Chapter 36

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Akina took a breath, it was now or never to confess the truth to Aizawa. "Well actually, sir, we may or may not be from a different world that as magic instead of quirks and I might actually be a Nature Dragon Slayer taught by a Nature dragon." She said, her words coming out in a rushed mess.

By now, what was remaining of the uninjured and minorly injured class was listening in, and they all just started at her before Aizawa broke the silence.


"You're kidding with us, Right Aki?" Mina asked, a hopeful look on her face. "You've got to be kidding."

"Yeah, there's no way magic exists." Kaminari said.

"And a Nature Dragon Slayer? Taught by a dragon? No way." Sero said, running his hand through his hair.

"I understand if you're in disbelief. But you just have to believe me for now. Bakugo's out there, and he needs help. My guild mates are willing to help us save him, and we might not have a lot of time left." Akina said, everyone seeming to Remember the situation they were in— Akina's bombshell seemed to of distracted them a bit from it, and they were still slightly distracted.

"We still don't know if we can trust you or not." Aizawa said, seeming to of recovered from what Akina said.

"Don't trust us? We're the most trustworthy wizards in all of Fiore!" Natsu shouted, spouting fire out of his mouth in anger.

"I think the magic council would disagree, Natsu." Akina muttered, "I mean, we have destroyed plenty of cities."

Aizawa just sighed. "We'll deal with this later. Hayashi, join the class, you four, I don't care what you do as long as you don't contact Hayashi or try to intervene with the investigation."

"Are you trying to separate us from Akina?" Erza asked, narrowing her eyes and sending a glare Aizawa's direction. Looking at her teacher and her classmates behind him, she noticed that most of them stiffened up, all of them seeming to sweat bullets. Aizawa on the other hand seemed unfazed, other than the fact he turned and walked away, a bit quicker than his usual walk.

"Fine. Do what you want. But Hayashi, we need to check you for injuries, and we need to discuss that stunt you pulled earlier."

Akina looked at him, then back at her guild mates. "For now, I think it's best if I just stay with my class. I promise after all of this I'll go home with you guys."

Erza sighed. "Alright. But here," she lifted her hand and a small lacrima appeared in her hand. "Use this to contact us if anything happens. Besides, after the spell is casted, we have to wait to cast it again. We'll lay low in this world for now, but the instant something comes up, we are rushing right over."

"Yes Ma'am." Akina said, holding the lacrima securely in her hands as she turned and started walking back to the class, her guild mates huddling up and seeming to be coming up with a plan of where they would stay. It wasn't until she was halfway to her class that she remembered something. Turning around and rummaging through her skirt pocket, Akina pulled out her wallet. "They don't accept jewel here, so you'll need to use this to get around." She said, handing Erza the yen bills. She had managed to save up her allowance money from Mr. and Mrs. Ashido in case of an emergency. "Alright, now I've really got to go! I'll see you guys soon!" Waving her hand, she joined up with her class, getting bombarded with questions.

It wasn't long before each of them was driven home by authorities— or picked up by their parents— Akina riding home with Mina staring at the lacrima sitting peacefully in her lap. The thought that she would be able to return to Fairy Tail split her heart in two. Sure, she wanted to go back and she wanted to see her family again, but she had made such good friends in this world, and she wasn't ready to leave them just yet.

Taking a deep breath, Akina looked over at Mina, who had her head resting against the window and drool running down her chin as she slept. Being honest with herself, Akina was thankful that her friend was able to fall asleep after an event like that. Akina leaned back, her head resting against the head rest her eyes starting to get heavy. Bakugo will be safe. My guild mates are here, and I know that they'll help with getting him back.

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