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The bleeding stopped after Olivia's surgery. The doctors didn't know how she had survived as long as she had because the tear that had caused the bleeding was big and should have been deadly. Elliot went right back in and sat with his wife once she was moved back to the ICU and he held her hand and tried to put her wedding band and engagement ring back on, but her hands were swollen.

"You know, I'm so in love with you and I'm so thankful that you made it through this all, Liv. You are so strong and even though we can't have kids anymore, we will still be so happy. Just you, Maureen, Josiah, and me." Elliot breathed, as he put Olivia's rings back into his wallet.

"How is she doing?" Collin breathed as he came into the room. Elliot didn't look at Olivia's father, he just kept looking at his wife.

"They said that she will wake up when she is ready. But she's not bleeding anymore, thankfully." Elliot replied. He kissed Olivia's hand gently before looking over his shoulder at Collin.

"Can I sit in here with you both? Denise and I discussed how maybe the more people here will make Olivia want to wake up quicker." Collin spoke, and Elliot frowned.

"I kinda hope she sleeps for a while longer. I want her to get as strong as possible because then when I have to break the news to her that she had to have a hysterectomy... she is going to need that strength to get through this all." Elliot breathed. He stood slowly and let his father-in-law have his chair. Elliot leaned down and kissed Olivia's forehead several times before sighing.

"I need to go get something to eat and change my clothes. Are you gonna stay here with her?" Elliot asked, and Collin nodded.

"I'll stay here until you get back. Take your time and focus on yourself for a few hours." Collin spoke.

"I will not be gone for more than an hour. I cannot be away from her for more than that. I'm scared that she'll think I left her."


Elliot went home and the kids ran to him. They were acting like kids for the first time since this had started. Elliot picked up both of his kids and carried them over to the couch before sitting down and holding them close.

"Is Momma coming home soon? Grandma said that she's getting good help." Maureen spoke as she looked up at her father. Josiah was quiet and just enjoying being held by his father since there hasn't been a lot of time to cuddle as of late.

"Momma will probably be home in a week or soon. She's very tired and is sleeping until she starts feeling better." Elliot replied.

"What happened to Momma to get her so sick?" Maureen asked, and Elliot frowned as he looked down at his kids.

"Momma was having a baby, Mo. And the baby was sick and ended up not making it. So when the baby needed to leave Momma, she started to bleed. It happens, but she got help and will be okay." Elliot breathed. He was hoping that he had explained it to the point where Maureen wouldn't seek more information, but he feared that she would anyway.

"Is this what happened?" Maureen questioned.

"What?" Elliot mused.

"Is this what happened to Grandma? And you couldn't tell me about it?" Maureen asked, and Elliot frowned.

"I have to go shower. Where's grandma?" Elliot asked.

"Out back... can't I know?" Maureen whimpered.

"I'm sorry. You still aren't old enough."


Elliot returned back to the hospital and was absolutely shocked to see Olivia sitting up and drinking water. He hesitantly walked into her room, and her eyes drifted to him.

"I was really bad off for you to take me here when you knew that I didn't want to," Olivia spoke, and Elliot frowned softly.

"I didn't want to bring you here, but you were bleeding so much. I was so scared that I was going to lose you." Elliot breathed. Olivia reached out to him and he walked over and sat on the chair beside her bed.

"I'm sorry that I was so stubborn, El. If I would have listened to you, maybe I'd still be able to give you children." Olivia whispered.

"Never, and I mean never, feel guilty for what happened. This was a freak accident, and we will grow from it. We won't let this hurt us." Elliot spoke, passionately.

"But we lost a child. We are supposed to hurt after that. You can't just block everything out. You just can't say that our child isn't important." Olivia spat. Elliot tried not to start crying.

"I love our child, Olivia. I love our child just as much as I love Maureen and Josiah. I'm just trying to say that this won't tear us down all the way. We will still be happy. It will just take a lot of time."

"We won't have the big family you want." Olivia spat. Elliot shook his head.

"We can always adopt. We can get a surrogate. We can do everything possible to have more child if you want that." Elliot breathed. He grabbed his wallet from his pocket and pulled her rings out before handing them to her.

"I tried to put them back on earlier but your hands were swollen. So if you want them back they are yours." He breathed.

"You should have just let me bleed out. Then I wouldn't be feeling like this. Then I'd be in heaven with our baby." Olivia growled as she smacked Elliot's hand. The rings fell from his hand and fell to the floor with a clatter.

Elliot eyed her for a moment before leaning down and picking them back up. He put them back into his wallet before walking towards the door.

"I'll keep my phone on. Call me if you want too. But I'm never going to force you to do something that you don't want to do." Elliot spoke without even looking back at his wife.

"This is all your fault, Elliot," Olivia mumbled. She was so angry at everything, and that was quickly proven when she blamed Elliot for all that had happened, even if he had no way to have caused this all.

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