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When Elliot woke up the next morning, Maureen had already gotten herself up and dressed. She was sitting in the living room and was trying to see if her homework was correct because Elliot had skipped that step last night.

"Mo? It's 6. You didn't have to get up this early." Elliot frowned, as he turned on the living room light, before shutting off the lamp.

"It's not the same without Mommy. Or should I start calling her Olivia again?" Maureen huffed, as she held her pencil tightly in her hand. 

"Lose the attitude, Maureen. If not, you'll be in trouble."

"I hate you, Daddy! I hate that you keep making me lose mommies! Olivia was the best! I love her, and I hate you!" Maureen screamed. She threw her pencil at Elliot, before running up the stairs. Elliot yelled at her, but she ignored him.


Olivia was sitting at her desk drinking some coffee, while she was sitting her mug down, her desk phone rang.

"Manhattan SVU, Detective Benson speaking," Olivia spoke. On the other side of the phone, she could hear Maureen's screaming in the background.

"Elliot, what the hell happened?" Olivia asked, as she stood and quickly rested the phone against her shoulder as she shifted her jacket on.

"She's pissed at me because you are acting like a child. Get home and deal with this!" Elliot exclaimed. Olivia slammed the phone back onto its cradle before sitting down at her desk. She wasn't going home to deal with Maureen when Elliot is being a complete asshole to her.

"Hey, Liv." Fin spoke, and Olivia looked over at him.


"Wanna go get some breakfast? I'm starving."

"Yeah. Let me just put my cell on to charge. I'll meet you downstairs."


Maureen had put a chair in front of her door so Elliot couldn't open the door. She was still screaming and crying by the time they had to leave for school, so Elliot went downstairs and called her in. He knew she would be worse off trying to concentrate at school when all she could focus on was the fact her Mommy might not be at home when she gets home.

"Mo, are you hungry?" Elliot asked as he leaned against her door. She had quieted down a bit, and Elliot knew she must be getting hungry and tired.

"Go away." She huffed.

"Honey, please. I can make you pancakes, or we could go out and get some breakfast and talk." Elliot spoke.

"I want Mommy. I don't like you anymore." Maureen huffed. She was sitting by her dollhouse, her cheeks covered in tears and her eyes red and itchy from crying.

"Please, Mo. Please." Elliot begged.

"Go away." She spat, before starting to scream again. She stood up and ran to her bed before throwing herself onto it. She buried her face into the pillows as she started to sob again. Even thinking about Olivia made her want to cry again because she was so scared that she'd never see her again.

"Maureen Nicole Stabler, I will break down your door and you will be in big trouble. Do you hear me? Let me in now!" Elliot boomed, but Maureen ignored him. She had stolen his cell phone without him knowing. She grabbed it from where she had hidden it under her pillow this morning, before running to her closet. She shut the door and tried to read each name of the people had called recently.

She saw the name Denny and quickly hit it as she put the phone to her ear. Tears still ran down her cheeks.

"Elliot?" Denise answered.

"Grandma! It's Mo! Can you come to get me? Daddy is angry!" Maureen sobbed. Denise stood up from where she had been enjoying her morning coffee and headed towards the garage.

"Of course. Are you are home? What's happening?"

"Mommy and Daddy are fighting and Daddy is being mean to me! Mommy is at work and I can't get her to come home!"

"Okay, baby, I'll be there as quick as I can."


It was nearly 11 when Denise got to Manhattan. She had brought a plane ticket so she could get to Maureen quicker. She had no idea what was really happening, but she scared that maybe Elliot had anger issues and would hurt her daughter and granddaughter.

"Olivia? Maureen?" Denise questioned, as she opened the front door to her daughter's house.

"Denny? What are you doing here?" Elliot asked as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Maureen called me! What have you been doing?!" She exclaimed.

"She stole my cell." Elliot frowned, as he shoved his hand into his pockets, neither had his phone in it.

"Elliot, she said you were being mean. And where is my daughter?" Denise replied.

"Olivia and I have been fighting about my mother. She saw Olivia at the store and wanted to get to know her and Maureen. I don't want them to be around her because she's toxic."

"Elliot, you know that Olivia hates when people make her decisions for her." Denise frowned.

"I know, it's just that I don't want her to get hurt. And I really don't want Maureen to get hurt either. Olivia left me here with Maureen, and last night I referred to Olivia as Olivia and not Mommy, so Maureen thinks I'm gonna make her lose her." Elliot frowned.

"Go talk to your wife. I'll talk to Mo." Denise spoke, as she saw the pain on Elliot's face.

"Are you sure? She's a handful."

"She called me, Elliot. I think she wants me."


While Denise tried to get Maureen out of her room and to talk, Elliot got into his car and drove to the precinct. He hated how much pain he had created in his family, and so soon after Olivia and he got married.

He stopped by a flower shop and got her a dozen roses, before heading into the station house. When he got up to their floor, he saw Olivia sitting at her desk, playing solitaire on her computer.

He walked over and sat the flowers down on her keyboard.

"El?" Olivia breathed, as she looked at them.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm such a jackass, and I really want you to say you forgive me so we can be done with this. Maureen called your mother and she's trying to talk her out of her room, but she's so scared. Mo said that she'll never forgive me if I make her lose you. But babe, I don't want to lose you either." Elliot spoke.

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