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"Whoa, so the renovation is starting sooner rather than later." Elliot sighed, as he walked into the squad room. The desks had been moved into the halls and the crew looked incredibly angry to be displaced.

"Yeah. They want to have it done by the end of the month. Well, at least the decorating. Serena is doing it all." John spoke, as he looked over at Elliot. He eyed him when he didn't see Liv.

"Where is Liv?" John asked, and Elliot sighed as he sat down at his desk.

"Cragen fired her."

"What?" Fin exclaimed, and Elliot sighed.

"Yeah, because of what she said to the Baldwins..."

"She must be devastated." Fin breathed, and Elliot nodded.

"She is. But I called her mother. Denny is staying here for a couple of days to help us out, to hang out with Liv and Mo."

"Elliot, can we talk real quick? In my makeshift office?" Cragen asked, and Elliot nodded. He walked over to what once was the break room, and he shut the door behind them.

"So, what do we need to talk about?" Elliot asked because he didn't want to say something and get fired himself. If he got terminated, then that means they honestly wouldn't be able to afford the house and all the bills.

"My bosses told me that I have to fire you too." Cragen breathed, and Elliot shook his head.

"No. Are you kidding me? Doing this means that my wife and I cannot afford to pay bills and cannot afford to even get the stuff we need for Josiah!" Elliot spat.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I don't know what else to do because it's either your job or mine." Cragen replied. Elliot ran his hands through his hair as he sank down onto a chair.

"Can you write Olivia and I references? Please? So we at least have a chance of getting jobs at another precinct?"

"Elliot, being fired from here means you are fired from the NYPD, you can't work at any precincts unless they hire you back."

"Tell them to fuck off. Because I'll go file a lawsuit against the NYPD."


"No, because you are terminating us for just some fucking money. I'm suing your bosses."


Elliot went to talk to some of the defense lawyers that he has met over the years, while Olivia and Denise worked on dinner for that night. Elliot didn't even try to call his wife, because he was scared that she would break completely after finding out that he was fired too.

"Mix the greens," Denise spoke, as she finished cutting an onion.

"Yes, chef." Olivia teased. Denise smiled at her daughter as she walked over and mixed the greens as her mother described them.

"Now, when was the last time you made homemade pasta?" Denise asked, and Olivia stopped and narrowed her eyes as she thought.

"Liv?" Denise asked, and Olivia sighed.

"Probably when I was a senior in high school. I just bought pasta in a box and boiled it. I'm too lazy to make it myself." Olivia smiled.

"You've always been a little bit lazy. But not as lazy as your brothers. Now, come over here and knead the dough." Denise smiled. They switched spots and Olivia kneaded the pasta dough while Denise worked on the sauce. They were making a lot of this all and since it was almost dinner time already, they would eat some of it tonight and then eat the leftovers tomorrow for dinner.

"Is that the bus?" Denise asked, and Olivia looked out the window and nodded.

"Yup. Want to go get Maureen?" Olivia asked, and Denise nodded. She grabbed the towel and wiped her hands on it before heading outside. She got Maureen off the bus, but even before they could get inside, Elliot was pulling into the driveway.

"Tell Daddy that I'll see him when he gets inside. I have to see Momma and tell her a joke before I forget it!" Maureen exclaimed before she went sprinting up the path and into the house. Denise waited for Elliot to get out of the car, but he didn't. She walked over and climbed into the passenger side of the car and looked at him.

"Are you okay, Elliot?" Denise asked, and Elliot bit his lip and shook his head as tears welled in his eyes.

"Denny, I lost my job today." He whispered.

"My god..." Denise breathed, as she reached over and laid her hand gently on his arm.

"We can't tell Liv, okay? I don't want to stress her out more than she already is." Elliot breathed.

"Why were you fired?" Denise asked.

"Because Captain Cragen's bosses told him to fire me. It's because of Serena and Anthony. I'm suing the NYPD. I already got a friend to take me on as a pro-bono case and he and his firm are going to work on suing them."

"Do you three need to come to stay with us?" Denise asked.

"No, we should be fine for now. We both have a final paycheck coming in and then I'll get another job until the lawsuit hits."

"Elliot, do you want me to tell Liv for you?" Denise asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"No. I'll tell her eventually. Let's just enjoy our time."

"I'm sorry, Elliot. So sorry." Denise breathed.

"Thanks, Denny. Uh, we should go in before Olivia notices."


Even without knowing that Elliot lost his job, Olivia could sense something was off. She waited till they were in bed to ask because she didn't want to find something out and for it to cause issues with Maureen.

"Baby?" Olivia questioned from where she laid with her head against her husband's chest.

"Yes?" Elliot asked.

"What happened at work today?" She mused.

"Nothing. Everything is okay." Elliot replied, before kissing her forehead gently.

"Elliot Stabler, are you lying to me?" She asked.

"No, I'm not." He lied.

"Don't lie to me! Just tell me!" She cried.

"Baby, don't worry about this. Okay? Everything will work itself out."

"Were you fired?" Olivia whispered, and Elliot stopped breathing. Olivia looked up at him and she quickly sat up as tears ran down her cheeks.

"This is all my fault, Elliot! I'm ruining our family! Oh no!" She cried. Elliot pulled his wife close as she sobbed.

"It's not your fault. It is Serena's. This will always be her fault."

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