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"Jackie!" Serena exclaimed as she saw the tears well in Olivia's eyes.

"Mom, I want to know," Jackie replied.

"I wanted answers. I got them, so I guess that this can be done now..." Olivia trailed off. She quickly gathered her stuff as tears ran down her cheeks. She stood and walked away from the table, as her stomach growled. She was starving, but she knew if she ate right now she'd probably get sick.

"Liv!" Serena called after Olivia, and she caught her by the door.

"To prevent any further issues in your life and in mine, I believe that this should be the last time we are ever in contact with each other. Clearly, your kids are nothing like me. They are used to a type of life that I didn't have. I still don't have it. Serena, Jackie doesn't like me, Ruby and Cole won't even look at me. My mom and I got into a fight, and now I can't even talk to her. I don't want to feel bad about myself and my choice to talk to you, but since I got my answers, I guess I'm not wanted in your life or the lives of your children anymore." Olivia spoke, as she struggled to even catch her breath.

She was so close to full on sobbing, but she refused to do that where the kids could see her because then they'd probably hate her anymore.

"I want you in my life, Olivia. Okay? They can get over it." Serena spoke, and Olivia shook her head.

"This is not something someone can just get over," Olivia whispered.

"Mom, Cole was wondering if we could order?" Ruby asked as she walked over to where Olivia and Serena were talking.

"Y-yeah. You can order. Olivia, what do you want?" Serena asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"I'm going to get sick if I don't get out of here now. It was nice to meet you, Ruby. I promise you that I won't try and get back into your lives again. Take care."


Olivia drove back to her house, but she just sat there with her head against the steering wheel and her arms wrapped around her swollen midsection.

She didn't want to go in and face her mother and father. She didn't want to go in when she was still crying and have Maureen ask her questions. All she wanted to do was stay in the car and just be alone. She wanted to be alone for the rest of her life because she was just so conflicted at the moment. She couldn't help but feel that she disappointing Denise and Collin, and even Serena.

"Have you eaten lunch?" Denise asked as she climbed into the passenger side of Olivia's car.

"Y-yeah." Olivia lied. She had gotten sick a few times on the side of the road on her way home, and she didn't feel like eating.

"That's a lie. Just like when you were 14 and were struggling to eat any meal. Just because that bitchy popular girl said you were chubby." Denise spoke.

"I can't eat, Mom. Not only can I not eat, I feel like if I do, I'll just throw it right back up because that is how upset I am."

"What happened?" Denise asked as if she didn't know the lunch was a complete fucking shitshow.

"For the first time, I met Serena's kids. Jackie asked me why I came back after Serena gave me up. But all I could say was that I wanted answers. But what the hell answers were I expecting? And why the hell did I think that her kids would actually like me? That at some point they'd say they loved me. But they never will. I don't even know why you said that to me either."

"That I love you?" Denise asked.

"Yeah..." Olivia whispered.

"Because it's hard not to love someone who has changed my life so much. And the change has been great." Denise breathed.

"Really? Because maybe if you hadn't adopted me, you wouldn't have lost the twins." Olivia choked out. She leaned her head back against the steering wheel as she started to sob again.

"Hone-" Denise tried to speak, but she gave up and just shifted enough to pull her daughter into a hug. Olivia sobbed into her mother's shirt and Denise just rubbed her back and stayed silent.

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I'm usually not this stupid and emotional." Olivia laughed, as she leaned back and ran her hands through her hair.

"You can explain some of these emotions on your baby." Denise smiled softly.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I should've listened to you." Olivia breathed, before smoothing down her sweater and looking down at where her and Elliot's baby was growing.

"What?" Denise asked as she watched her daughter.

"I'm just thinking about how lucky this baby is. How he or she is going to have only you and Dad as it's grandparents. How it is going to have Maureen as a big sister, and god is she going to be a big sister. How it is going to have Elliot as a father." Olivia breathed.

"And you as its mother." Denise smiled, but Olivia didn't include herself on purpose, because she hasn't had to be a mother from the start. Maureen was already a human that was defined. This baby was going to be like a lump of clay that Elliot and Olivia are going to mold into an amazing human being.


Denise and Collin caught a flight back to Buffalo after dinner. Olivia and Elliot were finally all alone with Maureen, who had a ton of questions about the baby. But every time Maureen got her parents to start answering her questions, the phone would ring and Serena would leave a message and tell Olivia to call her back. That they needed to talk. But Olivia got up and deleted the messages and then sat back down and continued to answer the questions.

Everything was awkward when someone started to pound on the front door. Olivia stood up to answer it, when it opened from the outside and Serena stood there, tears running down her cheeks.

"Excuse me!?" Elliot yelled as he jumped up.

"Jackie ran away because I yelled at her. I need your help, please! I've been trying to call you but you are ignoring me!" Serena yelled. Maureen hid behind Olivia, and Elliot gathered his things.

"Where was the last place you saw her?" Elliot asked.

"At the restaurant. I thought she had gotten a cab to drive her home, but she wasn't there and we can't find her." Serena spoke, as she and Elliot left. Olivia looked at Maureen who was staring at the door with wide eyes.

"Who was that, Momma?"

"That is Serena."

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