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Just before two in the morning, Josiah was born to two very excited parents. Relief flooded the hearts of those who had watched Olivia in pain for so many hours, and it was replaced with a very deep and intense love for a little boy with one brown curl on his head and very long eyelashes that rested against his chubby little cheeks.

"I'm tired, El... but I just can't close my eyes. I just want to watch him forever." Olivia breathed, as she held her son in her arms. She hadn't yet surrendered him to his father or his grandparents, because she didn't want to be even a few feet away from her baby.

"Well, let me hold him. I'll sit right beside you, so you aren't far away from him." Elliot spoke, as he reached out and gently touched his son's small hand.

"I want you to be sitting right there when I wake up, okay? And if you need to do something, please just wake-"

"I'm not waking you up. I'll just give him to one of his two grandparents that are waiting eagerly to meet their grandson in a more up close fashion. You know what, Olivia, you are a baby hog." Elliot spoke, and Olivia grinned at him.

"And a proud one at that. Now, take him before I decide not to sleep for the next 18 years." Olivia spoke. Elliot smiled, before standing and holding his son close. He leaned down and kissed his wife's lips gently before he sat back down and examined his son's face. He smiled when both arms slipped from the swaddle and Josiah rested his hands against his cheeks.

"You are so stinking cute, Joey... and make sure you never tell your Momma that I just called you that. She doesn't want you to have a nickname... but I'm gonna call you whatever I wanna call you... behind your mother's back." Elliot smiled.

He was so proud of his wife, daughter, and now his little boy. Elliot sat wondering if Josiah would meet his soulmate in preschool, just like Elliot had met his.


At six in the morning, Maureen and Fin showed up. Maureen was absolutely silent when she walked into the room alone, having left Fin outside so he could talk to Denise and Collin. She saw her mother lying in the hospital bed, her arm draped over her stomach that once contained Josiah. Maureen's eyes moved to the small rocking chair in the corner and smiled when she saw her father sitting there with a tiny bundle in his arms. She knew that it was her baby brother.

She tiptoed over to the rocking chair and placed a soft kiss to the mostly bald head of her little brother. She had been waiting so patiently from the minute her parents told her about the baby, and now it was finally time to meet him. 

"Hi, Siah..." Maureen whispered as she climbed onto her father's lap, without waking him nor her brother. She nestled her head against her father's shoulder before reaching out and gently touching her brother's small hand. His fingers gripped one of Maureen's fingers and she had to stop herself from squealing happily, so she just smiled largely just watched as her little brother continued to sleep.

"When did you get here, Mo?" Olivia asked, about ten minutes after Maureen got there. She wasn't angry at her husband for moving away from where he promised he was gonna sit the whole time.

"A little bit ago. He's so cute, Momma." Maureen smiled before she slowly climbed off of Elliot's lap and walked over to her mother. Olivia held her hand out and helped Maureen onto the bed, before holding her daughter close and covering her soft blonde curls in kisses.

"Why isn't he blonde like me?" Maureen asked. Olivia was a little confused by the question, but she answered it.

"Because you two share different Mommas. Your biological mother is blonde, so that is why you have blonde curls."

"I guess I kinda forgot that you weren't bio... that word... my Momma." Maureen giggled a bit. Olivia pulled Maureen closer before smiling.

"It seems like I have been your Momma since the day you were born. That you were nestled in my belly just like Josiah was... but I'm thankful for your mother for having you. Because if I had, you wouldn't be the amazing little girl that you are." Olivia spoke, before seeing Elliot stand up and walk over to them. He sank down onto the small sliver of the bed that was empty, and he showed Josiah off to Olivia and Maureen.

"I'm gonna be the best big sister to him. I promise." Maureen smiled.

"I know you will, darling. Now, pass me my son back, Stabler. You lied to me, and now you lost all of your baby holding privileges."


Elliot took Maureen home at about 8 that morning, and he put her back down in her bed and she fell asleep quickly. It had been an early morning for her and a hard night to sleep due to all of the excitement.

Elliot showered and got changed before sitting down on the couch and let out a loud yawn. He was just about to pull out his phone and call Olivia to tell her that Maureen was sleeping again when he heard the doorbell rang. He didn't even realize that the doorbell still worked, so it shook him a bit.

"Serena." Elliot breathed, once he finally opened the front door.

"I know you don't want anything to do with me, but I just couldn't get settled last night and I was up all night because I was worrying about Olivia. Is she okay? I'll leave once I know that she is okay." Serena breathed.

"She was in labor till a little bit before two this morning. Josiah... he's amazing. He's so stinking cute and he has one curl on his head and these ink black eyelashes..." Elliot spoke, smiling largely.

"Thanks for telling me, Elliot. And I'm sorry about yesterday... for stressing her out and hurting her. I brought this... it's just a small gift that you can throw away if you want. But it's Olivia's baby blanket. The same one she came home from the hospital swaddled in. I washed it and it's yellow so it's still good for a boy. For Josiah." Serena spoke. She lifted the gift bag up off the front step before passing it to me. He took it before sitting it on the table beside the door. He stepped out and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for sticking around yesterday. I guess it helped to know that you were out here and could help her when I was on my way home. And thanks for the blanket. He'll love it."

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