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"Alright, are you both sure you don't want me to stay any longer?" Olivia asked as she stood in her parents' kitchen.

"Yes. Go home, Liv. Be with your family. Nico is going to come over and help us out." Denise spoke, as she handed Olivia a box of baked goods for Maureen, Elliot, and the crew.

"Mom-" Olivia started to protest, but Denise and Collin wouldn't give in.

"Go home, honey. You have a 6-hour long car ride to curse our names for sending you back home." Collin spoke. He stood up and used his crutches to walk over to his daughter. Collin hugged his daughter, before giving her a small shove.

"I hate you both so much sometimes. Just let me stay here and help out!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Your husband and daughter miss you," Denise spoke.


"Go home, Olivia!" They both exclaimed. Olivia groaned before kissing her father's cheek and then walking over to her mother and kissing her cheek too.

"I'll call you when I get home, okay?"

"Yes, we will be here waiting for the phone to ring." Collin teased.

"Good. I love you both." Olivia sighed. She grabbed the to-go mug she had filled with coffee and the box of baked goods to help apologize for her month-long absent. She hated to leave her parents when they are still not 100%, but she needed to go back to work, to spend time with her family, and try to not worry.


Olivia got home at around 6 that night, and she got changed into work clothes before heading into work. Elliot had told her Maureen was sleeping over at a friend's house so he was going to work to bring in some extra income.

"I come bearing baked goods from my parents. I hope this makes up for having you all pick up the slack that was left when I took time off." Olivia spoke.

"Hey, Stabler." Elliot smiled, as he stood up. He walked over to his wife and grabbed her by her waist before kissing her gently.

"Backatcha. How are you, honey?" She asked, and Elliot smiled.

"Better now that you are here. You could've just stayed home and gotten some sleep. Wasn't the 6-hour drive super long?" Elliot asked, and she nodded.

"It was, but-" Olivia started, but then she swallowed hard.

"Liv?" Elliot asked.

"I just realized how tired I really am..." She spoke, and his worry faded.

"Go home. Just gas up my car before you head home because I'll need it tomorrow." Elliot spoke.

"Okay, I will. I love you." Olivia spoke. She kissed Elliot before turning and leaving. She had been so ready to work, but now she was exhausted. She would go home and sleep in their bed for a bit, but even if she was exhausted, she was still thinking about the stuff that must have to be done since she left her daughter and husband alone for a month, only seeing them for a weekend when they came to visit.


Olivia passed out on the loveseat in their living room. She was curled up in the fetal position and was sleeping so deeply that she didn't even wake up when Maureen climbed on top of her and tried to wake her up.

"Daddy!" Maureen screamed when her beloved mother wouldn't wake up.

"Mo?! What's wrong?" Elliot asked as he came sprinting down the stairs.

"Mommy won't wake up!" She cried. Elliot lifted Maureen off of his wife, before taking Olivia's pulse. It was strong, and he felt relieved.

"Baby, she's sleeping. Don't worry." Elliot spoke, as he pulled his sobbing daughter into his arms.

"Really? Mommy's alive?" She asked, and Elliot nodded.

"I promise you that she's alive. C'mon. Why don't you and I go make her lunch, and then we can wake her up when it's done." Elliot smiled, as he picked up Maureen and carried her from the room.

Elliot and Maureen made lunch before Elliot went to wake up his wife.

"Babe." Elliot breathed, as he gently shook his wife awake. She yawned as she stretched, before looking at Elliot.

"Hey." She smiled, before drawing him down to her lips. They kissed a few times before Elliot caressed her cheek.

"So, do you know what time it is?" He asked, and she shook her head.

"No. Maybe 10?"

"Morning or night?" Elliot asked. Olivia looked past her husband and saw it was sunny.

"This isn't Saturday, is it?" Olivia asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"It's Sunday, and it's noon." He spoke. Her eyes went wide.

"Fuck. I went to bed at 7 last night... Well, I was tired." Olivia spoke. She sat up and ran her hands through her hair before Maureen ran out and hugged her.

"Hey, Mommy!" Maureen smiled.

"Hi, honey. How was your sleepover?"

"It was fun! But, Mommy?"

"Yeah?" Olivia asked.

"I thought you were dead. You wouldn't wake up!" Maureen exclaimed.

"What?" Olivia asked as she looked between her husband and her daughter.

"She tried to wake you up, but you were in such a deep sleep. Now, we have lunch ready in the kitchen."


Olivia was ready for bed by 10. She and Elliot got ready, and then they climbed into bed together. Olivia sat up in bed and just stared ahead as she thought.

"El?" Olivia asked. Elliot was already under the blankets and about to fall asleep.

"Yeah?" He questioned.

"I think I'm pregnant," Olivia spoke.

"W-what?" He asked, shocked. He rolled over and looked at his wife.

"Exhaustion, missing my period, the fact we had sex without a condom," Olivia spoke.

"Honey..." Elliot trailed off.

"It's a good thing, right? Like me possibly being pregnant?" Olivia asked, and Elliot pushed himself up and nodded.

"Yeah, it would be. Maureen would be excited." Elliot smiled. Olivia nodded slowly, before looking over at her husband and grinning.

"I'm gonna go get a test in the morning. Once you and I get up I'll take it and we will find out." Olivia breathed. She reached out and turned off her bedside lamp, before sinking down under the blankets.

"Another little girl would be amazing." Elliot smiled, as he drew Olivia close. He leaned in and kissed her nose ever so gently before she rested her head against his shoulder.

"I'm so excited. But I shouldn't be." She breathed.

"Why not? We might be having a baby." Elliot spoke.

"Because there is also the possibility of the test being negative or if it is positive, I could lose the baby... I never told you, but shortly after my parents adopted me, my mother miscarried twins." Olivia breathed.

"You were with her when it happened, weren't you?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I was so scared... there was so much blood. So, I'm going to try and not get excited. I'll wait until I know everything is good." Olivia breathed. Elliot kissed her temple before starting to rub small circles into her back.

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