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Noah was such a cuddly baby, so that was nice. But he was also incredibly fussy at night. The first night with them, Noah was crying and coughing and his face got really red whenever he got into a coughing fit.

"Oh, sweet little boy... it's okay. I've got you!" Olivia cooed as she rocked Noah back and forth as she held him close. He had one of his hands holding on tightly to Olivia's hair as Elliot called the hospital to see if they should bring him in.

"Okay, yeah. Thanks." Elliot spoke, before hanging up. He shoved his phone into his pocket before going over and slipping his shoes on.

"We have to take him to the hospital?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"They think that since he has lung issues, that it's important he gets checked out. So I'm going to go start up the van and then I'll take him to the hospital." Elliot spoke, but Olivia shook her head before she rested her cheek against Noah's soft brown hair.

"No. I'll take him. You get some sleep. Contact his caseworker just in case." Olivia spoke.

She didn't want to let go of Noah. All she wanted to do was hold him forever because she missed holding babies. She would take Noah to the hospital and not leave his side until he is feeling better and can come home.

"Are you sure?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I'm sure. Please go start the van though. I'll get him changed and pack up his diaper bag." Olivia spoke, before kissing Noah's hair gently.


Olivia sped to the hospital as Noah's coughing and wheezing got worse. She was almost in tears as she got him out of his car seat and grabbed the diaper bag before running inside.

"Mrs. Stabler?" A nurse asked as Olivia went to stand in line, but she turned to look at a nurse.

"My husband called you and talked to you about our foster son, correct?" She whispered.

"Yes. We are ready to look at him. Right through here." She spoke, before guiding Olivia into a room. Another nurse was in there and she took Noah from Olivia, well more like pulled him from Olivia because she wasn't giving that baby boy up very easily.

"We will get him help, Mrs. Stabler. I know that you must be scared, but it'll be okay. He will be okay."

"He is my foster son, but he is the first child that we have fostered since I lost our child. So he is already super important to us. So please, please make sure he gets better." Olivia cried. The nurse that met her out front led her to the waiting room, before turning to go in and help the nurse working on Noah.

Olivia just sat and waited, but she was beyond scared that the little boy she just met, wasn't going to make it.


Several hours went by before Noah's caseworker showed up. She checked in with the doctors before leaving again. That made Olivia angry. Then Elliot showed up at around 8 in the morning with coffee and breakfast for his wife.

"Thanks, El." Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded before he leaned over and kissed her temple gently.

"How is he?" Elliot asked.

"He is still getting breathing treatments. They said that he has pneumonia. And asthma. So I don't know what we are going to have to do when we bring him home." Olivia spoke.

"God, he's so sick for such a little thing." Elliot frowned. He grabbed his wife's hand and squeezed it gently before letting her eat her breakfast and drink her coffee.

After she was done, she went to the bathroom. While she was gone, the doctor came out to talk to her.

"Are you Mr. Stabler?" An older man asked.

"I am," Elliot spoke, as he stood before shaking the doctor's hand.

"I'm Doctor Stanley. Your foster son is going to be moved to the NICU to be monitored closely. He is on antibiotics and on oxygen to help his breathing. If you'd like, you can join us up there." He spoke.

"My wife will be back in like less than five minutes. Can we wait till she gets back? She is so worked up about this all and I think she'd like to see him and be here when you take him up." Elliot spoke, and the doctor nodded.

"I've had a lost of foster babies being rushed in here. Many that have shaken baby syndrome. Many with broken bones or bruises covering their whole body. But when I met your wife and saw how concerned and worked up she was about Noah, I could tell that you two didn't even know what this had happened. The world needs better foster parents, one who foster to help the children, not the money that they get from the state." Dr. Stanley spoke as he sat down. Elliot sat beside him before sighing.

"It's been two years since my wife lost our child and her ability to carry children. So deciding to foster was a huge step in our recovery. At first, she didn't want to foster babies, because she thought that someone would come around and adopt the baby after we got attached to it. But I already know that Noah is going to be our son. He's going to get adopted and we are going to love him forever." Elliot spoke.

"What's happening?" Olivia asked as she walked towards where Elliot and Dr. Stanley sat.

"We are moving your son up to the NICU for closer monitoring. Would you like to join us?" Dr. Stanley asked, and Olivia nodded quickly, not even realizing that he had called Noah their son.


Dr. Stanley gave Olivia and Elliot a few minutes with Noah. Olivia held the small boy close and covered his cheeks with kisses before passing him to Elliot.

"We won't leave you for too long, honey. We promise." Olivia spoke, as she stood next to Elliot and caressed Noah's hair gently.

"Liv, I think that after the three month period, I want to start the process of adopting him," Elliot spoke, and Olivia quickly looked at him.

"What?" She asked.

"Let's make this baby our baby," Elliot spoke, and Olivia looked at Noah with tears in her eyes.

"Okay." She breathed. She leaned in and kissed Elliot, before kissing Noah's forehead again.

When it's meant to be, it's really meant to be.

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