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Elliot got his phone back from Maureen and dialed Denise's phone number. He had gotten Olivia settled onto the couch with an ice pack on the back of her neck to prevent her from getting sick.

"Elliot?" Denise asked once she answered her phone. She had been waiting anxiously by her phone all day because she knew Olivia might go into labor soon, and she didn't want to miss the call that told her that she was going to be a grandmother again.

"How fast can you get to the airport and catch a flight to Manhattan?" Elliot asked, and Olivia quickly looked at him because she knew he was talking to her mother. She wanted her mother so badly, and she was hoping that her mother would get to Manhattan before Josiah was born.

"I can be on one within the hour. Why?" Denise replied, as she already stood up and started to gather her things. She even tossed a pillow at her husband to wake him up. If she was going to Manhattan, he was too.

"Olivia is in labor. I'm just scared that this is gonna be extremely hard on her. She's sweating and getting sick." Elliot spoke, whispering the last two sentences.

"Okay, just get to the hospital. We will be there as soon as we can. Where is Maureen?" Denise asked, as Collin stood up and headed to start packing a small bag.

"Fin is coming to get her and she is gonna hang out at the precinct until we can figure something else out. I'm gonna take Olivia now, Fin's here. So just text me or something."

"Okay, tell her that we are praying for her and Josiah. That we love you all so much."

"I will, Denny. Thanks." Elliot spoke. He hung up before shoving his phone into his pocket.

"Is she coming?" Olivia whispered as a knock sounded on the front door.

"Yeah, she is. Mo! Fin is here, it's time to go!"


Olivia held on tightly to her husband's hand all the way to the hospital. They were both very confident now that she was in labor, and Elliot was starting to freak out a bit. He was so scared when Kathy went into labor with Maureen, and he was scared and anxious about the weird labor that Olivia was having with Josiah.

"We are almost there, Livvie."

"How many more kids did you want, because I don't know that I want more babies after this." Olivia whimpered. Elliot pulled to a stop at a light, before reaching over and using the end of his sleeve to wipe some sweat from her brow.

"Don't worry about that right now. Let's think about more kids when you aren't in so much pain and aren't about to have a baby. Here we go, honey. Just a few more blocks." Elliot smiled, but Olivia was far too uncomfortable to be smiling.

Elliot pulled up to the hospital and parked as close as possible before helping Olivia from the car. He kept his arm wrapped around her waist while he carried her hospital bag in his other hand. Olivia stopped and refused to move when they got close to the doors.

"Liv?" He asked, expecting to see Liv working through a contraction, but instead, she was staring at the tall building in front of them. She had a few tears running down her cheeks before she turned to walk back to the car.

"Babe!" Elliot exclaimed as he pulled her to a stop.

"I can't do this. I'm so scared of this all. I knew it would happen, but I'm not prepared. Maybe this pain will stop and this is just practice contractions again or-" Olivia couldn't finish her statement before her water broke and she started to sob.

"Honey, these aren't practice contractions. We need to get inside and have them start monitoring you and Josiah. Okay?"

"You'll be there for me... through the whole thing?" Olivia whimpered.

"Of course. Now, lean on me. Let's get through this together."


Elliot was praying that Olivia's labor would go fast. That it would be the shortest that it could be, but it wasn't. Denise and Collin both showed up, and they sat in the room with Olivia and Elliot and waited quietly.

"I hate you." Olivia whimpered, as she slowly paced the length of her hospital room.

"I know, and you have every right to. But just think, Josiah is only on his way into the world because I helped you create him." Elliot smiled, and Olivia rolled her eyes as she turned to walk the other way. Denise stood up and placed her hand gently to Olivia's back before rubbed it gently as they walked around the room.

"Have you called and checked in on Mo?" Olivia asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"No, not yet. I'll go do that right now. Don't go anywhere, okay?"

"Yeah right." Olivia huffed, before going back to focusing on pacing.

Elliot walked into the hall and dialed Fin's number. It was nearly 12 at night, and he was hoping he wouldn't be waking Fin.

"Is she okay?" Fin asked once he answered.

"Still no Josiah. She's been in labor for over 8 hours, and I'm getting worried." Elliot sighed.

"She'll be okay, right? Like, she is gonna make it through this with not only her life but with Josiah's too?" Fin breathed.

"I hope so. How is Maureen?" Elliot asked quietly.

"She's anxious to meet her baby brother. It took her a while to fall asleep, but my bed is comfy I guess."

"Thanks for taking care of her, Fin. It means a lot to-" Elliot didn't finish his statement before Denise quickly came out of Olivia's room.

"It's time, Elliot. She needs you." Denise smiled.

"Tell Maureen that her brother is almost here. Bye!" Elliot exclaimed before shoving his phone in his pocket. He quickly walked over to Olivia's bed while a blur of motion happened around him. He hadn't even heard the nurses and doctor go into Olivia's room.

"I can do this, right?" Olivia asked as she held her husband's hand tightly.

"You are the strongest woman I know, Olivia. All you need to know is that I love you and that I have complete faith in you. You will bring our son into this world, and we both know that the pain you are going through is worth it. You are a beast, one with so much strength and hatred towards me." Elliot smiled. Olivia forced a smile before drawing him down to kiss her.

"Stay with me. Don't leave my side, okay?"

"I promise."

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