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Elliot didn't even sit Maureen on her feet before walking over and wrapping his arm around his wife's body and drawing her close. He kissed his wife's temple, as Maureen continued to cling to her father and Josiah stared up at the stranger that was holding his big sister, mother, and himself close.

"You look so old." Olivia breathed, once Elliot stepped back. Maureen got onto her feet and she looked up at her father and smiled.

"I know. I'm gonna go shower and shave. I need to get back to what I used to look like." Elliot smiled.

"God, but you are so handsome and it's amazing to see you," Olivia spoke. She sat Josiah on his feet before stepping closer to her husband and pressed her lips firmly against his. She pulled away and rested her forehead against his as she laughed softly.

"What's so funny, Livvie?" Elliot asked quietly.

"Kissing you is like kissing a dog... God..." Olivia laughed. Elliot pulled her close and just hugged her tightly until Josiah cried out from where he stood and looked up at his mother and the man holding his mother.

"Oh, Siah. You have gotten so big." Elliot smiled, as he went to pick up his baby, but instead, Josiah toddled behind Olivia and clung to her legs as he let out an angry cry.

"He'll get used to you, El. Go do what you need to and then you can join us for breakfast." Olivia smiled before she leaned down and pulled Josiah into her arms and held him close.

"That's your Daddy, Josiah... I think that with time you will remember him and love him just as much as you used too."


Elliot showered and shaved before heading downstairs in a pair of blue jeans and a tight white t-shirt. He looked at the pictures as he walked down the stairs and smiled as he watched his son grow up over 6 months through pictures. He had wished he wouldn't have had to leave when he did, but he was so thankful to be back. To be back with his girls and his son.

"Grandma made you eggs, Daddy! Come sit by me and eat them!" Maureen exclaimed, once Elliot walked into the kitchen. Olivia's eyes quickly looked over at her husband, and she felt feelings that she hadn't really felt since Elliot left, and she knew that she was going to ask her mother to take the kids out today so she could just be with him... alone.

"I can't wait to eat them, Mo." Elliot smiled. He walked over to his mother in law and hugged her and thanked her for helping Olivia before he walked over and sank down beside Maureen and started to eat. 

"So, what are the plans for today now that Elliot is back?" Denise asked, and Olivia took a slow drink of her coffee before looking at her mother.

"Maybe you could take the kids to the park for a few hours?" Olivia asked, and Denise smiled and nodded.

"I think that I can do that. Maureen, will you be able to leave your father alone for a few hours so he and your Mommy can hang out?" Denise asked, and Maureen was about to object, but Elliot gave her a tiny nudge with his elbow and Maureen smiled.

"Yeah, but can we also get ice cream? I think that Josiah would like to try ice cream." Maureen spoke.

"As long as you eat something else to make sure your lunch isn't just sugar."

"Aw, Grandma!"


Denise took the kids to the park a little after 11. Elliot helped Olivia clean up the toys and the dishes that the kids had left behind before Elliot spoke.

"So, why were you so willing to kick our kids out so we could be alone?" Elliot asked, and Olivia sat the towel down and she looked at her husband.

"The day before you left, you promised me that we would have another baby. We'd try as soon as you got back, and I just feel like I want that right now." Olivia spoke, as she blushed a bit.

"You did stare at me like I was a piece of meat and you were a lioness when I walked into the kitchen this morning," Elliot smirked, and Olivia sighed.

"6 months away from you Elliot, and those six months were the hardest that I have ever gone through! And just seeing you, which it seems like you have more muscle now than when you left, and I can't help but have those feelings and thoughts." Olivia replied.

"Chemical reactions?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah..." She trailed off. Elliot walked over to his wife and placed his hands to her waist.

He drew her close before he started to kiss her neck. Olivia already felt like she needed him now, and she didn't want him to tease her with kisses. 6 months is a long time to be apart from your soulmate.

Elliot ran his hands over his wife's hips, and he started to make the time before kisses longer, just to get to his wife more. She ran her hands over his chest as tears welled in her eyes.

"Elliot, I know you enjoy teasing me... but kissing me like this and making me wait isn't wise. Just start going upstairs now." Olivia spoke, as Elliot's kisses traveled down her neck and to her chest.

"You were always so impatient." Elliot smiled before he grabbed his wife's hand and led her from the kitchen.

"You think you are something special, don't you?" Olivia asked, as they slowly walked up the stairs. Elliot pulled her down the hall as he nodded.

"I do. But baby, I need you to shut up and just let me do my job."


Elliot and Olivia laid together in their bed, their bodies covered with sheets, and what parts of their bodies were shower was glistening with sweat. Elliot grabbed Olivia's hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it gently.

"I was a man whose wife had died and he got into drug dealing. It was a weird role, but I played it. But every day, when I woke up as a different man, I had to remind myself that I have an amazing, beautiful, sexy, smart, kind, and understanding wife at home. She's alive, and she's healthy. Then I had to tell myself, that the kids that the man had, weren't my kids. My kids were still with my sexy wife and were waiting for me to come home." Elliot spoke.

"Thank you for coming home to us. To me."

"There is no place else in this word that I would want to be. I want to be with you. With Maureen. With Josiah. And hopefully with another kid in about 10ish months." Elliot laughed softly, and Olivia rolled over and rested her head against his chest.

"I love you, Elliot..." She trailed off.

"I love you too, babe."

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