Forty Six

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Olivia and Elliot had the hardest two months of their lives after meeting with Ellie. They continued to raise the almost 7-month-old Noah, and they fell even more in love with him. But these months were hell because they were waiting to hear if Ellie was willing to let them adopt her son. But they both had a feeling that if they adopted Noah, Ellie would have some things she needed in exchange.

"Today's the day," Olivia mumbled as she and Elliot laid together in their bed. It was almost 5 in the morning, and today they were going to talk to Ellie again and see what she had decided. She had been very silent about her thoughts, so neither knew what to expect.

"Everything will be okay, Livvie. I promise you that." Elliot breathed. He reached out and ran his fingers through her knotted brown hair before pulling her close and kissing her several times.

"Days like this, when we don't know if we will be able to raise Noah... it makes me wish that I was still able to have children. 'Cause then we wouldn't have to worry about losing the baby we fell in love with. It would be ours no matter what." Olivia grumbled. She was in a bad mood already, and she knew it was just going to get worse when Ellie tells them that she wants to keep Noah.

"Okay, grumpy pants. I think it's time you go take a shower. I'll make you breakfast and we can eat together before we head out. Your mother's flight came in last night, so she'll be over before we leave to take care of our THREE children. Did you hear that? Noah is our son even if Ellie has him. I need you to believe that, Olivia."

"Stop being so optimistic, Elliot. She's going to be selfish and keep her son, even when she's in prison. It's just who she is."


Gretchen had gotten to Riker's before Olivia and Elliot did. She had already talked to Ellie about what she decided, but she didn't show any emotion on her face when Elliot and Olivia sat down with them.

"How's Noah?" Ellie asked eagerly, as Olivia slid her a picture of Noah, as she had promised when they first met up.

"He's good. He's sitting up by himself and he really likes to grab onto our children's hair." Elliot spoke because he knew his wife wasn't going to speak. She was trying to act okay, but she was far from okay.

"He's getting so big... He's got such chubby cheeks!" Ellie exclaimed as she examined the picture closely.

"He's thighs are too..." Olivia breathed. She felt tears well in her eyes as she thought about Ellie being the only one to kiss Noah's chubby cheeks and be the one forced to sleep in a chair because Noah fell asleep against her chest. But then Olivia remembered that Noah would be 5 before Ellie got released. He'd probably hate her for being in jail by then.

"I want to see him... Can I?" She asked, quickly.

"You can't right now, Ellie. But, you need to tell Mr. and Mrs. Stabler what you decided."

"Okay, well... he's so cute," Ellie spoke, as she was putting this all off. She just kept going on and on about how adorable her son was, and Olivia was about to get up and leave when she finally told them.

"You can adopt him, but I'd like to see him. Soon. Before you two adopt him." Ellie spoke, and Olivia thought she was hallucinating.

"Can you say that again? I don't think I heard you right." Olivia breathed, as she quickly found her husband's hand underneath the table and she squeezed it as tightly as she could.

"You two can adopt him. I just want to see him before. I just want to see my baby one last time." Ellie replied.

"Now, Mr. and Mrs. Stabler, Ellie signed away her rights yesterday. Noah is free to be adopted now."

"He is?!" Olivia cried as tears ran down her cheeks. Elliot wrapped his arm around her body and drew her close. This time, Gretchen smiled. She could see how much they wanted to adopt Noah, and now it was their time to do so.

"Yes, he is ready to be a Stabler."


Olivia and Elliot went and bought lunch for the family to tell them that Noah was getting adopted. When they got back to the house, Josiah and Maureen were working on their lessons and Noah was sitting on Denise's lap as she helped the kids.

"Kids!" Olivia smiled, as she quickly walked into the kitchen. Maureen dropped her pen and made eye contact with her mother.

"So?" She asked rapidly.

"He's gonna be your baby brother officially." Olivia breathed, as tears welled in her eyes again. Maureen squealed before climbing from her chair and running to her mother. Olivia wrapped her arms around her tightly as tears ran down her cheeks.

"His Mom said we can adopt him?" Josiah asked, from where he still sat in his spot. Elliot came in the bags of food and nodded.

"Yeah, bud. She said that we can adopt him. I hope you still like him, and still think he is the best little brother in the world." Elliot spoke, and Denise chuckled when she saw Josiah's face go red.

Maureen moved from her mother's arms and walked over to where her grandmother was holding Noah.

"Did you hear that Noah? Momma and Daddy are finally gonna adopt you! It's going to be amazing! You'll always be happy and know that there will be food to eat and a place to sleep. I promise." Maureen leaned forward and kissing Noah's forehead gently before ruffling his hair.

Olivia looked at her husband and smiled at him. He smiled back before walking over and drawing her close.

"See, you didn't need to be grumpy this morning. He is gonna be our son. No matter what. And now we can get started on the adoption process and plan for the next baby we want to foster." Elliot spoke, and Olivia sighed as she rested her head against his chest.

"We are gonna want to adopt every kid, El."

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