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Olivia carried Maureen into their house. Maureen had fallen asleep on the way home because watching Olivia try on dresses had taken a lot out of the little girl.

"You could've told me you were home. I would've come out to get her." Elliot spoke, as he quickly stood up from the couch and took Maureen from his fiance. 

"It's okay, El. She weighs nothing." Olivia smiled.

"Did you make her run laps or something? She rarely falls asleep in the car." Elliot laughed.

"She had to watch me get in and out of dresses for two hours. And we had to walk about a block to and from the car because we couldn't find parking closer." Olivia sighed.

"Did you find one? Or the one?" Elliot asked, as they quietly walked up the stairs to put Maureen in her bed.

"No. I couldn't find one I liked there, so I'm wearing my mother's dress." Olivia smiled. Elliot stopped and looked at his fiance.


"Yeah. It's not only special to me, but it is also special to my mother. I'm her only daughter like she has all of my sister in laws, but I'm the only one who has asked to wear her dress."

"Please tell me it doesn't have shoulder pads?" Elliot whispered.

"No, it doesn't. It's very elegant. Long sleeves, lace, long train. It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you."


About a week after Olivia decided on wearing her mother's wedding dress, she headed to Buffalo to get the dress changed a bit.

Maureen insisted on coming with her, and Elliot was more than happy to let his daughter bond with his fiance more.

"So I want to keep the dress the same. But I have to have the waistline taken in and I also need the chest to be taken in a tiny bit." Olivia spoke, as she stood and talked to the seamstress about her dress.

"You should make it purple." Maureen giggled from where she sat on Denise's lap.

"Love the idea, baby, but I really want to keep it white. Maybe when you are older you'll wear the same dress." Olivia smiled, and Maureen nodded.

"I'd love that, Liv! Please, Grandma, can I wear it too?" Maureen asked as she turned to look at Denise who was now crying.

"Grandma?" Maureen questioned as she tilted her head to the side as she grew confused.

"You called me Grandma. I'm just so happy. And now my baby is happy because she is with your father." Denise breathed. She hugged Maureen close and looked at Olivia who was now crying too.

Life has a crazy way of changing so quickly, but this change was something that was perfect and supposed to happen. Love like what Olivia and Elliot have for each other is so rare and so pure. It's exactly what Olivia needed, and exactly what Elliot had to offer.


The dress was perfect. The flowers were perfect. The venue, the reception hall, the tux, the rings. Everything was perfect. The wedding had been planned in nearly 3 months, and it was only because Elliot couldn't wait to be Olivia's husband and she couldn't wait to be his wife. 

Joy, Jen, Zoe, and Trisha were Olivia's bride's maids and to compensate for Olivia's large family and Elliot's want for the crew to be apart of the wedding, all four bride's maids got to have two men walk them down the aisle.

But when everyone was lining up and preparing themselves for walking down the aisle, Olivia got cold feet. Like a horrible case of cold feet.

"Where's the bride?" Collin Sr. asked as he walked into the church. He had been outside calming himself down because he was scared about having to give his little girl away.

"Liv just ran out. I couldn't catch her." Nico sighed, as he ran his hand over his beard and wrapped his arm around Trisha's waist.

"Okay. Stall, please." His father replied.


Collin looked through all of the rooms in the church, before standing outside of the ladies' room. He cleared his throat before knocking on the door.

"Honey, are you in there?" Collin Sr. asked, and his daughter's response was crying.

"I broke my heel, Dad! And my makeup is running! I don't know if this is what I'm meant to do!" Olivia sobbed.

"I'm coming in, Livvie." Collin opened the door and saw his daughter standing in the bathroom holding onto her white heel. The heel had broken off completely and he saw that she indeed had makeup all over her face.

"We can fix this." He smiled gently, as he walked over and grabbed her shoe from her.

"I look like a clown, Dad." She whispered.

"You are my very beautiful clown, though." He chuckled, but his usual joking wasn't helping his daughter calm down at all. She was a mess, but a beautiful mess.

"How are you-" Olivia didn't finish her statement because her father was pulling out his pocket knife.

"Daddy." She breathed.

"I know what I'm doing. I had to fix your mother's heel on our wedding day." He grinned.

Once the shoe was fixed, Collin found Olivia's makeup wipes for her and she cleaned off all of her makeup. She stared at herself for a few moments before deciding to just go naturally. Collin watched his daughter and he couldn't help but start to cry. 

His little girl had left the house long ago, but now she was marrying Elliot. She wasn't going to be just his little girl, she was also going to be a wife and a mother.

"I think I'm ready, Dad."

"Yeah?" Collin asked.

"Marrying Elliot is the right thing, right? Like I'm scared."

"You love him, right?"

"Well, of course."

"Does he make you happy."


"Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him?"

"Yeah. I want to." Olivia breathed.

"Then this is the right choice, Livvie. Marry that man."


Olivia and Elliot swayed back and forth on the dance floor, their foreheads resting against each other. Denise and Collin Sr. stood together and watched as their last child danced with her husband.

"They look so happy." Denise smiled, as she wiped a tear off of her cheek.

"She was so nervous to marry him, Denny. But I told her the same thing your father told you."

"I love you so much, Collin."

"I love you too, Denny. Would you like to join me outside for a dance?"

"Can't we-"

"No, we can't dance in here. We need to dance together outside where I can cry and not have anyone see."

"Okay, my love."

Denise and Collin looked at their daughter and Elliot and both smiled. She was completely happy, and completely in love. Something that they had wished for all of their kids, and now their wish has come completely true.

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