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Elliot just sat by Olivia and kept a cold washcloth to her forehead, and tried to keep her as comfortable as possible during this right now. Elliot was just waiting for her to finally give in before he takes her to the hospital.

Olivia kept tossing around in her bed and moaning and groaning as tears poured down her cheeks. She kept clutching her stomach and every once and awhile Elliot could hear as his wife mumbled 'Don't take my baby' over and over again.

Eventually, Olivia fell asleep, and Elliot took this time to lift her up and carry her to their car. Once she was secured in the front seat, Elliot went and found the kids in the backyard.

"Hey, I grabbed you a few toys and they are in the car. I need you both to come with me." Elliot spoke, but his children didn't move.

"What's wrong with Momma?" Maureen asked, and Elliot swallowed hard.

"We will tell you later. For right now I need you two to come with me so we can get Momma some help." Elliot spoke. Maureen stood up and helped Josiah to his feet before they walked over to their father. Elliot went to pick them both up when Maureen stopped him.

"Why is your shirt red, Daddy?" Maureen questioned, and Elliot bit his lip hard. He hadn't realized that his wife was bleeding as bad as she had been.

"I got paint on it at work. Let's go."


Elliot didn't even have to really look after the kids when they got to the hospital, because they stayed right behind him and made sure to be very well behaved. When Olivia was taken back to be cared for, Elliot turned around and found Maureen and Josiah sitting on a chair together as Josiah laid his head against Maureen's shoulder and slept. Elliot ran his hands over his pants before looking at his kids.

"Mo?" Elliot asked, and his daughter nodded slightly.

"I'm gonna go call Grandma Denny and see if she can come and hang out with you guys... it might be a few hours but can you make sure that you and Josiah behave yourself while we wait?" Elliot asked, and Maureen nodded slowly.

"Is Momma dying?" Maureen questioned, and Elliot didn't know how to answer. Because he honestly didn't know if she was going to make it since there was so much blood.

"Momma is getting help. We won't know anything for a while... so why don't we go and-" Elliot didn't finish his statement before a nurse walked over and held out a scrub top.

"Mr. Stabler, you might want to change. Your shirt has blood on it." The nurse spoke, which caused tears to stream down Maureen's cheeks.

"It's Momma's blood, huh?!" She cried.


"Momma is gonna die and we can't do anything about it! I don't want to lose her!"


Just like every other time they needed her, Denise got on a flight and headed to Manhattan. Once there, she rushed over to the hospital and didn't even have to ask for her daughter because her legs were attacked with a tight hug from Maureen.

"Grandma!" Maureen sobbed as she clung to Denise.

"Mo, everything is okay. She'll be fine." Denise breathed, as she sank down to Maureen's level before hugging her tightly.

"Momma is sick. Really sick. Daddy had blood on his shirt!" Maureen cried. Elliot hadn't really told Denise what was happening with Olivia, and now she wondered why Olivia was bleeding.

"Where is your Daddy?" Denise asked, as she stood and grabbed Maureen's hand before leading her towards the chairs. 

"There." Maureen whimpered, as she pointed at where Elliot sat with a sleeping Josiah in his arms.

They walked towards them, and Elliot quickly stood and laid Josiah in the chair before Maureen sat beside her brother.

"Denny-" Elliot started, but Denise shook her head before dragging her son-in-law over to the wall and grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"What is wrong with my daughter?" Denise huffed.

"Denny... Liv is having a miscarriage... she went to the doctor's office this morning and found out that her pregnancy wasn't viable anymore... then she started to lose the baby this afternoon... there was so much blood." Elliot whimpered, as tears ran down his cheeks. He went to wipe them away, but Denise stopped him.

"She was pregnant?" She asked.

"Yeah... we were going to have another baby... but then I don't know if there will ever be another one. This has been so hard for her so far... she was crying and she was sweating because it was taking so much out of her." Elliot whimpered.

"Okay, I'm gonna go see what I can find out. You just stay here with the kids... I feel like that once she wakes up, she might want to talk to me. If she wants you, I'll get you. I promise." Denise spoke. She drew Elliot into a quick hug, before stepping back and heading to the nurse's station.

"How can I help you?" A nurse asked quietly.

"I'm Olivia Stabler's mother... I was wondering how she is and if I can sit with her?" Denise asked.

"We had to take Mrs. Stabler up to the ICU. She lost a lot of blood, and right now it's touch and go. We can't let you sit with her until she is more stable."

"Does she need blood? I can donate some." Denise spoke.

"We are getting her transfusions, but she's still losing blood. We may need to take her into surgery... I worked on her when she was brought in." The nurse spoke, and Denise bit her lip before nodding slowly.

"Where is your chapel?" Denise questioned.

"Go straight to the A elevator and take it to the second floor. Walk out of the elevator and it's right there in front of you."

"Thank you... we will be there. I think we need to pray now... just in case."


They sat in the chapel and just prayed. Josiah was still napping, because this took a hell of a lot out of this little boy. Maureen was clasping her hands tightly together and kept her eyes closed tightly as she prayed that her Momma would be good. That she would live.

Elliot was sobbing because all he wanted was his wife to be okay. He could work with okay.

Denise was hoping that Olivia wouldn't be destroyed the way that she had been destroyed when the twins passed away.

Olivia is strong, but no one knew how far this would take her down.

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