Chapter 39

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The group had moved away from the crowd and were now walking through a neighborhood. Stopping at the edge of a building, just before a corner, Momo glanced around, seeing if the coast was clear.

"This is the spot the receiver is showing." Said said.

Akina glanced around the corner, seeing a rather run down warehouse standing tall in front of them.

"So that's their hideout... it really looks like one." Kirishima stated.

"I don't know if it's their hideout of not, but from what I can see on the receiver, the villain has not left here for the past day." Momo turned to face the group , "Also, just because that villain is here does not mean Bakugo is. We are here with very little to go on. Please think of that objectively."

"Hayashi, can you smell anything?" Midoriya asked, looking at the mage.

Sniffing the air, Akina tried to get a trace of Bakugo, but there were too many strong scents around her for her to find a specific one. Most of the scents coming from the warehouse were animalistic. "No, there are too many smells mingling together over here that's it's hard to pinpoint anything specific. Sorry."

"No, it's alright." Midoriya said, and he started to mutter, putting his hand to his chin as he tried to think out a plan. After a few minutes, he decided that they should all huddle up nearby a ending machine to watch the entrance of the hideout. So far it seemed as if nothing was happening.

"There's no reaction even though we've gotten this close." Momo muttered, putting Akina's thoughts into words.

"The lights aren't on, either. It doesn't look like anyone's in there."

"To hide a tree, use the forest." Todoroki said.

"Nature reference. Nice." Akina muttered, not loud enough for anyone to of heard her.

"I guess they're hiding as an abandoned warehouse."

"The weeds under the front door are pretty thick." Midoriya observed.

The strong smell of booze hit Akina's nose, and she noticed two obviously drunk men saunter over to the group.

"Hey, what're ya doin', hostesses?" One of them asked. "Come drink wit us!"

"Stop that idiot!" The other one said, slapping his friend on the back of his head.

As Iida and Midoriya used their lines from when they were walking out of the shop, Akina cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes. "You think you can mess with me or any of my friends?" She asked, her voice similar to that of a gang member. "Well, you've got another thing coming to you if you don't back the fuck up." By now, she was in the persons face, her teeth bared in a threatening way as she glared at the two men, who seemed scared shitless now. "If you want some fun, why don't you go run back to someone who doesn't have any standards." At that, the two men ran away, and Akina could feel the surprised eyes of her classmates on her. Turning around, she gave them an innocent smile. "Alright, I suggest we find somewhere else to stand watch."


"There aren't many people walking by, but there are some." Todoroki stated.

"We can't do anything to stand out. What should we do?" Momo asked.

Midoriya looked over towards the warehouse, "Let's try going around to the back."

With that, the group moved and snuck around to the back of the abandoned warehouse, shuffling between a wall and the wall of a house.

"This is very narrow." Momo muttered. "I feel like I will get stuck."

"No one will see us here as we move." Midoriya stated, "We don't want to risk being seen by anybody walking outside." There was an audible gasp from him as the teen looked up, Akina following his gaze to see a barred window not too high up. "And at that height, we should be able to see inside too!"

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