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Olivia and Elliot didn't move from their bed until the front door opened and Maureen called for them. Elliot quickly leaned down to grab his pants from the floor, but he couldn't find them.

"Didn't I strip right here?" Elliot asked, as his wife just sank further under the blankets and yawned.

"You stripped at the door, Elliot. Don't you see that pile of jeans and other clothes?" Olivia asked, and Elliot sighed. He didn't know if he had enough time to run over there and get dressed before Maureen came running in here.

"Fuck." Elliot groaned, before trying to pull the sheet from the bed to wrap around his body, but his wife was holding onto it and smiling at him. He could tell that she didn't want him to leave the bed, and he wishes he didn't have too... but he missed his kids and wanted to see them again.

"Babe, we can do this tonight again. I just don't want to be completely naked when Maureen comes sprinting in here." Elliot spoke, and Olivia sighed before letting him take the sheet from the bed. Olivia stood and walked over and grabbed her robe and tied it on as the door swung open and almost hit her husband as he finished pulling his pants on.

"Here you guys are! Can I spend time with Daddy now?!" Maureen cried.

"Of course you can, Mo. He is all yours." Olivia smiled.


Josiah warmed up to Elliot quickly and he enjoyed in the fun of having his father around just as Maureen did. Denise and Olivia hung out together while Elliot and the kids spent time together.

"Does it feel nice to have Elliot back?" Denise asked her daughter, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"It feels absolutely amazing. I love having Elliot here." Olivia spoke quietly.

"Did you enjoy your time together?" Denise asked as she watched her daughter's cheek grow red with embarrassment.

"Yeah..." Olivia breathed, and Denise smiled.

"Your father and I had some good reunions in our day..." Denise spoke, and Olivia quickly shook her head.

"Mom, please. I'm begging you to stop right there. Okay? Because I don't want to find out that there had been four good reunions and that led to all four of my brothers." Olivia spoke.

"6 brothers... You can't forget the twins." Denise replied, and Olivia actually froze. She didn't blink and her breath had become shallow.

"They could've been girls and then maybe you wouldn't have been alone and just forced to be a tomboy." Denise laughed softly, but when she turned to look at her daughter, she saw how Olivia's face had lost all of its color.

"Liv?" Denise asked, and Olivia turned to look at her mother and swallowed hard.

"I still just can't get over it, Mom... I have always thought it was my fault." Olivia breathed.

"How could it be your fault? We barely had you for any length of time before I lost the babies."

"I was with you when it happened, Mom. I just feel like I didn't call the ambulance quick enough. That I didn't do enough to help my siblings live. And all of that blood... I was so scared to be pregnant with Josiah because I was freaking out that I'd wake up and be cramping and bleeding. That I wouldn't be able to get to the hospital in time and I would've lost my kid..." Olivia breathed before she dropped her towel and walked out of the kitchen as Denise called after her.

"What's wrong?" Elliot asked as he came into the kitchen with Josiah on his hip and Maureen trailing behind them.

"I brought up the... the babies," Denise whispered.

"What babies?" Maureen asked, and Elliot frowned.

"When you are older we will tell you about it. Grandma will. Now, let's go play out back for a bit."


Denise headed upstairs and found Olivia in Josiah's room. She was sitting in the rocking chair and holding onto Josiah's fox stuffed animal. She was rocking back and forth slowly.

"The twins were a surprise. An amazing surprise just like you. You were a surprise that brought your father, brothers, and me so much happiness."

"Elliot and I are wanting another baby, but I'm still so fucking scared about so much of this stuff... I know that it might not happen to me, but you didn't expect it to happen to you either."

"I kinda did though, Livvie. The doctor had said between my age and the fact that my last pregnancy had been a difficult one, the pregnancy didn't have a big chance of being successful. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't my fault. The twins just weren't meant to be a part of our family." Denise spoke, and Olivia bit her lip before looking over at her mother.

"Did you almost lose Luca too?" Olivia asked, and Denise nodded.

"I did. But when you think about having another baby there is no need for you to really worry about losing your baby. You are young and strong my love."

"I can't think of a world without the youngest and most annoying brother I have," Olivia whispered.

"Then don't even try. Honey, I feel like this came out of nowhere. Like I didn't think you were having so much trouble with this all still... after so many years."

"I bottle up what I feel. It's one of my problems." Olivia sighed.


Denise went back home the next morning and she already was planning on talking to her husband about what she and Olivia had talked about. Olivia and Elliot started to get back into a pattern while they waited for him to go back to work.

"Josiah has gotten so much taller and I feel he has gained about ten pounds since I last saw him. And Mo... she is getting so good with her reading that she read a full chapter to me without messing up." Elliot spoke, as he sank down beside his wife. 

"He looks taller because he's walking around instead of just sitting. And he's gained a few pounds but not 10. Maureen is very proud of her reading and would really like it if you complimented her on it from time to time. It helps her confidence."

"I'll be able to do that. So, happy I'm home?" Elliot asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"So happy. Also, I think you owe me something." Olivia grinned. Elliot leaned over and kissed her deeply before grabbing the book from her hand and tossing it at the end of their bed.

"How much of something do I owe you, huh?" Elliot teased and Olivia shrugged.

"Too much for you to pay in one night. Trust me."

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