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Olivia loved feeling the cold metal of her engagement ring on her finger, and she loved knowing that in the near future she and Elliot were going to be married. It was so amazing to her to know that the love they had for each other stretched from preschool and now they were really engaged and getting married.

"He's a good man, honey," Denise spoke, as she walked into her kitchen late that night. Olivia was standing next to the stove as she waited for the water to boil for her tea.

"He is an amazing man, Mom. I've dated so many men, but I could never forget him and I'm glad I didn't." Olivia spoke. She grabbed another teacup and saucer before sitting it beside the one she had gotten out for herself. Her mother walked over to her and gently kissed her cheek before grabbing tea bags.

"And that girl is the sweetest. Her mother isn't in the picture?" Olivia mother asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, she isn't. Elliot said that she wasn't ready to be a mother. So they decided that Elliot was going to raise her, and he's done a great job so far. I just can't wait to really be her mother. We get along so well, and I love her. I love her as you and Dad love me." Olivia smiled, as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

"I cannot wait to see what comes from this. Your fiance looks at you the way your father looks at me. It's true love, honey. And you are so lucky and blessed."


Olivia eventually calmed down after the excitement of the night, and she walked out to her old bedroom. She opened the door and checked on Maureen before heading down the hall to where Elliot was sleeping in one of the many bedrooms that were empty now that all of the kids were out of the house.

"Are you awake?" Olivia whispered, and Elliot groaned in response.

"So you are awake but don't want to be." She chuckled. Olivia walked over and climbed back into her side of the bed, and wrapped her arms around his body. Elliot smiled as he ran his hands over hers.

"Did you have a good talk with your Mom?" Elliot mumbled.

"A great talk. They love you and Maureen, baby. I'm so freaking excited to marry you." Olivia smiled before she leaned down and kissed her fiance's shoulder.

"When we get back to Manhattan, I will try to be as active in the planning as possible."

"Oh, don't worry. Maureen and I can plan an amazing wedding and all you have to do is show up."

"I love you so much. I absolutely hate planning anything." Elliot laughed, before rolling over and holding Olivia in his arms. She rested her head against his chest as he placed gentle kisses to her dark brown hair.

"But you planned on getting engaged to me for 25 years." She mumbled before falling asleep quickly and with a smile on her lips.


The first step Olivia had to take to get ready for her wedding was finding a dress. She knew that it would take a while for her dress to be made, so she jumped right into finding the perfect one. Maureen, Denise, and Collin Jr.'s wife Joy all went with Olivia. Maureen was over the moon excited to help her father's fiance find a dress.

"Joy, how many dresses did you have to go through to find the one that made you feel like a real bride and not just some girl playing dress up?" Olivia asked, and Joy sighed as she thought.

"Denny, didn't I go through like nearly 50?" Joy asked, and Olivia's mother laughed and nodded.

"Oh yeah. It was quite an affair." Denise laughed before she opened the door to the dress shop. Olivia and Maureen walked in first, and Maureen's jaw dropped. She was excited and thought that every single dress in there had to be tried on by Olivia, but Olivia was overwhelmed. She wanted to find a dress that Elliot would love, but she wasn't sure. She was thinking that she should've brought Elliot along to help.

"Livvie, are you getting these all?" Maureen whispered, and Olivia shook her head.

"I'm only getting one. But I don't know which one."


Ballgowns, fit and flare, mermaid, form-fitting. So many dresses for just one very important day. Denise watched as her daughter grew tired and overwhelmed as she walked out in one dress after the other. So, while Joy and Maureen were looking through the dresses, Denise snuck back into Olivia's dressing room and saw her daughter sitting in one of the robes as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Oh, honey," Denise whispered, as she walked over and sat beside her daughter. Olivia turned towards her mother and hugged her tightly as she sobbed.

"I can't pick a dress, Mom! There are so many and the right one isn't here!" Olivia exclaimed, as her mother rubbed her back.

"It's here, Liv. I promise. It's here. And you know what, why don't you look at the dresses that are a little more expensive."

"Mom, I can't afford more than two thousand," Olivia whispered.

"It's a tradition for the bride's family to pay for the wedding, and your father and I want to make your wedding perfect. You are my only daughter, and I want to make this wedding exactly how you want it to be. You've been waiting forever to marry Elliot."

"What about your dress?" Olivia whispered, and Denise's eyes lit up. She never thought her only daughter would want to wear the dress she wore when she married Collin.

"Are you sure? I'll buy you any dress you want."

"You are my mom, and it's a special dress and I'd be wearing it on my special day. Mom, Elliot is my soulmate like Dad is yours. I think I want to just try on a few more but I want to wear your dress, Mom. Please."

"Oh, love. Of course!" Denise exclaimed before pulling her daughter to her feet and hugging her tightly.

AMAZING COVER BY Elliot_Sebastian_!

Hey guys, so I'm sorry if this was bad. But thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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