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Olivia and Elliot started to work on the paperwork every night for three weeks. There were so many things that needed to be signed and they had a stack of paperwork just for getting Thomas and Ava Lane's birth certificates changed. But they both knew it was worth it. So worth it.

Olivia and Elliot only did the paperwork once the kids were in bed, and they had to stop for a few days when they moved into their new house that allowed their kids to have more space. Maureen and Ava Lane were sharing a room, while the younger two boys had to share a room. Thomas got his own, even if he said he didn't need one to himself.

"Alright, so kids we have some news." Olivia smiled, as she lifted Noah up and placed him on her hip. Noah wanting to be picked up and held was a thing happening a lot less lately because he loved walking around and didn't want to be held for more than a few minutes at a time anymore.

"What's up, Momma?" Maureen asked, and Olivia smiled as Noah rested his head against her shoulder.

"Daddy and I have been working hard on filling out a ton of paperwork. And that paperwork is for adopting Ava Lane and Thomas." Olivia spoke, and the kids went silent and their eyes went wide. All of the children grew so close since Thomas and Ava Lane started to be fostered. Thomas and Josiah are always building something or playing with a bug or frog. Maureen and Ava Lane were always drawing or Maureen would be trying a new hairstyle on her little sister. It was amazing how four incredibly different children could be so close and so alike.

"Kids?" Elliot asked as he watched as they just stared ahead.

"Really?" Josiah asked suddenly, and his parents nodded.

"Yeah, really. We finally finished it and in about a week we will get a court date. Grandma Denny and Papa are coming into town for the adoption and so are all of your uncles, aunts, and cousins." Olivia smiled. The children quickly jumped up and ran to their parents. They all tried to hug both parents at the same time, but they ended up having to trade out.

"Thanks, Momma!" Ava Lane exclaimed, before looking at Elliot and smiling at him.

"What about me? Just gonna thank your Momma?" Elliot teased.

"Thank you too, Daddy!"


Even though they got the all-clear to adopt the kids, Olivia still wanted to talk to their parents. She made a folder up of all the pictures she had of the kids and some of the things they drew during the art portion of their days. She went to the prison that they were both in, and managed to get a joint meeting with them. Gretchen sat beside her when Lacey and Thomas Sr. were escorted in.

"What's this about?" Lacey asked as she sat far away from her husband. Olivia slid the folder towards her before speaking.

"I'm Thomas and Ava Lane's foster mother. My husband and I have been fostering them for four months and due to your sentence... we got the all-clear to adopt them." Olivia spoke, and their eyes went wide.

"Why didn't we get any-" Thomas Sr. started, but Gretchen shook her head.

"You are in here on murder charges and drug charges. You both got life sentences so your children were wards of the state. They gave Olivia and Elliot permission to adopt them. You don't get a say after killing people-" Gretchen would have gone on but Olivia stopped her.

"We aren't here to make you two feel bad. I'd never do that. It's just that I wanted to make sure you knew that your children are good. That they are safe and happy. Thomas has a new prosthetic that fits him so much better. They both love school and they have three other siblings. They fit in perfectly with my family, and as a parent to parents... you know that them being happy and healthy is the most important thing. That them being safe makes your heart feel lighter." Olivia spoke, and they sat quietly before slowly opening the folder.

Gretchen and Olivia sat quietly as Lacey and Thomas Sr. went through all of the pictures of their children. They laughed and cried, but at the end of their meeting, they looked at Olivia as a few tears ran down their cheeks.

"Take care of our babies, okay? They don't deserve what we put them through. They are going to be amazing people."

"I promise you that we will take amazing care of them. We already love them so much, and that love keeps growing." Olivia spoke. She stood up slowly to leave when Lacey spoke again.

"Don't forget these."

"You two can split those up between yourself. I'll try to keep you both updated about how their lives go, and when they are older I'll make sure they get the option to meet you two again or not."


Just like when they adopted Noah, there was a lot of crying. Thomas finally got a middle name, and his last name and Ava Lane's was officially changed to Stabler. 

"Please state your children's names for the official record." The judge smiled. 

"Thomas Collin Stabler and Ava Lane Stabler." Olivia and Elliot said in unison. The judge smiled before pounding her gavel.

"It is now official. These two beautiful children are now yours and are no longer wards of the state."

Elliot and Olivia lifted up the two newest additions to their family and hugged them tightly. They covered their faces in kisses and a few tears fell onto their cheeks. Once the kids were back on their feet, Olivia and Elliot made sure all five of their children were in front of them before speaking.

"We promise to be the best parents to you five as possible. We will love you no matter what, and we will never give up on you all. Even when you move out and start a life of your own, our home will always be your home. We will always have space for you. We will do anything for you all. This is our promise to you."


Hey guys! Yet another book finished! Thank you all so much for the support and for dealing with so many chapters and my several mental break downs. You all are the best and I wouldn't be here without you all. Love you all! :D

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