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Olivia and Elliot drove around their sector as they both called out Jackie's name. Olivia kept her eyes focused on the alley's but she didn't see anything and it was getting colder and darker outside. She almost concerned for the safety of her younger sister.

"Should we go to where all of those druggies are?" Elliot asked as he came to a stoplight. Olivia nodded slowly as she looked over at him.

"If she's getting high, I'm not going to look like the bad daughter," Olivia said, her voice a little lighter in tone than it had been earlier.

"Oh, shut up." He spoke, as he rolled his eyes. Olivia smiled as she reached over and grabbed his hand and squeezed as they headed down the road. There was an abandoned building on the outskirts of their sector, and Olivia and Elliot pulled up to it and got out. They went and grabbed vests from the back of their sedan, before heading up the cracked cement path and into the building.

They grabbed their flashlights and turned them on before doing a walkthrough of the building. It smelt like death, and Olivia felt like she was going to get sick. Elliot pulled out his pad of paper from his pocket and his pen, before writing down clear or body on the paper. He managed to find a place to stick these little pieces of paper on the wall and that would help the ME when they were called to retrieve the bodies.

"I think there are people upstairs. I can hear the music." Olivia whispered, and Elliot nodded. He took the stairs first since he didn't want his wife to fall through a rotted stair and hurt herself. Once he got up to the top, he looked at her and frowned.

"Go outside and call the ME. More bodies up here." He whispered, and Olivia ran away from the stairs. She barely made it outside of the building before getting sick. She had been doing so good. She had managed to not get sick at the sight of the bodies and the smell, but one Elliot told her that there was more, it just pushed her over the edge.

"Olivia?" Cragen questioned, as he answered his desk phone.

"Captain, we are at a building on the edge of our search area, and there are so many dead bodies and it's clearly a place that people go to get high. Can you call Warner and tell her? And-" Olivia couldn't finish her sentence before Elliot was pulling a swearing Jackie from the building. Olivia quickly hung up and shoved her phone into her pocket before walking over and grabbing her little sister by her arms.

She stared at her and shook her head.

"What did you take?" Olivia spat.

"Nothing! Fuck you!" Jackie screamed, and Olivia just shook her a bit before asking her again.

"Are you high? Why did you even come here of all places?!" Olivia yelled.

"Liv, here is another missing kid. Jackie was sucking his face when I got up there." Elliot spoke, and Olivia looked up to see a boy that was probably Jackie's age.

"Austin Jones. Your parents have been looking for you for weeks." Olivia groaned, and he shrugged.


"So? Are you kidding me? You both are in so much trouble. Be thankful that we found you because your parents are going to kill you both. Jackie, roll up your sleeves." Olivia ordered.


"Roll up your damn sleeves!" Olivia yelled. Jackie rolled up her sleeves and Olivia rolled her eyes.

"You tried to inject yourself with some nasty ass drug, but you failed. Thankfully."


Olivia was so pissed off at her little sister and her boyfriend, that she handcuffed them and put them in the back of their sedan. Elliot was amused by that, but he didn't let it show because he didn't want to anger his already pissed off wife.

"You found her?!" Serena exclaimed, as she quickly climbed out of Cragen's sedan.

"Yeah." Elliot breathed because Olivia was pacing the sidewalk as she tried to calm down. Elliot walked over to the sedan and got Jackie out of it, before unlocking the cuffs and taking them off of her.

"Mom, Olivia put me in handcuffs!" Jackie yelled.

"What? Elliot?!" Serena exclaimed, and that's when Olivia stomped over to them.

"She tried to get high, Serena. She has the marks on her arms, but she didn't do it right. She was always here with a boy who ran away from home nearly a month ago." Olivia spoke, and Serena shook her head.

"No. She didn't do anything. I'm going to take my daughter home now. Thank you, Elliot, for finding her." Serena spoke. Olivia could feel the anger washing off of Serena, but it was only directed at Olivia. It was her fault now.

"We need to take her and Austin back to the station to question them. Then they can be released to you." Cragen spoke, and Serena shook her head.

"Jackie has had a hard day. I'm taking her home now. Thank you."


Cragen sent his detectives home, and it was the right thing to do because Olivia passed out in the front seat of the sedan, and when Elliot got back to the precinct to pick up the van, he had to lift his wife out of the front of the sedan because she was in that much of a deep sleep.

He carried her into their house when they got home, and she didn't even wake up when he laid her in bed and covered her up after he removed her shoes and her hair tie.

Elliot hated that Serena was angry at Olivia for putting cuffs on Jackie and for everything it seemed. When he had been driving Serena around to find Jackie, she said she was angry at Jackie for running away and for what she said to Olivia, but now it was the other way around. She was angry at Olivia for Jackie running away and for what Jackie said.

"They don't deserve you, baby. You are too good for them. And I promise you that from now on, I'll tell you that every day. You probably can't hear me right now because you are sleeping so deeply, but I'll still keep my promise even when you don't have to force me too." Elliot breathed. He sank down under the blankets before placing a soft kiss to Olivia's temple.

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