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Elliot gave in and he went back to the house with the kids. He put Maureen and Josiah in her bedroom, before going into the room he shares with his wife. He went and took the sheets off of the bed before taking them into the bathroom and tossing them onto the floor. He filled the bathtub with hot water before dropping the sheets into it. He was hoping that it would help get the blood out of the sheets, but there was just so much.

Elliot left them there before walking back into the bedroom and stopping when he saw how much blood was soaked into the mattress. He couldn't believe that his wife had lost that much blood. That she was still losing blood.

Elliot didn't what to do now. All he knew was that he wanted to be with Olivia when they were going through one of the hardest things that they have had to go through since they got married.


Elliot didn't get to cry or decide what to do with their ruined mattress before someone came and knocked on the front door of the house.

Elliot quickly rushed downstairs and he pulled the door open before the person could knock again.

"Serena." Elliot breathed.

"Hey, Elliot... Uh, is Liv here? I wanted to see her real quick." Serena spoke. Elliot fought back tears as he shook his head.

"Liv's at the hospital right now. I'll tell her that you stopped by." Elliot breathed before going to shut the door. Serena stopped him and eyed him for several long moments.

"Why is she at the hospital? She quit her job to take care of the kids." Serena breathed.

"It's not for work. It's for another reason. I think that until she can tell you, I can't tell you." Elliot spoke.

"You can't tell me? Elliot, this is Olivia we are talking about. I know that we aren't close, but we have talked a little bit since everything went down. Can't you just tell me so I'm not worrying?" Serena questioned, and Elliot wiped a tear from his cheek before looking past her and at the fancy car she had driven here.

"Olivia had a miscarriage. She's bleeding a lot, and now she's at the hospital in the ICU. Her Mom is there with her, but I had to come home because the kids needed to sleep in their own beds." Elliot breathed.

"Let me help, Elliot. Just tell me what you need me to do." Serena spoke quickly.

"Denny is here, and she's gonna take care of Liv. I'm gonna take care of the kids, then we will switch." Elliot spoke, before going to shut the door again. Then Serena stopped him once again.

"Let me help you, Elliot." She whispered.

Elliot started to sob. Serena reached out and pulled him close as his sobs shook not only him but her too.

This was way too much for Elliot do deal with, but he had to deal with it. He didn't have any other choice.


Serena helped Elliot scrub the mattress to see if they could possibly get any of the blood out of it, but they couldn't. So Serena called a service to pick it up, while Elliot got the kids around to go buy a new mattress to replace the old one.

"Why is Serena here?" Maureen questioned, as Elliot sat in front of her and tied her shoes for him.

"Because she is helping me out while Grandma and Momma are at the hospital," Elliot spoke.

"But we don't like her, right?" Maureen questioned, as Josiah climbed off of his chair and went running to the stairs to see if the person coming down the stairs was his Momma, but instead, it was Serena.

"Don't talk like that, Mo. She's helping us." Elliot spoke.

"Are you three ready to go?" Serena questioned, as Josiah looked up at her as his blue eyes filled with confusion.

"Who dis?" Josiah questioned, as Elliot stood. He walked over to his son and picked him up before placing him on his hip.

"This is Serena. Now, let's go and head to the store so we can get a new bed." Elliot breathed.

Serena followed Elliot outside and she climbed into the front seat of the van, while Elliot got the kids in their seats. Once they heading towards the store, Serena turned to look at Elliot.

"If Maureen doesn't want me here, I don't have to be here," Serena whispered.

"We just haven't gotten to a place where we told her that everything is good now. So I'll talk to her about it tonight." Elliot replied quietly.

"Thank you, Elliot... I don't need to be a part of their lives, I just don't want them to hate me."


Elliot and Denise switched shifts, and Denise went to the house where she found Serena reading a book while she waited for Denise to show up. But Denise didn't know that Serena was going to be here, she thought that a sitter or one of the other detectives had shown up to cover the time.

"Serena." Denise breathed, and Serena quickly stood up and closed her book before looking at the woman that had taken over for her when she couldn't raise Olivia anymore.

"Denise... Uh, it's nice to truly meet you." Serena spoke, as she awkwardly walked over to the woman. Serena hadn't expected to see this woman. She didn't expect her to look how she looks.

"Never seen someone from Hawaii before?" Denise huffed, and Serena bit her lip.

"I guess I thought that someone named Denise would look like a Denise. Uh, how is Olivia?" Serena asked.

"I don't think that that is any of your business. Now, I can take over watching my grandbabies." Denise spoke.

"They are my grandchildren too," Serena replied back, sharply.

"You lost that when you tried to kill that girl. So, get out now." Denise huffed. She stepped out of the way of the door and Serena tossed the book onto the couch before walking towards the door and gathering her items.

"If our girl is going to die, I want to know so I can be here for Elliot and those kids." Serena spat.

"My daughter isn't going to die. Inside, maybe. But she'll still be on this Earth. Now get out."

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