Chapter 18

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It wasn't long until Akina was stuffing her face with a variety of fruit. It was true that she hadn't used a lot of magical energy during the first two competitions, but with her being a dragon slayer, it was almost as if her stomach was a bottomless pit, and all that moving around made her hungry.

"You were really amazing during the Obstacle Course Hayashi. I never thought of using falling debris to jump around in the air." Hagakure said, a fork flying in midair with a single noodle hanging off of it.

"Really? That was nothing if I'm being honest. In my family, it's something that a lot of people do. Debris, climbing up giant swords, barely avoiding a crumbling cliff, that type of stuff."

Mina and Hagakure, who were sitting around her were looking at her in pure shock, not really shocked at what she said, but the casual tone she had while saying it.

"Hey, ladies." Someone said, and Akina looked up to see Kaminari and Mineta standing at the table.

"You need something?" Akina asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Yeah, I don't know if you knew this, but all the girls have to wear those cheer uniforms this afternoon." Mineta said, pointing towards the cheerleaders that weren't too far off.

"Really?" Hagakure asked.

"I wouldn't lie about something Mr. Aizawa said, would I?" Mineta asked.

Oh he totally would. But if I'm being honest, I kind of want to wear one of those cheerleading outfits.


"Woah! What are the Class 1-A girls doing?" Present Mic shouted once he saw what they were wearing.

"Ugh! He tricked us!" Jiro shouted, throwing her Pom poms on the ground. "I can't believe it!"

Akina let out a small laugh, "Well, no use in changing now. I say we just roll with it!" She threw one of her hands into the air, the Pom Pom she was holding rustling with the movement.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Hagakure agreed, joining Akina with her cheering.


"And those are the planned recreational games, everyone!" Present Mic shouted. "And the final game will be a tournament style fight edition!" Present Mic exclaimed, "I promise you're not gonna want to miss these epic matchups!"

"I hope I get strong opponents! I really want to go all out on someone!" Akina exclaimed.

"Come up here and draw lots to see who you're up against. And then we will start the recreational games. The sixteen finalists have the option of participating or just watching the games. I'm sure you will want to store up your stamina. Now, the first place team."

"Um, excuse me." Ojiro said from within the crowd of students, "Sorry, but I'm withdrawing."

Withdrawing? But isn't this a big opportunity? Akina thought, looking at Ojiro with confusion.

"It just wouldn't be right. I barely remember anything from the Cavalry Battle Cavalry Battle until the very end of it. I... think it was that guy's quirk. I know this is a great opportunity, and I wish I could take advantage of it, but my conscience won't let me."

"Just think about this." Midoriya said, making an attempt to get Ojiro to change his mind.

"I have, okay. Everyone game their all in round two. But I was just someone's puppet. No way. I don't want to advance if I dont even know how I got here. It wouldn't be fair."

"Ojiro, are you sure about this? You just need to prove that you belong in the finals." Akina said, making an attempt to persuade the teen.

"Yeah, what she said. I didn't do much in the battle either." Mina said.

"That's not it, I'm talking about my pride here. I refuse to give that up." There was a slight pause before he continued. "Also, why are all the girls dressed as cheerleaders?"

"Reasons you don't need to know." Akina said, giving him a sweet smile.

After a kid from 1-B also forfeited his spot, Ibara and Tesutetsu were brought into the finals in their place after Midnight accepted their forfeits by the basis that was was naive and turned her on.

"Now take a look at the bracket my dears, these are your opponents!"

Looking up at the board, Akina scanned it for her name, seeing that she was paired up with Momo for her first match. Walking up to the girl, Akina held out her hand.

"Well, Momo. Looks like we'll be fighting in the first match, I hope you're ready, because I'll be going all out."

To avoid any confusion, Akina is replacing Tokoyami in the matches, he will still be in the games, but will be taking Aoyama's place. I'm sorry if any of you liked Aoyama, but he's not going to be in the tournaments.

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