Bonus: Class 1-A meets the Faries

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I couldn't resist writing this bonus, Hope you all enjoy! I probably won't edit it, so if you guys see any typos or errors, please feel free to tell me!


It was a normal day at U.A. Akina had been gone for a week now, and even though it felt different not having the mage around they all continued their usual routine, so far, they were in homeroom, Aizawa going over the few things the class needed to know. Of course, not everyone had known about Akina's identity when she said goodbye, so the rest of the class had to explain it as best as they could.

Then everyone heard a distant screaming coming from the sky.

"What is that?" Mina asked, turning her attention to the windows, Alison with the rest of the class.

"It sounds like screaming." Hagakure muttered.

"We're not under attack again, are we?" Mineta fretted, bitting his nails in fear.

All of their questions were answered when something broke through the window, and with a loud thud landed on the floor of the classroom.

"Ow..." The thing— or person, groaned, sitting up and rubbing her head. "That hurt... why am I always the one to fall from the sky?" The class watched in shock as the girl— known as Akina Hayashi— stood up and turned to the class. "Who wants to take a class field trip to meet my family?"

The question was greeted by silence before everyone erupted into cheers, and Aizawa knew that there was no way he would be able to tangle all of them up after that. With a sigh, he pulled out his sleeping bag. "Just don't get yourselves killed. Okay?" He muttered.

"Oh, you're coming to, Aizawa." Akina said, "None of you really have a choice in the matter since I'm already teleporting all of you now." With that, the class disappeared from the classroom, leaving All Might who was walking past to cough up blood as he witnessed it, seeing the now empty classroom.

The class had been teleported into a edge of a forest on the outskirts of Magnolia, all of them awed at the sight of the town in front of them.

"Welcome to Magnolia! The the hometown of my guild, Fairy Tail!"

"It's so beautiful!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"It is, isn't it? But we shouldn't waste any time. I want you guys to meet my family as soon as possible!"

As the group walked through town, Akina informed them about the basics of her world, guilds, magic types, and overall anything important she could think about of this world, now she was answering all the questions her classmates were asking her.

"So, you're not actually related to anyone else in your guild?" Todoroki asked.

She shook her head, "Not by blood, but our bond is as strong— maybe even stronger than a family."

"You mentioned earlier at the Traning camp that you were trained by a dragon, is that true?" Kaminari asked.

"Yeah. His name was Gio, and he was the King of the Nature Dragons."

"The King?" Hagakure asked. "Does that mean you're like a princess or something?"

"Ah, I don't think it works that way."

"There are three magic types, right?" Midoriya asked, scribbling stuff down in a notebook he had brought.

"Mmhm. Caster, Holder, and Ancient Magic." Akina told him. Seeing a familiar building get in view. "Up ahead we have the guild hall. After winning the Grand Magic Games, a tournament a lot like the Sports Festival, the town gave this to us as a gift."

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