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Olivia got home and quickly helped Maureen out of the car before they went inside. She didn't want to be outside just in case Serena swung by just to fuck with her. Maureen sat down to do her reading, while Olivia went out back and paced the deck while she tried to get Elliot to pick up his phone.

She felt like she was going to get sick, and that got even worse when Maureen called and said someone was knocking on the door. Olivia shoved her phone back into her back pocket before quietly walking to the front door. She got on her tip toes and looked out the top window. Of course, Serena was standing there. She couldn't take a hint, and it was making her go nuts! All she wanted was to never see Serena again. But she was seeing her for the third time today.

"Get off of my property. Now." Olivia ordered as she opened the front door.

"Olivia, please let me just talk to you. For a few minutes."

"I can't take this stress right now, Serena! And I'm not talking to you when I'm here all alone with Maureen. So just... please leave." Olivia whispered. Tears were streaming down her cheeks now, as she draped her free arm over her stomach.

"Are you okay? You look pale. Are you-"

"I'm not in labor! Fuck, just go! You aren't involved in my life anymore!" Olivia squeaked before she turned and slammed the door in Serena's face. Olivia wiped the tears from her cheeks before looking at Maureen.

"Everything is okay, Mo. Come here." Olivia whispered.

"She's a mean lady, Momma. Not leaving us alone and all."

"I know."


Elliot had turned his phone off during an interrogation, so he didn't get any of the messages that Olivia left him. He listened to all of his messages before quickly gathering up his stuff and going to leave.

"Where are you going?" Fin asked.

"Serena has been hanging around Liv today, she even went to our house. I need to get to Liv before she freaks out and gets stressed out even more."

"Want me to go talk to Serena?" Fin asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"No, I'll deal with this all. Can you just talk to Cragen and tell him what is happening? And be on the look out on your phone... Liv's due date is today and with all of this added drama, Josiah might be coming today." Elliot spoke, before quickly walking out. He got into the elevator and waited until he hit the bottom floor before dialing Olivia's number.

"Why didn't you pick up?!" Olivia cried.

"Because I was interrogating someone. But I'm on my way home right now. Are you okay? Did she leave?"

"She's still parked outside. El, I'm not feeling good at all... how fast can you get home?" Olivia whimpered.

"How aren't you feeling good? Like..."

"I don't know what that feels like. I've never had a baby before. I'm just so anxious and upset all of a sudden."

"It's not all of a sudden, Serena caused this. I'll be home in fifteen minutes. I'll put on the sirens so I can get to you quickly. I love you, Olivia. Just try and take some deep breaths and get a drink. Maybe take a bath." Elliot spoke before he heard knocking on Olivia's side of the call.

"She won't go away!" Olivia squeaked.


Elliot pulled up to his house and saw Serena sitting on the front steps. He was beyond mad, but his thoughts got taken away from Serena when he saw Maureen standing in front of the window with a small sign that said: "Momma is sad and sick".

"Serena, I need you to leave right now," Elliot ordered.

"She's very pale and she's very upset. I didn't want to leave without making sure she is okay." Serena spoke, as tears welled in her eyes.

"How pale? Like is all of the color from her cheeks gone? Was she sweating?" Elliot asked.

"She looked like a ghost. I think you need to take her to the hospital. I'll leave, but if you need anything, please just call me." Serena spoke. Elliot nodded slowly, before opening the door. 

He stepped into his house and felt the tension. Maureen grabbed his hand and quickly pulled him towards the stairs.

"Momma said to just wait down here for you. She's moaning and crying. Daddy, is she gonna die?" Maureen asked, tearfully.

Elliot stopped his daughter by the stairs and ran his fingers through her curls.

"Maureen, I need you to go downstairs and wait in the kitchen. And here, take my phone. I want you to call Uncle Fin and tell him that he needs to come to get you."


"Momma isn't gonna die. I promise. I need to take care of her now." Elliot spoke, before pulling her close and kissing her forehead.

Maureen ran back down the stairs, and Elliot opened the door to the room he shared with Olivia. He found her sitting on the floor between the wall and their dresser, as she held her stomach and moaned. Her forehead glistened with sweat, and Serena was right. She looked like a ghost.

"Okay, tell me what isn't feeling well," Elliot spoke, as he walked over and knelt in front of her. She bit her lip as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"First it was a panic attack, now I think I'm having contractions. I also go sick." Olivia whispered. Elliot nodded before gently placing his hand against her stomach.

"We got his, baby. You got this. Now, Maureen is calling Fin to get him to come get her. You and I are going to head to the hospital. If this isn't labor and something else, at least we are being safe."

"I had to sit here because it was a tight squeeze... you know-"

"I know how you need to be held and squeezed when you get panic attacks. I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you through this one. How far apart are the pains?" Elliot asked as he helped her to her feet. She leaned heavily on him, before shrugging.

"No idea... I just know that they hurt and they just keep coming."

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