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Olivia shed her jacket by the front door before walking up the stairs. She headed down the hall and opened Maureen's door. Denise was sitting on Maureen's bed with her, and as soon as Maureen saw Olivia she jumped off the bed and ran towards Olivia.

"Mommy!" She screamed.

"Hey, honey. I think we need to talk." Olivia spoke, as she held her daughter close.

"Mommy, I'm so sorry..." Maureen trailed off and Olivia nodded.

"I know, but we still need to talk. Mom, would you mind excusing us?" Olivia asked as she looked at Denise.

"Of course. I'm going to call your father." Denise spoke as she stood up. She walked out of the bedroom and shut the door behind her. Olivia led Maureen over to her twin sized bed and lifted her onto it.

Olivia sat beside Maureen before sighing softly.

"What you did today was unacceptable." She breathed.


"No, Maureen you need to listen." 

"Okay." She whispered.

"Honey, you can't act how you did today. You need to know that yelling at your Daddy isn't right."


"We were fighting, darling. Parents fight. You need to know that if we fight, you can't act out. I will always be your Mommy, no matter what because I love you so much. And calling Grandma wasn't right either. I would've come home tonight and we couldn't discuss what was happening."

"I lost my other Mommy because of Daddy."

"No, you lost your other Mommy because she was mean. She doesn't deserve you or your father. So, from now on you need to be a good girl. You need to follow directions and be respectful to us, okay?"

"Okay... but are you and Daddy still gonna be together?"

"Yes, I forgive your father. Now, you need to go downstairs and apologize to him."

"Right now? Can't we hang out?" Maureen whispered.

"No, because once you are done apologizing to him, I'm taking you to school so we can get your work."


Maureen was quiet the rest of the day, and everyone knew it was because she was tired and needed some sleep so she could get back to normal.

"She's asleep." Olivia sighed, as she walked towards the couch. Elliot was sitting on the couch and Denise was sitting in one of the armchairs.

"Good." Elliot sighed. Olivia walked over and sat down beside him before grabbing his hand and squeezing it gently.

"Mom, we will pay you back for the money you spent on the ticket. I'm sorry you had to come all the way out here." Olivia sighed, as she leaned into Elliot.

"No need to pay me back. I missed you anyway." Denise replied, before standing.

"I'll show you to the guest room and let you borrow some of my pajamas," Olivia spoke, and Denise nodded.


Olivia sat on the guest bed as her mother changed in the bathroom. When her mother came out she frowned.

"So, you and Elliot had the first fight of your marriage, huh?"

"Yeah, and it fucking sucked." Olivia groaned, before falling back and staring at the ceiling. Denise laid beside her and did the same thing.

"Remember when you had those glow in the dark stars on the ceiling of your room and we used to look at them at night?" Denise asked.

"Yeah, it was our bonding time. You used to read to me and then we would talk in the dark as those stars glowed." Olivia smiled.

"Maybe you need something special like that to do with Maureen at night. So then she won't be as scared to lose you."

"I want to be more than just her mother, Mom. You are my best friend and I want to be Maureen's best friend too."

"And you are. You are taking interest in her, even when her own mother didn't."

"Mom, did you and Dad ever fight about me?"

"Yeah, we fought about telling you or not in regards to Serena."

"What about her?"

"She got sober, got married, and has three kids. They are all teenagers now." Denise spoke. Olivia sat up and stared ahead as her eyes filled with tears.

"So she moved on and I'm nothing to her now, huh?"

"You are my daughter, Olivia. That is all that matters."

"I guess. Uh, sleep well. I'm going to go make Maureen's lunch for tomorrow."


Olivia couldn't sleep that night. All she was thinking about was Serena and the three siblings she had. She'd probably never know them, but they were all she could think about and all she could seem to wonder about.

"Are you still mad at me?" Elliot frowned as he walked into the kitchen.

"No, I'm not. I'm just a little overwhelmed. What are you doing up still?"

"Well, you never came to bed, baby."

"Serena, my biological mother, is married and has three kids. She moved on because I wasn't there to remind her of the rape." Olivia frowned.


"Please, Elliot. Don't try and make me feel like it wasn't my fault she drank. Once I left, she ended up getting better. She got sober and now has kids and a husband. She's probably happy."

"Wanna know if she really is happy?"

"I guess. But how can we do that?"

"I'll find her and we can just follow her around for a while."

"That's stalking, El."

"It's surveillance."


Elliot didn't get an answer from his wife. She didn't really speak to him that night, nor in the morning. On their way into work, Olivia spoke.

"I'm going to hire a PI. I want to know about my siblings and Serena. If I feel like I won't hurt her more than maybe I'll approach her."

"You won't be hurting her, Liv. She hurt you."

"I was what spawned inside of her after she was raped. I caused it all."

"It doesn't give her a reason to beat you."

"But it happened and I can't change that. So, once I can find a good one, I'll take some money out of my savings account and pay for it."

"No, we are married and that account is our nest egg. What we can use to pay for hospital bills or a new car if we need one."

"Why would we need to go to the hospital?"

"When you have a baby. I'm not asking for us to start trying, but we should start trying." Elliot smiled.

"Once I get this all figured out. Once I see what is happening."


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