinking she could join their team, Akina shook her head. She barely knew Ibara, and besides that fact, class 1-B hated her class, which included her. A sudden tap on her shoulder made Akina turn around, her green eyes meeting angry red ones.

"Hey, Red-head. You're strong right? Why don't you join my team?" Bakugo asked.

Looking at the two behind him, Akina made eye contact with a smiling Mina and a determined Kirishima. "Looks like you racked up some decent teammates. Ah, why the hell not. I bet teaming with you will be fun."

Bakugo grinned. "Good choice. I'd hate to see you pair up with any of those other losers. Now, I'm going to be the horse, you three will make sure that nobody gets my headband, got it?"

"Whatever you say blondie." Akina said.

"Awesome! This is gonna be fun!" Mina exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"We're totally going to own the competition." Kirishima said, hardening his arm and giving a toothy grin.

"Aw man, I'm all fired up!" Akina exclaimed. "Let's get us some headbands!"


By the time the buzzer sounded, everybody had created their teams, and as Present Mic was taking, Bakugo's group got into position.

Bakugo was going to be the rider, while Kaminari was in front— being able to take Bakugo's explosions. Mina and Akina were in the back, both tasked with moving them quickly and defending the headband Bakugo had wrapped around his forehead.

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