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Elliot rushed home as soon as he was allowed to. He wanted to scream because he was so pissed off at his mother. Elliot knew that he was going to be fighting with his wife when he gets home, but it'll be worth it. Protecting her and Maureen was worth their first official fight as husband and wife.

"Hey." Olivia breathed, as she stood up from where she sat on the front steps of their house. The garage was full of the furniture from Olivia's apartment that they haven't decided where to put yet.

"Hi." Elliot frowned. He walked up the path and placed his hands to his wife's waist before kissing her ever so gently.

"So, wanna tell me why I had to leave all of the food at the store and leave? Because Maureen needed apples for her lunch, but I couldn't buy any." Olivia sighed.

"Liv, my Mom and I do not have a good relationship. We fought my whole childhood and she's bipolar. I don't want you and Maureen having to face that." Elliot frowned, as he sank down onto the front steps. Olivia sank down beside him, before gently running her hand over his leg.

"Why haven't you told me this before?" Olivia mused. She knew that Elliot's father passed away, but she never did know what happened to his mother. Now she knows what really happened behind those happy smiles that she saw when she was younger.

"Because when we were younger, you were so delicate. But now you are here and we are married, I guess I have to share what has happened."

"Elliot, I honestly think you should try and talk to her... because I don't want to have to keep looking over my shoulder so I can avoid your mother." She sighed.

"I know, Liv. I know that it's going to be hard for you, but you have gone through so much already and I don't want to introduce you to my crazy mother again, just like I don't want to meet yours." Elliot spoke, as he ran his hands over his face.

"Serena may be dead, El. I don't know. But you do know about your mother." Olivia breathed before she stood and walked into the house.


Olivia knew that Elliot was just trying to protect Maureen and herself, but she didn't like the way he was doing it.

He told her what to do, and that was a mistake on his part. 

Elliot went upstairs after eating the leftovers that Olivia sat out for him, and when he opened the door to their room he found Maureen and Olivia sleeping in their bed.

He saw one of his pillows sitting on the bench at the foot of the bed and sighed.

"Liv." Elliot breathed, as he walked over and grabbed his pillow.

"Sleep downstairs."

"Babe, come on." Elliot frowned, as he walked over and sat on the edge of their bed. Olivia rolled over and looked at him.

"Don't tell me what to do, Elliot Stabler. You know how it makes me feel. I'm not less of a person because I married you. So don't expect me to just follow your orders. Now, go sleep downstairs or in Maureen's bed." Olivia spat. 

Elliot knew she was serious because she rarely called him by his first and last name.

"I love you..." He sighed but got no response from his wife.


The next morning, Elliot went and drove in the opposite direction of the precinct. He drove towards his childhood home and where his mother still lives.

He pulled up and parked in the driveway beside his mother's small car. He got out and leaned against the car as he started to feel his heart pound hard in his chest. He hasn't talked to his mother, let alone any of his family in so long. His family is Olivia's family, Olivia and Maureen, and the crew. Not those of the family he was born into.

"Elliot?" Bernie Stabler's voice spoke. It traveled to Elliot and made him shake.

"Mom, we need to talk." He sighed.

"Oh, okay?" She questioned. She walked back into the house and Elliot followed. He stood in the entryway and looked over the living room that was once welcoming, but not it was just strange.

"It's early, Elliot. Is something wrong?" Bernie asked.

"I need you to stay away from my family, okay?" He spoke, getting straight to the point.

"What? Why?" She questioned, as she tried to stay calm. Getting stressed out can cause the mood swings that her son absolutely despises.

"Because you keep going on and off of your meds. I can't have my wife and daughter get hurt like you have hurt me multiple times before."

"You didn't even bot-"

"Bother to tell you that I was engaged and then I got married? Yeah, like I'd do that." Elliot laughed bitterly.

"I want to be apart of Maureen's life! I want to know any other grandchildren I may get!" Bernie exclaimed, as she quickly walked over to her son. Elliot put his hands up to stop her.

"There is no chance, Mom. No chance at all. You haven't shown me that you are stable enough to be a part of my life. My wife is freaking amazing. She has had a hard life, and her mother was unstable. She doesn't need another unstable woman in her life!" Elliot yelled.

Bernie struck him across his cheek.

"I'm your mother, Elliot! Do not talk to me like that!" She cried.

"You aren't my mother, and if it wasn't for Dad, we'd all probably be dead."


Elliot showed up at work late. He was so angry, that he had to go to the gym to hit the punching bag for at least an hour. He needed to get his anger out, and instead of yelling at his wife and daughter he wanted to get his anger out in a way he wouldn't regret.

"Hey, where the hell have you been?" Olivia huffed, as she grabbed her husband by his arm and pulled him into the hallway. Cragen was on a warpath, and she didn't want her husband to get in trouble.

"I was at the gym." He sighed.

"Why?!" She huffed.

"Because I didn't want to yell at you or at Maureen. I went to see my mom and I told her to stay away. Okay? So let's just go and work."

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