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Olivia took a pregnancy test, three actually, and all came back positive. Excitement covered Olivia and Elliot's faces as they found out that before they know it they will have a baby together. But they both knew that they shouldn't get excited this soon, because anything could still happen, no matter how many prayers they say.

"Momma?" Maureen questioned, as she knocked on her parents' bedroom door. Usually, it was unlocked, but this morning they had locked it so their daughter didn't find anything out.

"Shit," Olivia whispered, as she quickly grabbed the three tests from her husband and quickly ran to hide them.

"Daddy?" Maureen questioned, as she knocked a little harder on the door.

"Give us one moment, Mo!" Elliot called back. He went into the bathroom and hide the packing for the pregnancy tests, before walking out and unlocking the door while Olivia climbed back into bed and pretended like she had been there the whole time.

"Why was the door locked?" Maureen asked, as she went running into the room and jumped on the bed. She climbed under the blankets and cuddled into Olivia's side before Elliot could even respond.

"Momma and I were talking and we wanted to do it in privacy," Elliot spoke.

"Privacy?" Maureen questioned. She was having a hard time pronouncing the word.

"We wanted to be alone, Miss," Olivia spoke. Maureen nodded a bit before looking at her mother.

"I have a question," Maureen spoke.

"Ask away, darling," Elliot spoke, as he climbed into bed beside his wife and daughter.

"When can I get a baby brother or sister?" Maureen asked. Olivia felt her cheeks grow warm as she blushed.

"We will work on that," Elliot spoke, before getting a pillow smashed into his head by his wife as he laughed.


Olivia and Elliot went to work and worked normally. Olivia and Elliot both tried to push everything about the baby out of their heads. 

"I called my doctor on my way back up here. I have the last appointment at five so I need you to cover for me." Olivia spoke. She and Elliot were standing around the coffee pot, and they were trying to have as private of a conversation as possible because they were really not ready to tell Cragen that Olivia was pregnant.

"Great. Just to confirm?" He whispered, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah. I just hope that the tests are really positives and not just defective..." Olivia breathed. She pulled the tea bag from the cup and she tossed it away, before kissing her husband's cheek.

"Tell your mother as soon as you find out, okay? It's important to have someone on your side." Elliot spoke.

"I will. Uh, I also need you to cover with Maureen. Don't tell her anything in regards to the baby."

"I promise. I swear I will not let Maureen know that you are pregnant."


Elliot went home after picking Maureen up and then dropping her off at ballet. When he parked, he noticed Serena Baldwin sitting on the front steps. He parked and got out of his car before walking towards her angerily.

"What are you doing here?" He spat.

"It's been nearly 2 months since I saw my daughter."

"She's not yours, Serena!" Elliot boomed. Olivia would never be Serena's child. She is completely Denise and Collin's daughter. She was so much like them, and Elliot was thankful that Serena hadn't tarnished Olivia for the five long years she had custody of her.

"I gave birth to her, you fucker. Where is my daughter?!" She yelled.

"Get off my property now. I swear to god, I will arrest you." Elliot growled. He didn't want Olivia to get home and see Serena. He didn't want his wife to get stressed out right now.

"Elliot, she is my kid. I want her to get to know the kids. Her stepfather. Come on, just let me see her. Is she coming home? Hiding in the car?" Serena asked.

"She's at the doctor's office. And before she gets home, you need to leave." Elliot spoke.

"Is she okay?" Serena asked.

"Leave, okay? It's important that you stay the hell away from us." Elliot growled.

"She's pregnant, isn't she?" Serena asked.



Elliot was wound up when Olivia got home with Maureen. He was down in the basement pounding his fists into the punching bag. He was so angry and just wanted to go and strangle Serena because she decides she wants to be involved after Olivia found out she was trying to kill her.

"Maureen, go work on your homework," Olivia spoke, as she walked away from the basement door.

"Momma," Maureen whined.

"Please, honey. Go work." She spoke. She pushed her daughter gently towards the living room, before heading downstairs. She shut the door behind her before continuing down the stairs.

"Elliot, what happened?" Olivia asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Serena was here. She was here and now she knows you are pregnant."

"What? I didn't get it confirmed until an hour ago! How the hell did she find out?!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Because I told her that it was important for her to stay away from us. That you were at the doctors. She put the pieces together. Liv, I'm so sorry and I'm just so pissed off. Can you please just leave? Go upstairs and get Maureen and leave. Let me calm down." Elliot spoke. His wife shook her head as she walked over to him.

She ran her hands over his back and arms and felt how tense he truly was. She rubbed his shoulders as he tried to say mean things to her to get her to leave. He did that sometimes, but she never left. She loved him too much and didn't want to hurt him and their relationship by leaving when he needs her.

"Stabler, it's better than she finds out now, huh? Before I'm all big and fat. You tried your hardest and you were just trying to protect me. I'm not going to leave you to be angry here. So, darling just let me stay here. I'll hold you until you relax enough to join us for dinner." Olivia spoke. She and Elliot sank to the ground and he laid with his head in her lap.

"How's our baby?" Elliot asked as he looked up at her with sad blue eyes.

"A tiny blob in my stomach." Olivia smiled. She leaned down and kissed his forehead gently.

"Our tiny blob." He whispered, as his wife started to run her fingers through his hair.

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