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The rooms were set up, and now everyone was just waiting for the little boy and girl to finally arrive. Their beds were set up and each had trunks at the bottom of their beds for any items that they wanted to keep with them and to make sure the other kids didn't get to them. Olivia had picked out clothes for each child and was planning on making the kids feel like apart of the family as soon as they walked in.

"So, kids?" Olivia asked as she carried Noah into the kitchen where the kids were working on a few worksheets.

"Yeah, Momma?" The sighed in unison. Neither were really in the mood to talk, all they wanted was to quietly work on their assignments until they got their morning snack and could go outside and play for an hour or so.

"We are going to cut lessons short today." Olivia smiled.

"What? Why?" Maureen asked as she looked up at her mother.

"Well, because the kids are coming this afternoon. Daddy is on his way home from work right now. He's going to help us clean up real quick before they get here." Olivia spoke.

"Really?!" Maureen exclaimed. She was so excited about having two more kids in the house to play with, and hopefully two more siblings. 

"Yes, really. So finish that worksheet then you both can clean up the toys you left scattered in the living room." Olivia smiled softly as her kids' excitement faded when they found out that they had to clean up the mess they made.


Elliot got home and found that his house was clean and that his children were waiting anxiously for him to get home. 

"Daddy! The kids are already here!" Maureen exclaimed, from where she sat on the couch holding Noah on her lap as he squirmed a bit.

"Are they upstairs with your Momma?" Elliot asked, as he slipped his shoes off and put them away.

"Yeah. Up in their room." Maureen replied, and Elliot nodded. He walked over and kissed his children's heads before moving towards the stairs. He walked up them slowly before calling out his wife's name to warn her that he was coming. He didn't want to surprise the kids and scare them.

"Hey." Olivia smiled, as she walked out of what once used to be Noah's room.

"Hi. So, how are they?" Elliot asked, before he leaned in and kissed his wife.

"They are scared to death, but I think that they will warm up to us and let us in. The boy's name is Thomas and his sister's name is Ava Lane. She likes being called her full name, not just Ava. Also, Thomas has a prosthetic arm, his right arm. So he knows how to use it but he said that soon he may need to get another one because it's getting too small since he's growing like a weed." Olivia spoke, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Well, I'll read through his file tonight and find out exactly what we need to do to get him fitted for another one." Elliot smiled before he looked at his wife.

"I really like them, El. They are so sweet and I want to have them trust me so I can find out what happened in that house. So we can try and heal what they had to go through." Olivia spoke, and Elliot stepped forward and hugged her tightly.

"Maybe I'll start looking for a bigger house too. I have a feeling they will be our children eventually."


Thomas and Ava Lane were quiet all night. They avoided Maureen, Josiah, and Noah. They also only talked to Olivia because she had been the first kind face they had seen in weeks. She was the first one to give them their own room and to also give them clothes and toys. She was special to them already, and they needed her to protect them.

"So, here are your pajamas." Olivia smiled softly, as she sat a set of blue pajamas on the end of Thomas' bed before setting a pair of dark purple ones on the end of Ava Lane's bed.

"Why'd you get us so many clothes, Mrs. Stabler?" Thomas asked.

"Because you needed some, and I wanted you both to be as comfortable as possible while you are staying with us," Olivia replied. She sank down onto the edge of Thomas' bed before watching as Thomas helped Ava climb onto her bed, then he sat beside her.

"No one has bought us stuff before." Ava Lane whispered, her voice sounding so small and so weak.

"Well, that is gonna change. Okay? No more sleeping in the same clothes as you wore during the day. You both are set with what you need, and if you need anything else just ask me or Mr. Stabler." Olivia spoke.

"I'm sleepy... can we go to bed now?" Thomas asked, and Olivia nodded.

"You can. There are toothbrushes and toothpaste on the counter in the bathroom. My kids are already ready for bed so that bathroom, across the hall, is all yours. I'll be in to tuck you in, in about 15 minutes. Sounds good?"

"Tuck us in?" Ava Lane squeaked.

"Make sure you both are in bed and I'll make sure you both dream good dreams." Olivia grinned before standing and quietly leaving the room.


Thomas laid in his bed and looked at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling of the bedroom he was staying with his baby sister.

"Tommy?" Ava Lane whispered as she looked over at her brother.

"Yeah?" He whispered back.

"Are we ever gonna see Mommy and Daddy again?" She asked quietly.

"No, we will never see them again. Don't think about them. They let us get hurt." Thomas replied.

"But I love them, Tommy!" Ava Lane cried.

"Ava Lane, I don't care if you love them. Go to sleep before Mr. and Mrs. Stabler come in and yell at us." Thomas spat, before rolling over and looking at the wall.

"Mrs. Stabler would never yell at us... she's too nice. And you are just a big meanie." The little girl cried.

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