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Elliot was pissed off beyond words. Olivia was only a loose end to Serena. She wanted to kill her and refused to have contact with her because she wasn't able to succeed in murdering her own daughter.

"So just because you couldn't kill Olivia, you won't let your kids meet her? To get to know their older sister at all?! Olivia was right, you are a fucking bitch." Elliot spat. He stood up quickly and stormed out of the living room and quickly walked down the long hall and to the front door.

"I DIDN'T WANT HER! I STILL DON'T!" Serena yelled from the doorway of the living room.

"It's good because you don't deserve someone as amazing as Olivia. You don't even deserve the family you have here."


Elliot went home and ate dinner with his wife and their daughter. Maureen talked about her day, and Elliot tried to put on a fake smile, but Olivia knew he had to have done something because he wasn't home like he had promised to be when she gets home.

"Alright, Mo, baby, it's time for you to do your homework," Olivia spoke, as she started to clear the table after dinner.

"Okay, will you check it later?" Maureen asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yes, of course. Go work in your room." Olivia smiled. Maureen stood up and quickly ran out of the room. Elliot grabbed a few of the bowls with leftover food in it and started to put it in a container.

"So, where did you go while you were supposed to be watching Maureen?" Olivia asked as she started to fill the sink with water for dishes.

"I just had a few errands to run," Elliot replied.

"If I were to call Serena, would she tell me that my crazy ass husband was there?" Olivia questioned.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"Why would you go over there, El? You didn't need to learn who my mother was. I wanted you to stay in the dark mostly."

"Liv, I wanted to get you the answers you want. And honey, you don't want them." Elliot replied. Olivia turned around and stared at her husband.

"She talked to you?"

"Yeah, for ten minutes. I found out your siblings' names and ages, Cole is 17, Ruby is 16, and Jackie is 14. I found out how your mother's rights got terminated. I learned a lot, and I don't want you to know what I know." Elliot spoke.

"Elliot, please tell me," Olivia whispered.


"Elliot, now." She ordered. Elliot walked over to her and placed his hands to her hips. He pulled her close as he prepared himself to tell her.

"Serena lost rights to you after she tried to kill you... the cops got called and she was arrested. She didn't spend any time in jail, only in an institution for the problems she had faced, mentally, after she was raped."

"There is never going to be a chance we could ever sit down and have a civil conversation... she wanted me dead and she wasn't able to do that..."


Olivia started to bottle up her feelings. She refused to talk to Elliot about Serena again. They just moved on with their lives.

"Momma!" Maureen yelled from downstairs. She and Elliot were waiting for Olivia to be ready to leave for a long weekend in Buffalo.

"I'm coming, Stabler! Hold on!" Olivia exclaimed. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, before quickly walking downstairs. As she made it to the landing, her phone started to ring in her pocket. She grabbed it and answered it quickly.

"Detective Stabler speaking." She answered.

"You really did change your name, huh?" Serena questioned. Olivia looked at her husband with wide eyes.

"Uh, yeah. I did change my last name." Olivia breathed. She mouthed that it was Serena on the phone, and Elliot quickly got Maureen out of the house so Olivia could freely talk to her biological mother.

"It's been three months since I saw you. I just... I don't know why I really called you." Serena sighed. Olivia could hear a lot of people talking on Serena's side of the call, and Olivia wondered if those were her siblings.

"If you don't know, then just hang up. We don't need to talk. We don't need to try and figure out our lives." Olivia sighed, as she walked over and looked out the front window. She just wanted to get on the road and to Buffalo, but she didn't know if Serena wanted to actually talk or just annoy the hell out of her first born daughter.

"I was thinking about you, and I just wanted to see if there were a time and place where we can talk and decide if there is a possible relationship." Serena breathed.

"You said some pretty shitty things to me, Mrs. Baldwin. You also told my husband that you tried to kill me, and I don't think that I want to spend time with someone as toxic as you. So, please, lose my number for good. Forget about me, as you had for about 25 years. And if you try to get in contact with my family, you will pay." Olivia spoke, before hanging up.


Olivia kept her mouth shut about her finding Serena because she didn't want to hurt her parents. But she couldn't keep her mouth shut any longer, so after she and Elliot had gone to bed, Olivia snuck out of bed and walked down the hall. She could still see the warm orangish light coming from underneath their door. She leaned her ear against the door and heard her parents still talking, so she knocked on it lightly before opening it when they said to come in.

"Hey, kid. What's up?" Her mother smiled, and Olivia fought off tears as she spoke.

"I found Serena... and I found out that the reason why you and Dad were allowed to adopt me was that she tried to kill me. She tried to murder me, Mom. Did you guys know that? Because when Elliot told me, it shook me so much. I was wondering how someone could try and kill their child. I can't think about having a baby and then just deciding one day that you can't deal with them anymore and try to kill them..." Olivia whimpered.

Collin climbed out of bed and wrapped his arms around his daughter as she started to sob. She clung to her father, the man who protected her and rescued her.

"We need you to forget about her completely, okay? You don't need her. You have us as your parents, and she is nothing to you. If you want to be able to live a happy and healthy life, I need you to just forget her. Not forgive, but forget. I know you can do it."

"I'll try, Daddy. But I don't know how easy it will be." Olivia whimpered.

"We know, but you are strong. You are part of our family." Denise smiled, as she walked over and joined in on the hug. Collin wrapped his arms around the two most important girls in his life, before sighing.

"See, this is what you should think about when thinking about parents. Not violence."

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