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Olivia and Elliot made sure to call her father and tell him about Noah. Then they called all of her siblings and the crew. They wanted to make sure that everyone knew about the baby they were going to be able to finally call their own.

"Elliot, I think I know why I lost the baby. And my ability to carry children." Olivia breathed, as she and Elliot laid together in their bed the night they got the all-clear to adopt Noah.

"And why was that? Why did you have to go through all that all?" Elliot questioned as he looked over at her. He could barely make out her face because the room was so dark.

"Because we are meant to be Noah's parents. Because we are meant to adopt children instead of having more ourselves. El, who knows if we would want to be fostering if we would have had our third child?" Olivia asked.

"We'd probably have four by now, honestly," Elliot replied. He reached over and ran his fingers over Olivia's cheek and he felt the tears.

"Before you ask, I'm crying because I'm so happy with what we have right now. But I'm still so angry and upset about losing the baby. I have really felt like less of a woman so I can't actually get pregnant anymore." Olivia whispered. She grabbed his hand and held it to her chest as she gently squeezed it.

"You aren't less of a woman, Liv. You are still the most amazing woman in the world." Elliot breathed. He didn't look back at her because he didn't want to see her crying.

"Would you mind grabbing Noah? I'd like to hold our son a little bit more tonight." Olivia spoke, and Elliot nodded before turning his head to look at her. He leaned closer and kissed her temple gently before sighing.

"Just remember that I'm willing to do anything for you."

"Then get to it, Stabler." Olivia laughed softly.


The day that Noah got adopted was perfect. The weather was nice and Maureen, Josiah, and Noah were all in very good moods. All of Olivia's siblings flew in and Denise and Collin were there to watch as they got yet another grandchild.

"Elliot, come here," Luca spoke, from where he stood with his brothers and father. Elliot walked over to them as he continued to hold Josiah.

"Yeah?" He asked as he smiled at them.

"After Olivia lost the baby, it seemed like she never smiled anymore. Nothing could make that smile come back. But now, now that you got her to open her heart up to Noah and get her interested in adoption... she's smiling again. That's my sister I'm looking at. That is the girl my parents brought up and told us that she was our sister." Luca spoke, as he looked at his big sister and smiled.

"She laughs a lot too, Luca. Like a lot." Elliot spoke, as he looked over at his wife and felt an unmeasurable amount of happiness.

"Are you two gonna try and adopt again? Give Noah someone his age to play with?" Adrian asked, and Elliot shrugged as he turned back to look at them.

"We have no idea yet. Most likely we will. I kinda want another daughter. I was just hoping that it would look like Liv... but I'm okay with adopting." Elliot spoke. He heard his wife call his name, and he smiled.

"I think Liv wants some pre-adoption photos. But she probably only wants Josiah."

"I am cute, Daddy!" Josiah giggled, as Elliot turned and walked back to his wife and children.


After signing the papers, Noah's birth certificate was changed so it now had his appropriate last name and he actually now had a middle name.

"Okay, so here is his birth certificate." Olivia smiled, as she held Noah and showed off their copy of his birth certificate. Everyone moved closer and read it. But Collin was the one that backed away and left the room. Olivia watched her father with concern in her eyes.

"Mom, is he okay?" Olivia breathed, as she passed Noah to Denise.

"Go talk to him. He probably left so he could have some space. But you know that he never wants space from you." Denise spoke, and Olivia nodded. She kissed Noah's hair before walking from the living room and towards the kitchen. She saw her father standing over the sink and his body was shaking.

"Daddy, are you okay?" Olivia asked as she quickly walked to him. She placed his hand on his back, and Collin turned around to look at her.

"Noah Collin Stabler? Really? My name?" Collin asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Daddy, you are so important to me! And you are so important to my children. Elliot and I discussed it and decided that your name was going to really make him stronger. When you surround yourself with strong people, sometimes you get stronger too." Olivia breathed.

Collin wiped the tears from his cheeks before drawing his only daughter close.

"Adopting you was the absolute best decision that your mother and I have ever made." Collin breathed as he rubbed Olivia's back.

"I hope that Noah feels the same about me and Elliot as I feel about you and Mom. You two are my heroes. If you didn't adopt me, I wouldn't be alive. I wouldn't be married to Elliot. And I wouldn't have three amazing children."

"Let's join the rest of them again. Before I start crying again." Collin laughed.


The first night as a family, Olivia and Elliot shared their bed with three children. Elliot was laying on the very edge of his side of the bed, and Olivia was laying on the very edge of her side of the bed.

"Elliot?" Olivia whispered as she felt Noah grab onto the side of her shirt as he slept.

"Yes?" Elliot questioned quietly.

"I love you." She spoke.

"Really?" He asked, and Olivia turned her head to look at him. She rolled her eyes and he smiled.

"Yeah, I really love you. Even if you are kinda a twerp." Olivia whispered.

"I love you too, Livvie. Now, go to sleep. Before Noah wakes up." Elliot yawned.

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