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Elliot left Maureen at home with Collin and Denise, and he headed back up to the hospital with the soft yellow blanket that Serena had brought for Josiah. He didn't know if Olivia would be okay with him bringing the blanket up, but he wanted to just give it a shot, and if it didn't work out he would just hide it in the nursery to give to Josiah when he is older.

"So, they finally took our baby to the nursery, huh? Did they have to pry him from your hands while you were sleeping?" Elliot teased, and Olivia looked at him and smiled.

"They had to run some tests on him, the normal ones. Then they are gonna keep him down there so I can sleep."

"But you aren't sleeping. You are such a liar." Elliot smirked. He walked over to his wife and kissed her a few times, before sitting the bag on her lap. She eyed it for a moment before looking at her husband.

"What's this? You already gave me the best gift possible... two of the best gifts possible." Olivia spoke, and Elliot sighed softly.

"It's from Serena." He spoke, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"What?" She breathed.

"She came to the house this morning and wanted to check on you. She said she worried all night about you because you had been so sick looking... honey, it's your baby blanket." Elliot spoke, and Olivia's eyes went wide. She pulled the soft yellow blanket from the bag before gently running her fingers over the fabric.

"The day I was taken from her home, I couldn't find this. I had it since I was born, and it was my favorite blanket." Olivia whispered before she held the blanket up to her chest.

"Can Josiah have it? Because it was yours to start with, not Serena's." Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Okay... yeah he can have it... And would you mind calling her for me? Tell her that I say thank you for the gift and that I'm thankful she stuck around just in case?" Olivia breathed.

"Anything for you, baby. Now, I'm gonna go get us some tea... would you like that?" Elliot asked because he was so thankful that Olivia seemed to be in her right mind now, compared to last night when she was in labor with Josiah.

"Yeah. I'd like that... I love you, Stabler. Even though you didn't listen to me when I told you to sit by me when I napped." Olivia smiled.

"Yeah, I love you too," Elliot mumbled, but there was a smile on his lips as he said that.


Even though Elliot didn't tell Serena that Olivia wanted to see her, because she didn't, Serena came up to the hospital anyway because she wanted to see with her own two eyes that her daughter was actually doing better.

Serena asked for Olivia's room, before quietly walking the halls until she got to the room. She knocked lightly, and there was some noise inside before Olivia said 'come in'.

Serena opened the door a bit, before peeking her head in.

"Is it okay if I come in? I don't want to bother you or anything." Serena breathed. Olivia's eyes went wide before looking down at the blanket that was covering her chest.

"I'm feeding Josiah... but I guess you can come in," Olivia replied. Serena opened the door some more, before shutting it behind her. She stood awkwardly and just looked around the room for a few moments.

"You can sit down, Serena... there is a chair right here if you want... or you can move it if you don't feel like sitting close to me," Olivia spoke, and Serena nodded. She got into her purse and pulled out a small gift bag.

"I know I already gave you back your blanket, but I wanted to give him a small stuff animal. I learned that kids can never have too many stuffed animals." Serena smiled softly.

Olivia and Serena stayed quiet for a while, and then once Josiah was done eating and Olivia burped him, Serena finally got to look at her grandson for the first time.

She had never forgotten how Olivia looked when she was born, and Serena could see her eldest in every inch of her grandson. 

"He's the sweetest baby... And I think he makes the perfect addition to my blended family of sorts..." Olivia breathed, as she looked at her son and smiled when he stretched his little arms a bit.

"I'm sorry about everything, Olivia. I'm sorry about how I treated you, and how I used my money to make you suffer... I feel like such a horrible person because I love you and I couldn't come to terms with that so I just hurt you over and over again." Serena breathed. Olivia swallowed hard before hesitantly placing her son into Serena's arms. 

Serena started to cry quietly once she had wrapped her arms around her grandson and held him close. She ran her finger gently over one of Josiah's chubby little cheeks, and she smiled when he let out a noisy yawn.

"He's so adorable, Olivia. He's stunning and he's amazing." Serena whispered as tears continued to make their way down her cheeks.

"Maureen asked me why they didn't look the same. She had forgotten about her biological mother. And I kinda had too. My mother always told me that I was her daughter, even though she hadn't carried me. And even though she didn't care for me when I was a baby. It's the same for me when it comes to Maureen. She's my daughter even though I haven't known her my whole life, and even though I didn't go through the late night feedings and the diaper changes." Olivia spoke, and Serena took her free hand and reached out and grabbed Olivia's hand.

"You'll always be my daughter even though I was and still am a horrible person to you. Seeing you here and seeing that you are now a mother to two beautiful kids makes me feel so happy. Makes me feel like you were and still are so much better off with Denise and Collin. They were made to be your parents, just like you were made to be Maureen's mother. Here is your baby, and I'm going to head home to my kids. See if I can make the three kids who I have raised... into better people than they are right now."

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