Chapter 1

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Hey Sinners! This book should be updated every Saturday!


A couple days had passed since Akina had been transported by the strange wizard, and after some searching she found out where she was. She found out that she had traveled to another world, similar to Edolas in the fact that they don't have magic. Though the humans here did have some kind of power— from what she read, they were called quirks. A unique ability that manifests itself into 80% of the human race, she thought that maybe because of the quirks was that she was still able to use her magic. As well as quirks, Akina read that there was a hero occupation, where people with strong quirks rose up to save civilians, much like what the guilds did.

After finishing another research trip to the nearby library, Akina was walking through the park, thinking things over. She thought about Fairy Tail, and how worried they must be about her. She thought about her exeed, Choco, and how she must feel so alone. Finally, she thought about how much she missed her guild. Placing her hand over her shoulder where her quild mark was, Akina let out a sigh.

In the few days that she had been in that world, Akina had stolen herself a a t-shirt and some pants so she didn't look suspicious walking around in the blood stained outfit she had arrived in. As well as the new pair of clothes, Akina found herself a place to sleep in a nearby forest.

Once she got to the forest she had set up in, Akina climbed up her tree and relaxed on a branch. It was quiet and calm for a while until she heard a shout of frustration.

"Aw man! I didn't win!" A female voice shouted, and Akina peeked out of the leaves, seeing a pink skinned girl holding a popsicle stick in her hand with a pout. "Ah well, there's always next time." Throwing the stick the the side, Akina narrowed her eyes, summoning a vine with her magic and throwing the popsicle stick back at the girl.

"Littering isn't good you know." She said, jumping down from the branch she was on and looking at the girl.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't think anyone was around." She said, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. "But your quirk is really cool! You control vines?" She seemed to of immediately get off of the topic.

"Something like that." Akina said with a shrug.

"Awesome! We should totally be friends! I'm Ashido Mina!" She said, reaching her hand out in front of her a wide grin on her face.

"I'm Hayashi Akino. And yeah, sure, I'd like to be your friend."


A couple days had gone by and Mina and Akina had become good friends. Meeting up in the forest just below the spot where Akina slept almost every day.

Currently, the two of them were sitting on a bench at the park, chatting happily as people walked by.

"You know, you always seem to be in that clearing no matter what time of day it is. In the morning, after school. Don't you have anywhere to go? Like family? School?"

"Ah, not really." Akina replied, trying to think of what to say. "I don't really go to school and as for my family. Well, I kind of got separated from them not too long ago."

"What? You mean you don't know where they are?"

"Yeah, but hey, I'm alive! I've been surviving! I just have to find a way to get back to them!"

Mina looked at her with a concerned expression. "So, have you been living in that tree?" She asked.

"Ah, well, maybe-" Akina started, feeling a hand wrap around her wrist as Mina started to pull her a certain direction. "Mina! W-wait!" She shouted, but Mina didn't let go, instead the pinkette dragged her along the sidewalks, and they entered a neighborhood nearby.

Flinging open the door, Akina saw a tall man that looked similar to Mina, except he had a more lime green skin as well as lighter green horns.

"Hello dear." He said.

"His dad, this is Akina and she's living with us now." She said.

"Oh, is she now?" The man asked, and Akina assumed he was Mina's dad. "And why's that. This isn't the first time you've tried to get your friends to live in out house."

"It's different this time, dad!" Mina shouted, "Akina doesn't have a place to go! She got separated from her family and has been living in a tree!"

"Nice try, Mina." He said, patting the pinkette on the head. "You've told us this exact same line before."

Puffing her cheeks, Mina looked at Akina pleadingly. "Please tell him!"

"I can't accept this, Mina." Akina whispered.

"Yes you can! Don't worry." Mina said.

"My, my, what's this all of this commotion?" A woman asked, and Akina looked up to see a woman who looked mostly human— apart from pale pink hair, horns, and black sclera.

"Mina is trying to get another one of her friends to live with us again."

"What's the line this time?"

"I'm telling you the truth!" Mina shouted in frustration, shaking her fists in the air.

"She's right, Mr. and Mrs. Ashido." Akina pipped up, getting the attention on her. "I have been living in a tree, and I was separated from my family not too long ago." Feeling her eyes water at the thought of Fairy Tail, she balled her fist. "Once I informed Mina about this, she immediately dragged me here." She didn't really want to live with Mina— mostly because she didn't want to burden her family— but she also didn't want Mina to get in trouble for actually telling the truth.

The two looked at her for a second before their looks turned into ones of pity. "You poor dear." Mrs. Ashido said. "It looks like Mina is telling us the truth. Walking in front of Akina, she placed a hand on the younger girl's shoulder. "If you want, you can stay with us for a while."

"I- I couldn't." Akina said, shaking her head and backing away.

"Come on, Akina was it? I don't think Mina would bring you here unless she trusted you as a friend." Mr. Ashido said. "You can stay with us, for as long as you need."

"Woo hoo!" Mina cheered. "We can be just like sisters, Aki, I've always wanted a sister before! Come on!" Again, Mina grabbed onto Akina's hand and dragged her up the stairs. "You're part of out family now!"

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