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Olivia was heartbroken when Elliot told her how he was going undercover. She didn't want her children to have to go weeks without seeing their father, and she didn't want to have to go weeks without seeing her husband. He is her best friend, and thinking about not seeing him for that long was making her heart ache more than before.

"It's only going to be for a few weeks," Elliot whispered when he walked into Maureen's room. Olivia stood up from where she had been sitting against the wall in Maureen's room, just watching her sleep while she cried.

"We can't talk about this in here. Not around Mo." Olivia whispered, and Elliot nodded. He reached out and grabbed his wife's hand and helped her out of the room. He shut Maureen's bedroom door before following her down the hall and back into their room.

"A few weeks, baby. We will be back together before you know it. Then if you are ready, I'd like to have another baby so Siah has a sibling close in age." Elliot spoke, and Olivia bit her lip.

"I don't want our children to not have you. What if you get hurt? Or what if they don't let you come back to us?" Olivia asked.

"Baby, we were apart for 25 years before we finally got to be together. A few weeks or even a month won't be a big deal." Elliot replied. He could see the tears in his wife's eyes, but he didn't want to. He didn't want to see her cry after she got better.

"I'm going to bed, El... Please just lay with me and don't talk about going undercover."

"Do you want me to grab the kids?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.


So Elliot got Maureen from her bed and Josiah from his crib. He laid in bed with his family, his daughter snuggled up to his side and his son sleeping against his chest, while Olivia had moved to the other side of Elliot so she could be close to him.


In the morning, Elliot and his family ate breakfast together, but then when he got into his car to head to the precinct, his phone rang. He slowly answered it.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Today is the day, Elliot. We need you down at 1PP in an hour. Say your goodbyes." A man's voice spoke before he hung up. Elliot started to cry in the driver's seat of his car, and he rested his head against the steering wheel before climbing out and heading back to the house. He opened the front door and called his wife's name.

"El?" She asked, coming to the front door.

"I'm leaving today... I just got the call." He spoke, and Olivia quickly walked to him and hugged him tightly.

"Stay safe, Elliot. I need you and so do our children." Olivia whispered into his neck.

"I promise. I just need to go see the kids one last time but I have to get going."

"Don't tell Mo. I'll explain it to her... when she notices. Just... I love you, Elliot. So much." Olivia whispered.

"I love you too, Liv," Elliot replied quietly. He wiped the tears from his cheeks before walking past his wife. 

He held his daughter for a while, before doing the same to his son. He didn't want to leave any of them, but he had to. He just kept telling himself that it would only be a few weeks at the most then he'd be back here with his wife and children.


It took about a week before Maureen finally asked a question that made her mother want to die.

"Did Daddy leave us?" Maureen asked, as she sat down and ate her lunch, while Olivia sat and held Josiah.

"No, he didn't," Olivia replied, quietly. It felt like he had, but he was only working.

"Then where is he, Momma?" Maureen frowned before she grabbed her cup and drank the rest of the milk from it.

"Baby, he is what we call undercover... it's like he is pretending to be someone else to get a bad guy off the streets." Olivia replied as she shifted her sleeping son into her other arm.

"So like when we play house?" Maureen asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Sorta. But he has to stay there longer because of how dangerous it is. But, if we pray every night for him, he'll be home for us before we know it." Olivia smiled softly.

"I already pray for him, but I'll say an even more special pray to make sure God keeps him safe," Maureen spoke. Olivia was thankful that Maureen was taking this a lot better than she had taken it herself.


Olivia watched as the week turned into a month, and the months just kept piling up. She watched as Maureen grew withdrawn again, and how Josiah turned one. She hated how Elliot left when he did because he didn't get to see their son turn one and start to walk.

The crew came over and helped out when they could, but Olivia preferred to stay alone as much as possible. But when Josiah turned one, Denise decided that she'd move in with Olivia and help her until Elliot gets back.

"6 months." Olivia sighed, as she marked off another day on her calendar.

"He'll be back soon, Livvie," Denise replied as she mixed Maureen's oatmeal.

"I think he's going to be gone forever, Mom. Sometimes cops go undercover and get so caught up in the whole case that they never come home." Olivia frowned.

"He has to come home, Liv. He has two kids here that need their father." Denise replied. She scooped the oatmeal into a bowl before Olivia came over and poured some milk into it and mixed it again before adding the blueberries, strawberries and the sliced bananas. 

"Is that mine?" Maureen asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, it is. Now, come sit down and eat before we can start our lessons." Olivia spoke. Maureen sat and talked while she ate. Denise listened to her and added in some of her own words when Maureen had taken a bite.

Olivia went upstairs and got Josiah up and got his diaper changed before heading downstairs. She felt the breeze from outside and she turned to look to see if a window had been opened or the door, and she saw the door was wide open and Elliot stood there. He had a full beard, and his hair was longer. If it wasn't for that smile and those sparkly blue eyes, Olivia wouldn't have known it was her husband.

"Maureen, come here right now!" Olivia exclaimed because she knew that even though she wanted to run to her husband, but there was a very anxious little girl that wanted to see her Daddy.

"What?" Maureen asked as she came out of the kitchen.

"There's your Daddy." Olivia breathed, and Maureen looked at Elliot and went sprinting to him as she started to cry.

6 months of being apart, but right now it hadn't caused a problem.

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